71. MacBath

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I'm in my room. I take one look at the house, then collapse with tears again. Mini Dumbledore is sitting there happily, eating raspberry jam. Mini Harry looks just fine, and when he sees Mini Me, he smiles and waves.

There's a knock on the door, and it wave my wand so that I look completely fine. I get up and answer the door. Tabitha stands the, looking worried. It's dark.

"I heard a crack and then sobbing. What's going on?"

"Oh, the crack was just me apparating here. Apparating is disappearing from one place and appearing in another, usually about a second apart. The crying was me."

"What happened? Something at... school? Am I allowed to know?"

"Sure, come in."

She sits down on an armchair, and I sit down in the other.

"Our headmaster died less than half an hour ago. He was a great man."

"Oh my goodness? What happened?"

"Okay, let's start from the beginning. When my dad was at school, he was bullied. When he got out, these guys said that they were part of a group where they felt accepted, so he joined. That group was the Death Eaters."

She covers her mouth.


"It's not like he knew what he got himself into. Anyway, he felt at home there. His only friends were those people. He had one other friend, who cut off her friendship with him during school. She was the only one that hadn't joined. Even though they never saw each other, he was loyal to her. He was also loyal to Voldemort, but not as much. He overheard a prophecy, told Voldemort, and was devastated when he realised the prophecy said that Voldemort was destined to fight a boy, who would either kill him, or he would due at the hands of this boy. Remember that other friend? The good one?"


"That boy was her son. Harry Potter. As you know, Voldemort killed her and her husband. The thing is, Dumbledore was able to extend their time alive, because my father want to him, begging him to keep her safe. He gave him his loyalty in return. The thing is, now that Voldemort is back, he got a kid to work on killing Dumbledore."

"Why him?"

"Two reasons. The forts is that Dumbledore was the only one not afraid of Voldemort. He was more powerful. The second, is that they've infiltrated the ministry, so that they could appoint a Death Eater as the new headmaster to replace Dumbledore. Voldemort is obsessed with killing Harry, so this is perfect for him. He can watch Harry now, and find the perfect time to kill him."


"But the thing is, that kid didn't kill him. Remember how my dad was loyal to him?"


"Dumbledore found out about the plan to kill him, and made my father promise to kill him instead, so that Voldemort would trust him. He needs to be trusted, so that he can help Harry win. The thing is, I saw his death, and so did Harry. He knows I knew about the plan, and blames me for not saving Dumbledore."

"Let's go talk to him. Maybe he will realise that you're not that bad."

"He won't. I know him. Anyway, I can't tell him. It's imperative he doesn't know."


"Stuff I'm not allowed to tell you."

"Okay. Well, I'm not sure what I can do."

"It's fine. Have a nice night."

"You too. I'm sure everything will be fine."


She gets up, and walks out. I floo back to Hogwarts, where Severus is standing in Dumbledore's office.

"Hey. How are you feeling?"

"One word. MacBeth." (Just so you people know, I accidentally wrote MacBath. Whoopsies.)

"He asked you to. Right, Dumbledore?"

The painting nods. "And I'm perfectly fine with being dead. Death is but life's next great adventure."

"Stop quoting yourself, Albus. I really don't need that now." Says Severus, rubbing his temples.

I hug him hesitantly. "You'll be fine, okay?"



I'm sorry for the short chapters. I just sort of write until I can't think of anything else, then upload it for you guys.

QOTC: Vegetarian or meat eater?

I still can't believe I wrote MacBath. I remember someone in my class accidentally pronounced it as 'MacBreath'. XD I will never forget that.

Please vomment!


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