25. The plan

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I blink. "Sorry, I thought you said adoption."

He facepalms. "Albus is under the impression that you would be okay with being adopted. You need a home and he thought I would be perfect. I said I wouldn't agree until you said yes. I wouldn't mind having you stay, but it's okay if you don't-"

"Severus Tobias Snape. You are my favourite person, why in the name of Merlin's pants would I say no?"

"So it's a yes?"

I put on my best Snape voice. "Obviously."

"Is that what I really sound like?"

"Yes." I giggle, and he gives me a small smile.

"Dumbledore has another surprise lined up. It's coming up later and has nothing to do with me, but if could affect you a bit."

"I like surprises. This was obviously meant to be some sort of big surprise."

"Yes, I was hoping to ask at the perfect moment, but Albus decided to hurry it up a little."


"So anyway, what I wanted to ask today, was what you actually have planned for my fake death?"

"I'll use a combination of my own brains and an idea from Hazel. Her's is easy, because it's just two perfectly casted disillusionment charms. Perfectly synchronised and all. One turns Sirius invisible, one makes people think he died. For you, I'll turn you invisible while you drink a potion. You have to give Harry the memories, say your dying words, then I'll do the rest."

"What do I say?"

"It'll come to you."


"Just stuff proving your loyalty and... I'll tell you once it happens. A few of them haven't happened yet."

"So what will you do?"

"I'll make it look like you're dead, then tell them to go, and that I'll take your body somewhere nice. Then I'll make you invisible. You'll have an antidote that you'll need to take. Snake poison antidote. Nagini is the snake, by the way. If Ron asks why you're invisible, I'll just fake cry and say that I can't bear to see you that way. Then hopefully he and Hermione will leave. Unless they leave with Harry. Then we don't need to worry. I'll make you visible again and heal your wounds, and maybe we'll need a healing potion as well. I'll give you the book at the start of the year so you can see what needs to be done."

"How long have you been planning this? You sound like a Ravenclaw."

"Two years."

"Wait... I told you you had a brain! I win!"

I turn his hair blue and he glares at me, so I giggle and change it back.

Soon he lets out a soft chuckle.

"Wait- did you just... No, you didn't, did you?"

"Did I what?" He looks all serious now.

"I thought I heard you actually laugh."

"No. You must be mistaken. I don't laugh."

I nudge him. "Sure, sure."

"Don't you dare say a word about it."

"So you admit it?"


I cackle evilly. "Who are you and what have you done with Severus Snape?"

"I am your father." He says sarcastically.

"That's technically true, though." I point out.

He rolls his eyes. "Not yet."

"When will this happen, exactly?"

"Before the end of the school year."

"So I can attend death eater meetings with you?"

"Why on earth would you want to do that?"

"Because I know the future and can use that to my advantage. I could be a double spy, like you!" I stand up. "I could even be part of the order and go around defeating death eaters and-"

"You will not become a death eater. Ever. You understand? I don't want to finally have a daughter, then lose her to the dementors."

"But I could follow you to the meetings, right? Be a spy like you? It all starts next year, you know."

"Okay, but don't get the dark mark. You'll go to Azkaban."

"As long as I can help."


I stare off into the distance.

"Can I be your assistant when you become headmaster?"


"Well that was straightforward."

"Of course it was. Who do you think I am? Helga Hufflepuff?"

I chuckle. "You'd look funny wearing a woman's clothes... Also, about later on in the year, it wasn't me, it was Lupin."

"What are you talking about? Never mind, I'll find out."


Now I'm sitting beside Pansy at the table during the sorting. Hazel sits with Emma-Leigh and Luna. I feel eyes on the back of my head. I don't look back, hopefully whoever it is decides to stop.

After everybody is sorted, we start talking as we load or plates.

"What happened to your hair?" Asks Pansy. Then she looks closer at me. "Did you change your eye colour? You look like Snape!"

"I decided to annoy him."

Well, that's sort of true. He was a bit annoyed at the fact that I wanted to keep the look. He said too many people would talk.

Oh well, I won.

"Don't look, but Draco's staring at you." She mumbles quietly.

"What?!" I turn around and sure enough, Draco Malfoy is looking straight at me. I glare at him and he realises he's been caught, and looks down at his plate. I turn back to Pansy.

"I told you not to!"

"But it was bugging me. He was staring earlier, I felt eyes on me all through the sorting."

"Well, it wasn't just him. It was kind of everybody. They think you're new."

"Well they can just bug off now they've seen my face."

"And your eyes. You gonna stay like that? It suits you."



"Then I will. Permanently."

She giggles. "Now it's only the boys staring at you."

I feel my cheeks heating up. "It's just the new hair."

"Whatever you say, Belle. Now let's actually eat."

So that's what we do. This year I've decided to try vegetarian, so I have a salad.

After dinner, we take the trip to the common room and fall asleep without saying goodnight.


I hadn't planned the adoption at all. It just sort of popped up because Hogwarts year round could get boring.

QOTC: should I have names for my chapters? I would take name suggestions if that happened.

Please vote, I updated four times in under 24 hours!

That's gotta be worth something!


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