5장 (AMBW)

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The time they spent together during the meal was silent in a way. There was little to no conversation. Likewise, the drive back to the office was quiet. Jae-hyun seemed lost in thought. Topaz sat in silence and waited for him to say something.

"Why did you pass out?" He looked at her in a troubled manner. Topaz didn't want to tell him that she got a little light-headed because she held her breath while sizing him up and down.

"I think it was because I was nauseous this morning, so I didn't eat." She explained.

"You know you can't do that. What about the baby? What about you?" Jae-hyun asked while displaying his discomfort.

"Please don't make a big deal about it. I'm fine." She made the statement as she looked away from him.

"You look thinner since the last time I saw you." He continued to point out the facts as he probed her for answers.

"I've been eating healthy and seeing a personal trainer. I don't want to gain too much weight during my pregnancy, so I am taking care of my body. I'm not doing anything too strenuous, and I got it cleared through the doctor."

"Have you been getting enough rest?" Jae-hyun's maintained control of his emotions, but there was still a hint of anger in his tone.

"Not really. I...." There was no way she would tell him that she couldn't stop dreaming about him.

"Go on?" He questioned.

"I just haven't been sleeping very well." She quickly responded. It just occurred to her that they deviated from the direction of her job. Before long, Jae-hyun pulled into her driveway. After coming to a stop, he rushed to the passenger's to offer her a hand. Topaz stepped out of the car and quickly walked past him with her keys in her hand. What was he thinking? Why did he bring her to her house?


He couldn't take it any longer. The last of his restraint and control were exhausted after seeing Topaz in the meeting. He tried to ignore her the entire time he was giving his speech, but he couldn't prevent himself from staring. He missed her face. He missed the curves that hypnotized him. The fact that she was looking at him like he was a piece of steak and she was starving to death did nothing to help his madness for her. Every time his eyes wandered back to her face, he nearly lost himself. He hoped no one else caught what was going on between them. The way she looked at him gave him the feeling that she was undressing him with her eyes.

Jae-hyun maintained his professionalism during the meeting even though he wanted to make love to her from the first moment he saw her. He needed her. His need for her had become an ongoing battle. Her sweet alluring eyes communicated that she gave up fighting him. He felt her surrender to him. No matter what happened, he would claim his victory and his prize.


The moment he saw how she looked at him, he decided he wouldn't wait any longer. When she passed out, that only made it easier for him to do what he had been dreaming about for months. He used the opportunity of taking her to lunch as an excuse for removing her from the office. But, once he knew she and his little holang-i saekki/ tiger cub were adequately fed, his need to be alone with Topaz consumed him.

Jae-hyun decided to take her home for the day. He wanted to make sure she was okay. He could see the dark circles under her eyes. He knew those were signs she wasn't getting enough rest. At first, he had no idea why she wasn't sleeping, but he knew what kept him awake night after night. As he questioned her, he began to realize that they were suffering from a similar malady. She wanted him. He wanted her. Even when he caught her in the office, he could feel how hard her nipples became as she held onto him for support. There was no way he would walk away from the opportunity to be with her.

As soon as they walked into the house and the door was closed, Jae-hyun was on her.

Topaz did not indicate that he was thinking of anything other than the baby.

Jae-hyun pulled her into her room. Topaz stood before him, looking completely bewildered. He caressed her face lovingly as her innocent doe-like eyes seared deep into his soul. Unmistakable sexual energy engulfed the room as she leaned into his touch, unsure of herself or what they should be to each other. Her plump mahogany lips called him, hinting at their sweetness as they trembled apprehensively.

Jae-hyun gained nothing but encouragement the moment his lips met hers. She rested her arms around his neck and drew him in hungrily, pulling herself to rest on the firm body that once bent her to its will—allowing their kiss to expose the impact each sleepless night had on them. Nights spent chasing one salacious act after another left them disappointed when they woke to find that it was all just a dream. Instead, the kiss painted a picture of the many incomplete sexual scenarios they now had the opportunity to make a reality. Communicating with feverish breath on skin, hands busy in pursuit to unbutton and unzip clothes, all while tongues danced a mean Tango, Jae-hyun and Topaz equally participated in the event, leading to the end of their sleepless nights.

There was no room to boast or brag about how they would bring their suffering to an end.


Jae-hyun forced himself to acknowledge that he craved her. Their clothes vanished between her front door and her bedroom, leaving him in a situation he had fantasized about many times. His hands trembled as his fingers ran the satiny distance from her hips to curve where her back meets the fullness of her ass. Jae-hyun needed to end the war between them. To make sure neither of them ever forgot the reconciliation, he geared his body up to prove he was no longer his enemy.

Topaz was his, and he would prove to her that he was hers.


She loved the feel of his mouth on her nipples. Something was different, though. Gentle touching, caressing, and petting, Jae-hyun took his time to soothe and assure her of what he had to offer. The skill he tapped into to bring her pleasure left Topaz intoxicated with the persuasive use of oral stimulation. 

The long muscular form felt so right, covering her body. Jae-hyun could not resist the urge to make love to her mind and her soul before he conquered her sumptuous curves. He spent excessive time caressing, fondling, licking, and sucking in one place or another. Topaz no longer in her right mind had been reduced to a moaning, mewling mess. The attention he showed her was akin to worship. He made her understand how badly he had suffered without her.

As he slid down to the exotic flower that imprisoned him mind, body, and soul, Jae-hyun drew the Korean alphabet all over her clit. He worked some kind of magic on her by spelling out everything he wanted to do with her. Even though he heard her pleading, the sultry sound of her voice only cheered him on as she began to call out his name.

Topaz tried to sit up, but Jae-hyun stopped her softly, pushing her back onto the bed. He pulled one knee up to her chest and analyzed the area of his Korean lesson. She was dripping from the list he drew on her clit with his tongue. He gently rubbed small circles on the same spot as she lay back and enjoyed his instructions. She was lost in his patronage of her lotus when his lips joined hers. For a brief moment, he moved his hand, and she wrapped her arms around his neck to enjoy all of him. She felt the one thing that had eluded her in every dream. Jae-hyun filled her up to capacity. He pushed the entire length of his manhood into her. He desired to give her a taste, but the moment he entered her, he was no longer a man in control. He was greedy, impatient, and this aggressiveness made her want him more. Topaz savored all the attention he gave her body. She pulled him closer and completely surrendered everything to him.


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