36. Presents and birthdays

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Christmas Day

So, as usual, I made my presents for everyone. I made a mini broom for Ginny, a double bass for Hazel (that took some really advanced spells but I don't know how to tune it), an acoustic guitar for Harry, a moving drawing of the Chudley Cannons for Ron, badges with nothing on them for Hermione (I told her later that she would like them more next year), I knitted a rainbow hat for Emma-Leigh, and used some of my money to buy a few Zonko's products for the twins.

At the start of the year, I got some money to buy two presents. I got Dumbledore this weird hourglass thing that goes backwards (he loves it), and I got Severus some rare potions ingredients and a DADA book.

I got presents, too. Hermione got me some clothes (yay!), Fred got me sweets, George got me a charm bracelet with an infinity charm on it, Ron got me a copy of Flying With The Cannons, Harry got me a Grffindor banner, Dumbledore and Severus got me lots of quills and parchment.

My favourites are the clothes and the bracelet.

That day I decide to wear the clothes Hermione gave me, so I get dressed in black leggings, a black t-shirt, a red jersey, some black boots I made, and a jacket. My hair is in it's usual side plait and beanie.

That's my signature hairstyle now.

On my wrist is the charm bracelet. I wonder why George picked that charm?

I'll have to ask him one day.

We have a massive snowball fight and one of Ron's snowballs hits me in the face. I swear he meant to do that. So I make a massive snowball and throw that at him, except it hits Harry.


George manages to hit Ron, though. Neville comes out and I let him on my team, which consists of me, the twins, and Em. The other team is the trio, Hazel, and Luna.

Now it's even, my team wins. Neville is surprisingly good at snowball fights.

At lunch, we get onto the topic of birthdays.

"So George, when's your birthday?"

"1st of April."

I giggle. "That's hilarious."

"What about you?"

"It was in November."

Everybody stares at me. "You never told us!"

"It's not like it matters to me anymore. I haven't celebrated it in 3 years."

Everybody except Hazel looks even more shocked.

"3 years?"

"Well, yeah. Hazel hasn't either."

Now it's her turn to be stared at.


"I don't think we've ever celebrated your birthdays either, actually. Just Harry's." I say thoughtfully. "I'm okay with not celebrating mine, though."

"Why?" Asks George.

"Because it's not like I realised I was getting older. Anyway, we don't have a 'you're a day older!' party, so why do we need one for every year?"

"You do have a point." Says George.

"But it's a special thing." Says Fred.

"Whatever you say, Gred."

"Have you seen the newest issue of the Quibbler?" Says Em. "They talk about werewolves."

"Werewolves, huh?" I say. "Can I see?"

"It compares actual werewolves to the daily prophet's version of a werewolf."

"So the daily prophet says that werewolves are dangerous beings with no feelings. According to them, a werewolf is ferocious and will not hesitate to kill. That's not true!"

"How do you know?" Asks Ron.

"You'll find out later. Actually, one that I know is really sweet. He's not ferocious at all. He's just a bit scared. He's one of the lucky ones, though. Don't look at me like that, there are worse off people."

"How long have you known him?" Asks Hermione.

"I first read about him, Hermione." I say, giving her a pointed look. "But he's really nice."

For the rest of lunch, she is deep in thought.

After we finish, everybody heads back to the common room, and Hermione drags me into an empty classroom.

"It's him, isn't it?"

"I refuse to answer."

"It is. He could have killed someone."

"There might not be a werewolf at this school. It could be the jaguar."

She tilts her head and gives me a questioning look.

"Never mind. If you think you're right you probably are."

Also where have you been? You used to spend lots of time with us, where did you go?"

"I might have been doing other stuff. You guys have it sorted from here onwards. I think. I'm not sure how involved I am, but this year is Hazel's year. She's the one you need to go to."

"Next year is it you?"

"You won't need us next year."

"Nothing bad happens?"

I snort. "That would have been a boring book. Nah, that's where nobody isn't exactly threatened. Harry's safe, don't worry. I mean, Voldy gets serious but Harry will turn out fine."

"You're weird."

"I know."


I might have told Hermin a lot.

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