21. Feelings of a fan

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Severus and I are sitting at the top of the astronomy tower for a change, so I can show him how Dumbledore will die.

"So you'll be standing about... There." I say, indicating to the general place I remember from the books. "Dumbledore will fall out when you shoot him, but he doesn't conveniently end up in front of the whole school. I'm guessing he'll be beside that railing, maybe."

Severus nods. "Death is a very morbid subject, don't you think?"

He sits down and stares out the window. I sit beside him.

"So what do the muggles think of me at the end of each year?" He asks softly.

"Well, before the Quidditch match, we didn't like you too much, since you were mean to Harry... And pretty much everybody else but me, but I wasn't in the books. After the Quidditch match, we... We started to dislike you more. Up until Quirrel confessed, we started to dislike you more and more. At the end of the book, we had accepted it wasn't you and had gone back to being okay with you, but wishing you were nicer."

"I'm guessing these are your feelings."

"You guessed right. At the end of this year... I think it stays the same. You're not involved much, apart from being mean to Harry again. The next year... We like you a bit less. You refuse to believe the truth even when it's right in front of your eyes. If it weren't for Hermione, innocent lives would be lost."

"Is this about Black?"

"Yes. So fourth year, all that happens is we find out you're a death eater. Harry sees the dark mark on your arm." I gesture to his arm and he looks down at it. "Igor Karkaroff and his school visit, if you were wondering."

"Madame Maxime, as well?"

"Yes. I think you know what that means."


"Cedric Diggory. Don't worry, only students of age are allowed to enter."

"That pretty boy from Hufflepuff?"

"Yeah. In fifth year the Order is restarted, so Harry sees you're in that. I still didn't like you that much. I guess I refused to see the truth as well. Then the next year you kill Dumbledore and we all... Intensely dislike you. I admit, I wasn't very happy with you. On a lighter note, that's the year you get your dream job."

"Finally." He grunts.

"Severus, the job is jinxed. Tom Riddle himself jinxed it. That job isn't good."

"I still have to go for it, though. After all, I won't die. What happens to me the next year? How did you react?"

"You became headmaster, I was angry. Very angry. I couldn't believe the ministry was so blind as to put you there. I don't think that now, obviously. You employed the Carrows as Dark Arts and Muggle Studies teachers. Also in charge of discipline. Let's just say Filch finally gets what he wants."

Severus winces. "That can't be too good."

"I'm pretty sure nobody died. I wouldn't know, since Harry doesn't go to school that year. He's off hunting Horcruxes. At the end of the year, he confronts you and does this really inspiring short speech. Then you whip out your wand, so naturally, McGonagall defends Harry, then you fly out the window after duelling with her. It's pretty short, actually. Then this massive battle starts, because it's the final showdown between good and evil. You die and give Harry your memories. The chapter with those memories is dedicated to you."

"What was it called?" He whispers.

"The Prince's Tale."

"That's pretty ironic. Does everybody already know my nickname?"

"Definitely. Sixth year's book is called Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince."

"Naturally Potter is the star."

"Naturally. So by the end of the chapter, most fans' reactions isn't 'aww that brought a small tear to my eye'. It's more 'I need a tissue box pronto'."


"Never underestimate how hard you can hit a fan's feelings by saying one tiny word."

"Do... Do you think I was too obsessive? Did you only come here because you wanted to make some sort of difference, even if it's just saving me?"

I sigh. "I was on Wattpad. Hazel, as usual, wasn't very happy with the fact that I respect you more than Sirius. She's part of the Sirius Black fan club. I'm pretty much the head of the Snape Society, so we argue a lot over who's better. Once, she said that the society was a bunch of people who pity you. So I want into all these reasons why we were there for you. Reasons I had been waiting to use, but never really got the chance."

"There's a sort of fan club for me?"

"Yeah, we all love you there. Some refuse to believe you died."

"That's ironic. So, about your feelings toward me, do you honestly think I'm worth it? I've done so much I shouldn't have."

"You're human, Severus. You're allowed to make mistakes, you're allowed to mess things up. I admit you're not exactly perfect, and you never will be. But that's life. You weren't obsessive, or creepy, or clingy when it came to Lily. It was a crush and that's completely normal. You just couldn't let go. I also know how that feels so I can relate. Maybe the haters just can't relate to you. Also, people say you're obsessive because of the patronus. I'm pretty sure most of your good memories were of her."

"My only good memories were of her. Lately, I've been getting better."

"That's good to hear. I think the patronus didn't just change because of love. It's because the only good thing you've ever had in your entire life was gone. Just like that. So, your patronus changed to remind you of the good times. People call you obsessive, but you're not. Tonks... Her patronus changed, yet I didn't see people judging her. So why should they judge you? You are the Half-Blood Prince, so keep your head high. Don't ever let a hater get to you."

"Why are you saying this now?"

"Because not many students like you. There's me... And Hermione that I know of. Hermione has to pretend not to like you, so really I'm the only one I know about who won't talk about you behind your back. I know Hermione's trying to stop, though. She feels really bad for everything she said without knowing."

"Thanks for the inspiring speech, by the way."

"You're welcome."


More therapy time :/

Next chapter might be a bit more interesting.

This chapter is for HRKOsgood, so she can at least admit that he's human and it's not his fault.

QOTC: do you agree with Belle? Or are you a hater?

Please vote, I would appreciate it.


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