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Jae-hyun took the quickest flight home. He didn't care that he had to fly in coach. Anything to get him home. When he arrived at DFW International airport and called for a driver as soon as they arrived. He was anxious to see his baby girl. He knew she would be amazed to see him two days early. He didn't call or tell her he was on his way home. It would be a surprise when he walked through the door.

The drive seemed like it took forever in rush hour traffic. Jae-hyun thought he would lose his mind waiting for traffic to clear up enough to start moving. He sat in one spot for an hour. If he kept running his fingers through his hair, he wouldn't have any hair left. The 11 days he was gone seemed like an eternity. One week away from home was okay but anything longer than that was the equivalent of being in hell. His mind was grasping at anything to keep from worrying about her. God, please make this traffic move before I go insane! He screamed in his mind. Finally, the traffic picked up to a normal pace. Thank you, God. Thank you. He praised silently.

The house came into view. He was home. It felt so good pulling up to his own home. He let himself in and instructed the staff not to say anything. One lady informed him that she was upstairs resting. Jae-hyun ran up the stairs like a child. The smile on his face was priceless. He was genuinely happy. As he rounded the corner, he opened their bedroom door. There she was. The love of his life.

He had seen other pregnant women before, but his wife glowed. She looked like an angel. One day he looked at her picture and just started to cry out of the blue. She was smiling with one hand over her face. His hands ached to touch her. His body ached to be near her. He needed her. She made him smile. Everything about her was perfect. When he saw her tummy, he was overwhelmed with more joy than his heart could contain. Soon his child would be born, and his world would be complete.

Jae-hyun stood by the bed. Topaz opened her eyes. She blinked and realized it was Jae-hyun. For no reason at all, she started crying. Big fat tears fell down her face. She looked like a little girl. Her natural hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Jae-hyun crawled on the bed and held her close. He felt his nerves unravel. He was doing a terrible job of taking care of the love of his life. To see her crying like this broke his heart. He understood how much he missed her, but he forgot how hard all of this must be on her. She continued to cry even though she was now sitting in his lap and holding onto his waist.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for leaving you alone for so long." He stroked her hair and rubbed her back.

"I can't take it anymore. I need you Jae. Please don't leave me again. I'm sorry to be so needy but it is getting harder for me to be without you. I miss you so much it hurts. I try to smile and be patient but being in the bed without you there hurts so bad. Please don't leave me. Please." Topaz was sobbing in a way that tugged at his heart. He had to fix this. There was no way he could continue leaving her here alone. To find her like this was too much for his heart to bear. He loved her too much to make her suffer.

"I will fix this. I promise okay?" He assured her and gently coaxed her face up, so he could kiss her and reassure her.

Jae-hyun kicked off his shoes and lay next to her in bed. He pulled her close to his body and held her tight. He called down to the kitchen and instructed them to prepare food to be served in his room. She was his main concern and he did not want to over stress her. His wife and his child were paramount to everything in his life. It was time for him to put the last leg of his plan in action, so he could stay with her and not leave her again.


Two days after Jae-hyun returned home, he and Topaz were sitting in her parents' driveway. Never in his life had he been so nervous. He prepared himself for them to be angry, but he knew he must take responsibility for everything. He rang the doorbell as Topaz stood behind him. He had never seen his brave, funny, and smart wife this terrified. He only hoped they would make it out of here with their lives.

A gentleman answered the door. He was an older pleasant little man. He was all smiles and right behind him was an older pleasant little woman who looked just like Topaz. She welcomed him in.

"Topaz if you don't get your butt in here girl." The woman said in a tone of disappointment.

"Yes, mother." His wife responded as if she were a little girl caught doing something wrong. Jae-hyun fought every instinct to laugh. He knew if a peep were to escape from him that he would be in so much trouble. His wife may have a swollen belly, but she did not deny him his rights of a husband. She was very passionate for a woman who was seven nearly eight months pregnant.

"So, you finally decided to bring your fella to visit us?" Her father asked without an expression.

"Child you are one of the smartest people I know when it comes to book-sense but when it comes to common sense, you are really lacking at times." Topaz's mother was laying into her without any apologies.

"Mom why are you picking on me?" she started to cry. Jae-hyun made a step to comfort her but her mother gave him a look that she might whip him if he butted in.

"Don't you know that your father and I read the paper every day. We found out you got married through dog gone Dallas Morning News. What in the name of the Almighty is wrong with you. Then you wait nearly four months to drag your sorry tail here to introduce us to the man. Now, I see why you hid because you done got yourself knocked up. Girl if I could get away with it, I would put you over my knee this very minute." Mrs. Lee was fuming. Mr. Lee motioned for Jae-hyun to follow him. They went out to the patio and had a man to man conversation.


"Well, it seems you are family now. Go ahead and introduce yourself." Mr. Lee made a simple request.

"My name is Jae-hyun Choi, sir." He complied with the request.

"What are your plans for my baby girl Mr. Choi?" It was strange to hear an older person address him that way.

"I love her sir. I have already purchased a home for us to live in. I have a good job and I make lots of money." Jae-hyun stopped.

"Son, all of that is well and good but that doesn't answer my question. My daughter doesn't need your money or your house. She already has those things. I asked what your plans for her are?" The older gentleman was very wise. The question was deeper than things on the surface.

"Mr. Lee. I plan to love your daughter and our child until the day I die. I plan to make them happy. I plan to be her best friend and be there for her through anything that life throws in our path," Jae-hyun tried to stifle a tear. When he thought about his wife, he noticed how emotional he was lately. One stray tear made its way out his eye and he quickly wiped it away. He hoped her father would not think he was weak. No one ever brought tears to his eyes, but something about Topaz moved his heart. He knew he loved her more than anything.

"Well, if that is your plan for my sweet little girl then you are truly welcome into this family. Come here son and give me a hug." Jae-hyun stood there for a moment. The old man motioned for him to come close. Mr. Lee hugged him in a way that touched his heart. He returned the hug and was granted a smile that told him where his wife got all of her dazzling smiles from. He was amazed at the way he was received into the family.

"Thank you, Mr. Lee." He showed his appreciation.

"Son, you don't have to call me Mr. Lee. You can call me Dad." They sat outside and discussed what was taking place in the with his daughter and wife. He told Jae-hyun it was best to just sit outside and enjoy the beautiful day until his wife was done chastising Topaz.

"I can guarantee it won't take long. My wife is upset because she hasn't gotten the chance to do all the stuff that mother's do when their daughters get married or pregnant. It'll be over soon. Momma is just hurt and upset." Mr. Lee...Dad assured him.


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