1장 (AMBW)

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Topaz was in her room changing her clothes. She was only six months pregnant, and it seemed like she needed a new wardrobe. The first pair of jeans she put on was so tight she couldn't zip them up. As she sat on her bed, running her fingers through her hair, she felt frustrated. Everything seemed to be getting on her nerves.

"Are you okay?" Jae-Hyun asked as he appeared at the door. He stopped and glanced at her noticeably pregnant body. She was sitting on the bed in a t-shirt and panties. The legs that taunted his mind at night lay uncovered. Unconscious of his movements, Jae-Hyun licked his lips as his body drew closer to her. He stood in front of her before in the blink of an eye. Her cute pouty face became frustrated. Down on his knees, he kissed each foot as he worked his way up to kiss her thighs. Her skin was so smooth and inviting; he lost himself rubbing her legs, starting at the calf, and gently massaging his way up to her thighs. Topaz stared at him expressionlessly. The continuous movement up her body broke down her resistance as his eyes lingered on her swollen tummy. Jae-Hyun couldn't resist the urge to kiss her baby bump. Desiring nothing more than her pleasure, he was so glad to be in her presence again. His hands caressed the swollen belly leaving a trail of wet kisses as he moved from one side to the other.

Jae-Hyun made his way up Topaz's lips, where he lightly nibbled her bottom lip. He noticed she was tense and resistant to his kiss. She was determined not to be affected by him, but it wasn't working. She tried to do and say nothing. Jae-Hyun responded by lightly pinching her nipples through the t-shirt. He followed that by nuzzling on her nipples through the t-shirt. He knew her nipples were tender, so he made sure he didn't hurt her. Despite her inner voice declaring that she wouldn't say a thing, Topaz lost it as a blissful moan vibrated in her throat. The feeling of his mouth on her body was more powerful than she could have imagined. No matter how she tried not to want him, she found herself craving him. Every move he made was what Topaz needed to release her pent-up sexual frustration. She never forgot how good he was when he was inside of her. That was what she needed. Topaz could no longer resist him as her mouth began to move beneath him. She sucked on his bottom lip and ran her fingers through his hair. She pulled him closer as the kiss became more intense. His hands pulled her face closer to him as if he could devour her.

" 내가 그렇게 오래 기다리게 만들었 ? (Wae naega wae geuleohge olae gidalige mandeul-eoss ni?/Why did you make me wait so long?)," Listening to him speak in Korean was so sexy she lost her will to resist him. However, to hear the pain in his voice as he begged her to end his suffering, Topaz knew she could no longer maintain her charade.

She wrapped her legs around him and pulled close. His firm body mesmerized her as he slid her t-shirt off and stared at her swollen breast. They were already big before, but now the glimpse of their size made his dick stand at attention. The sight of his lady swollen with his child amazed was the sexiest thing he had ever seen in his life. But, of course, her pregnant body was all his doing. The knowledge of his ability to create a life with her made Topaz the most beautiful woman in the world, and he couldn't stop touching her.

"Oh, baby. Please stop teasing me," Topaz cried out as she urged him on. He lay her back on the bed and stood to remove his clothes. She looked at his beautifully muscled body. Damn, if he wasn't sexy with a tall well-maintained body like that of a male model. He crawled onto the bed and pulled her little cotton white panties off. He smiled when he saw her lying on the bed, completely nude. For a moment, he observed her body.

"Jae-Hyun, please." She begged him to stop playing with her emotions.

"Baby, I don't want to hurt you, but I have waited so long. I'm scared I might break you." The sincerity in his voice and on his face was so moving. Topaz could not believe she denied herself this. He was amazing. He turned her on her side and began to rub and pet the wet mound between her legs. She knew she was full of hormones, and they had something to do with her response, but Topaz felt like she would die if he continued to tease her like that. Just the slightest touch sent her over the edge as he continued to adjust himself. Topaz was losing her mind. She needed him now. His manhood was pressing against her as he was positioning himself to enter her.

"Baby, please. I need you to satisfy me as only you can. Please."

Finally, Topaz prepared to welcome him back as she felt the tip.


Urmmp.... Urmmp.... Urmmp.... Urmmp.... Urmmp....

"No fucking way. This is some bullshit." Topaz woke up and threw a pillow at her alarm clock. He was just about to give her what she had been dreaming of for the last two weeks now. Every night like clockwork, Jae-Hyun was about to break her off. Then, just when she was about to get it, her stupid alarm clock pulled her out of the best sexual experience she had ever dreamt. Twelve weeks passed since the last time they had sex. Even though she was determined to hate him for how he treated her, she could not stop herself from lusting after him. Every night she had the same dream. Topaz didn't know why she was so big and pregnant in her dreams. She was only twelve weeks, but she always dreamt that she was twenty-four weeks for some reason. So why the hell did she keep dreaming about him in the first place? Every night she wanted him more and more. No matter how hard she tried to resist the idea, Topaz wanted Jae-Hyun, and she knew it.

Now, it was time to get up and get ready for work. SHIT!

Topaz got to work an hour early so that she could go to the bathroom. She noticed that she had to pee all the time. The extra few minutes gave her time to cover up some of the various signs that she was pregnant. No one but Janiah knew about her pregnancy, and she planned to keep it that way.

There was an eleven o'clock meeting with a new client, and her attendance was required. She checked with the other managers to see if they needed anything before the meeting started. She was habitually looking out for the team. Some people couldn't understand why she took on more than what she had to take on in a given day. However, she knew that it was necessary to maintain the excellent working relationship of all the team members. As an account manager, her day consisted of connecting dots and putting out fires.

It was ten-thirty in the morning. There was no reason to believe that things would be out of the ordinary today. Topaz was walking to her office when she looked and saw Franklin headed in her direction, and there was someone following him.

What the...

She walked into her office.

"Good morning Topaz, I wanted to introduce you to a person who will become a vital part of the organization. Topaz Lee allow me to introduce you Jae-Hyun Choi. He is the CEO of South Korea's Choi Technologies International or CTI. He just came by to meet the staff. I wanted to let you in on the reason for this meeting since you helped secure the initial meeting with Mr. Jin-jae Choi." Topaz looked away for a moment as the thought of what happened that day rushed into her mind. An awkward feeling descended on her as she thought about how people would view Franklin's statement if they knew what happened at the gala. She shrugged away the thought.

"Thank you, Franklin, but I didn't do anything special." She lied.

"Well, you helped me out of a tough spot just by being there. That's why I wanted to share with you what is coming today. Mr. Choi is your new boss as of 12:01 AM this morning, and he would like to meet all of the department heads. With everything finalized, my wife and I are retiring. I wanted to give you a heads up before we go into the meeting," Franklin dropped the bomb on her as if his announcement was the best in the world. Topaz was utterly speechless. She couldn't say a single word.

The only thing she could do was look up at her new boss and baby's father, Jae-Hyun Choi.


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