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"What happened when you talked to your parents?" Her friend asked the one question she hoped would not come up. Topaz introduced Jae-hyun to her parents and let's just say it did not go over very well for her. They adored him. Her dad was practically in love with him. That meant of course that her mother loved him too.

She, on the other hand, was lectured threatened and told that she was the worst child in the world. Her mother was so upset, she didn't even care that she made Topaz cry. Or at least she didn't care for about 30 minutes. Once she got out her anger and frustration out at her daughter, Mrs. Lee was okay. She was still upset with Topaz for denying her the right to watch her walk down the aisle. Mrs. Lee was upset with her for not giving her the chance to enjoy her only daughter's pregnancy. She later hugged her baby girl and told her that she was still a terrible daughter, but she loved her anyway.

They adored Jae-hyun so much he didn't get fussed at or anything. He promised he would give Topaz a huge wedding, so they could do things the right way. That was all her mother cared about and her dad wanted to give her away. After her husband promised to rectify his mistake, they treated him like a sweet little baby. She wasn't going to give him anything since he got so much loving from her parents. He didn't need any love from her. She was red with envy.

They left her parents' house and invited them to come out to visit the newlyweds in their new home. The four of them agreed to spend the next weekend together. Topaz was so thankful her parents were okay about everything. Now it was time for her to meet Jae-hyun's parents. She was so excited about the idea of meeting them.


Later that evening she asked him about his parents and noticed he was not comfortable with the subject.

"Honey, when will I be able to meet your parents?" She asked innocently. There was silence. Jae-hyun said nothing for some time. He sat with his head down. This conversation was long overdue.

"Baby, there are a lot of things you don't understand about how things are done in South Korea." The long deep sigh he made was the clue that meeting his family would not be easy.

"Jae-hyun tell me the truth. Does your family know about the baby and me?" Topaz asked as she looked him straight in the eye. He looked her in the eyes and shook his head yes.

"Did you tell them?" She continued the questions and he shook his head no.

"What does this mean?" Her eyes were pleading with him for the truth.

"This means that they will not acknowledge our marriage." He stated with his head down.

"So, if I went to South Korea with you, I would not be recognized as your wife?" Was her final question. Topaz said nothing else. She didn't even wait for him to respond. She gathered her things and went to their room.


Three days passed by and Topaz would not come out of the room nor would she speak to Jae-hyun. She could not understand why he would keep her out of the loop about his family. Not one thing was kept from him. She told him about her family and the potential reaction to their marriage and the baby. Everything was laid out for him to choose if he wanted to deal with it or not. He treated her like a baby who couldn't handle anything. She was so pissed off at him. Instead of arguing or fussing, she just stayed in the bedroom and said nothing. Since her opinion meant nothing, she would not say anything.

Jae-hyun was tired of getting the silent treatment. How was he supposed to fix this if he didn't know what to fix? He tried to kiss her and talk to her, but Topaz just looked at him like he was the enemy. She tuned him out and would not say anything to him. Damn, he messed up. She never treated him like this.

One day he went into the room and she was lying there crying in her sleep. Oh, God. This is enough. He said to himself. There must be something he could do? Crying in her sleep was too much. He knew he really hurt her and he had to figure out how to fix this. He grabbed her phone and called Janiah to ask her for help.

"Hey, spoiled brat. What's up. I haven't heard from you in a couple of days?" Janiah playfully answered her phone.

"Janiah, I'm so sorry to call you like this but I don't have your number and I am freaking out. I really don't know what to do. Can you please help me?" Jae-hyun pleaded with her. Janiah had never heard him sound so helpless.

"Jae-hyun, what's going on?" She asked seriously.

"I told Topaz that my parents would not recognize our marriage and she just stopped talking to me. She won't come out of the room and when I came in to check on her, she was crying in her sleep. I don't know what to do. I am really freaking out. That's why I called you." His voice was desperate.

"When she gets like that, you just have to allow her to process her feelings. How many days has she been like that?" She inquired.

"It has been three days." He replied.

"Just hold on. I know it may seem strange, but Topaz doesn't really like to argue or fight so she internalizes whatever is hurtful to her. She was probably shocked to find out her in-laws don't approve of your marriage. I know if it were me, I wouldn't give a rat's ass. But I am sure you see that Topaz is special in a good way. She hates disapproval." Janiah stated.

"So, do you think she will talk to me today?" He asked hopefully.

"You should know something when she wakes up, but if she doesn't say anything just give her time. You know she is hormonal. Alright, if you need anything else just let me know. I'm out." She said and hung up. Jae-hyun was thankful for Janiah. She was always there for his wife and now she was helpful to him. He went back into the room and sat her cell phone where he got it from. He crawled in the bed facing his wife. He placed his hands on her tummy. His baby started kicking his hands. Jae-hyun turned into a puddle of tears. He tried to keep it to himself, but he could not stifle his sobbing.

When he opened his eyes, she was looking at him. She was smiling at him. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he was so glad she was interacting with him. She kissed his face and wrapped her arms around his waist. Her head went to his chest and she rested on him. He missed his sweet baby. Topaz looked up at him and planted a sweet little kiss on his lips. She placed a hand on either side of his face and this time she kissed him like a person who was starving for affection.

Jae-hyun felt like a pervert. Instead of holding her and soothing her, he was getting hard and horny. His sweet baby continued to kiss him and slid her hand down in his pants. He felt better because he wasn't the only pervert in the room. He could count on his hot little sexy wife to bring the fire. He started removing her clothes and his clothes as well. He knew he wanted to fuck her. He loved the fact that his wife wanted him even in her eighth month. She was still horny for him.


Jae-hyun had one final trip to Seoul to tie up some loose ends. He promised his wife he would speak with his parents about everything. He assured Topaz no matter what the outcome was, he would let them know he was married with a child on the way.


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