9장 (AMBW)

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Topaz was now seven months pregnant. She was placed on bed rest by her doctor. Based on what the doctor seemed to believe, her job was becoming too much stress for her. By now, everyone in the office knew she was pregnant. The big belly could not be ignored. She still hadn't disclosed her marriage to the new owner of the company. It seemed as if everyone in the office was speculating about who the father could be. Some people even believed the reason Franklin sold the company had something to do with the pregnancy. They had no idea just how close to being right they were.

Topaz sat in bed feeling bored out of her skin. She heard her cell ringing and jumped to answer it.

"Hey, big mama. How are you doing today?" her crazy friend was always able to save the day.

"I'm not doing anything. I am sitting in this bed going crazy. Jay, please come save me." Topaz pleaded with her through the phone.

"Girl, I don't want Jae-hyun to be mad at me. He specifically said he didn't want you doing too much. You know he'll be back in a few days." She tried to reassure her friend. Ever since the doctor put her on bed rest, Topaz was always trying to convince her friend to help her escape. Janiah helped her out one time and Jae-hyun went off on both of them. He was genuinely afraid that something may happen to her.

"Just come over and let's do something fun here. I'm bored to death." She bargained with her friend.

"Alright Tee, but if that husband of yours comes home and tries to get me for your bad behavior, I'm gonna rat you out. I will not be the only person to get in trouble." Janiah said while laughing at her friend. It took her a couple of hours to make it to their new house in Westlake. Jae-hyun insisted on buying a house in Westlake, Texas as soon as they were married. He didn't want her to live in an unsecured community.


The day Topaz talked to her friend about the house and the marriage was on the same day. They went out for lunch and all hell broke loose.

"Where have you been, you terrible wench? I haven't heard from you in two weeks. What did you do? The only time you disappear is when you've done something you don't want me to know about." Janiah was fussing at her friend when Topaz pulled her left hand out of her pocket and sat it on the table. Janiah saw the 12-carat diamond on her friend's lockdown finger. The tears began to fill her eyes. She grabbed her purse, got up, and walked out of the restaurant. She stood outside for a few minutes. Topaz followed her out.

"Janiah what's wrong?" She asked because her friend was standing there crying.

"Tee did you get married without me?"

"Sweetie, it happened all of a sudden. He asked me to marry him and the next day we were at the Justice of the Peace. I thought he might want to wait but he was very insistent that he wanted to marry me right away." Topaz tried to explain to her friend.

"You are the worst friend ever. How could you get married without letting me know?"

"Jay, I promise you we will have a real wedding and you will absolutely be my maid of honor. I promise to buy you a beautiful maid of honor's gown. Please understand. Jae-hyun and I didn't want the baby to be an illegitimate child."

"What about you Tee?" She questioned as the tears continued to fall.

"He has professed his love for me so many times. He told me he couldn't live without me and asked me to be his wife." Topaz shared the events with her friend. They were both just standing there.

"You are still a wench for not telling me anything." Janiah walked back in the restaurant. At first, she was noticeably upset. Topaz begged her forgiveness. It took a little bit of time, but Jay eventually forgave her indiscretions and they enjoyed a wonderful lunch. Topaz and Janiah went shopping and visited a really nice spa. After they got every treatment possible, they drove out to the new house. When Janiah saw they were headed away from Dallas, she looked at her friend as if she was losing her mind.

"Topaz where are you going? I thought we were headed to your house?" Janiah looked at her in surprise.

"I'm headed to our new house." She simply stated. They drove from downtown Dallas to Westlake. In good traffic, the trip was from 35 to 45 minutes. They were stopped at the front gate by security. Once the gate was opened, Topaz drove through a luxurious community. She pulled into a four-car covered garage. Janiah looked at her friend in shock and awe. So much had changed since the last time she saw Topaz. They got out of her SUV and walked into the house through the garage.

Topaz showed Janiah around the house. It was two stories and over 5,000 square feet. It had four bedrooms, three and a half bathrooms, a den, a dining room, an entertainment room, a kitchen, a living room, a study, and a utility room. As they walked around the house, Janiah commented on how amazing the home interior was. She was thoroughly in awe of the porcelain and stone floors. They walked outside to the in-ground hot-tub and the in-ground heated pool. They stopped and sat outside for a little while in the covered patio. The house was simply amazing.

"Tee, you are so lucky. Jae-hyun is really taking good care of you. Look at this house. Oh my god. What are you going to do with your house?" She asked.

"He told me to lease it out. I never had any plans to sell my house, but I was glad he was encouraging me to keep it. He said he would rather I acquire some more properties to lease and just stay at home with the baby. You know he doesn't want me to work, but he hasn't made any demands, yet. He knows I have always worked so he isn't touching that subject for now." Topaz explained to her friend.

"Girl, he is a really good man. He wants you to own your own business but just take care of things from the luxury of home. I'm so glad to see you are so happy. You look really good. I don't know how you managed to lose weight while you are pregnant, but you look stunning. It looks like the only weight you gained was all baby." Janiah marveled.

"I go to the gym four times a week and work with a personal trainer to keep my weight reasonable. I don't want to get big as a house just because I'm having a baby." Topaz explained to her friend.

"That is a really good idea. Most women don't think about that and have a hard time losing their baby weight. Do you feel like you are ready? You know that day is getting closer and closer." They sat there laughing and talking. A lady came around the corner and asked if they would like some refreshments. Topaz submitted her request and thanked her. Janiah watched the exchange with amazement. Her friend really moved up the ladder.

"How many servants do you have?" Janiah asked when the lady left the room.

"They're not servants. They're my assistants. I have three. Jae-hyun doesn't want me overexerting myself now that I am supposed to be on bedrest. He certainly doesn't want anything to make me go into labor while he isn't here. I don't argue with him. The only other alternative would be for me to move to Seoul until I have the baby and that's not going to happen." She laughed at the thought.


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