33. A true gryffindor

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Sunday morning I go on a Pansy hunt and after half an hour I find her.

"My threat wasn't an empty one." I growl. "Who. Helped. You. Spread. It."


"I'm not a Ravenclaw but I'm not dumb either. It couldn't have spread that fast. I'm going to ask one more time, who helped?"

"Draco." She says, then covers her mouth.

"Who else? Come on, Pansy. Tell me."

"B-Blaise. And Draco's goons."

"Thank you." I say sweetly.

She runs off.

Am I that intimidating?

I run to the Ravenclaw common room.

"Hazel! We're going Malfoy hunting!"

She starts cheering and runs to my side.

"He helped?"

"Yup. Also Zabini and Malfoy's bodyguards who have no brains."

"I knew they were zombies!"

"Let's go." I laugh as we run down the stairs. "Payback time! Oh, wait..."


"Go get Em, I'll get the twins. It's pranking time." I run around until I run into Harry.

"Harry, where's the map?"

"In my pocket, why? How do you know?"

"One day, young one. Can I use it?"


"I solemnly swear I am up to no good." The map shows Fred and George walking up to us.

I close the map and look up at them.

"I was looking everywhere for you! I need some... Expertise. Hazel and Em are in on it as well. We're going to get the Slytherins back for the rumours."

Fred perks up at Emma-Leigh's name.

"Spoken like a true Gryffindor." Says George.

I run off with them towards the Ravenclaws, leaving Harry alone.

What a loner.

Haha, who cares. He's got the lovebirds.

"Look, over there!"

We ambush the two nerds I call my friends and plan in an empty classroom.

Since George is the more serious twin, he gets to draw plans and ideas. Fred sits next to Em and has all these great ideas. Swapping their uniforms for Gryffindor ones, turning their hair red and gold, and setting buckets of slime up in the hallways which would be charmed to spill only on them.

I have to admit, Fred is creative.

George wants to go around asking all the paintings to be rude to the little group of meanies.

"What about charming all the doors not to open to them? Somebody else would have to open doors for them. They'd feel really stupid." I say quietly.

"Brilliant." Says George. I can't help but smile.

Now it's time to sort out who's doing what. I get the doors, Fred gets the hair, George will do the uniforms, Hazel gets the paintings, and Em gets the buckets.

"So how will we get in?" Asks George. "What do we expect?"

"Do you know Professor Snape's office?" I ask.

"Yes, been there to prank him last week."

"Of course, that's why he was so angry. Anyway, go past the door, and you'll get to an empty wall. They have a password, so just think of something Malfoy would use because he's a pure-blood racist, and eventually you'll get in. The boys are to the right, third door down the corridor. Do you know the disillusionment charm?"

"Yes." Says Fred.

"Use that to become invisible."

"What? Is that even possible?"

"Of course." Says Em. I bet Hazel taught her.

"Fine, then. Show us." Says George. How do I even know who's who?

We wave our wands and concentrate. The twins let out a low whistle.

I stand next to George. "Take your wand out." I instruct. "Now say the incantation, and will yourself to be invisible. Will it with every fibre of your being."

Over by the desks, I can hear Em teaching Fred as well. Soon, they both join us in the world of the invisible.

"This is bloody brilliant." Says Fred.

"Finite will get rid of it." I say. I take the spell off and sit on a desk. "Easy."

Somebody sits down beside me.

"Who's this?" I ask.

I hear a whisper. "Your worst nightmare..."

"Definitely one of the twins." I laugh. "Fred?"

"No, I'm over here!" I hear from the other side of the room.


"I thought you'd recognise me instantly, I'm the handsome twin."

"You're invisible." I point out.

He appears and grins at me. "Well aren't you a ray of sunshine?"

"No, that would be Snape." Sarcasm drips from my voice.

"Nice one." Says Fred from the other sound of the room.

"Yeah, what's up with that guy, though? We shall never know." Says George, staring off into the distance.

"He's okay." I say. "He just doesn't like people that much."

"We know that." Says Fred.

"So, tomorrow morning, wake up at five. We'll have two hours to set everything up." Says George. "Meet in here first. Everybody know what they're supposed to do?"

Everybody nods, after removing the charms. We split up and go back to being bored. I really can't wait until tomorrow.


Getting the others back.


I think Fremma-Leigh is starting to happen.

Also, I have another surprise coming up. It's not exactly in third year, but it's planned out.

QOTC: Favourite song? Mine is All Fall Down by OneRepublic.

Anybody looking for a good song should just look it up right now.

I need chapter suggestions!

Be creative.

Thanks for reading.


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