12장 (AMBW)

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Topaz and Janiah were sitting on the patio talking and laughing about random stuff. She was trying to keep her friend occupied until her husband came back. For the past few days, she had been complaining of pains and Janiah didn't want to leave her alone too much. She was afraid Topaz could go into labor any day.

"How do you feel? You look like you will pop at any moment." Janiah asked Topaz as she lay on the lounge chair. She was so big now, they were amazed that she could even move. Her stomach looked really uncomfortable. As they sat there talking and enjoying the weather, Jae-hyun appeared.

"Baby, what are you doing here? You said you wouldn't be back until next week." Topaz struggled to get up to greet him. Jae-hyun walked over and kissed her. Something was off about his mannerism. He held onto her really tight and looked her in the eyes.

"Topaz, my father, and my brother are here. They are in the living room." The look of fear on his face made her uneasy. Jae-hyun kissed her and held her close to him. They walked into the house with Janiah following them. She looked up and saw Jin-jae standing there. The man who once smiled at her the moment he saw her was replaced by someone who looked like him, but he had no feelings or love in his eyes.

Jin-jae walked over to her and looked at her swollen belly. He reached out and then looked at Topaz for permission to touch her. She nodded her head and allowed him to touch her tummy. The baby was moving. The slightest nudge caused erased the frown from his face. He looked at her and a sense of awe swept over his face. Jin-jae looked into her eyes. He knew this would be his baby if things had turned out differently the night she met his brother. He removed his hand and stepped away. Instead of sitting down, he walked out of the house. Jae-hyun walked over to her side and gave her a hug. Topaz was crying, and she didn't even notice it. The thought of how things turned out the way they did was still kind of hard to take.

Jae-hyun and Topaz were trying to make the best of a bad situation. She never imagined they would fall for each other. How could she possibly know that she would marry him? She was told that this type of thing was impossible and now to look at Jin-jae, the weight of the situation became too much to handle. She felt the weight of everything hit her and her knees gave way. Her husband grabbed her and ushered to a place where she could sit down and rest.

Topaz sat down on the love seat. She wasn't feeling too good. Her stomach balled up in knots and she started to feel pain in her back and her stomach. Jae-hyun was talking to his father. She tried to give him a chance to finish his conversation, but another pain hit her so hard it took her breath away. Using the breathing techniques she learned, she tried to breathe through it but nothing seemed to help. This was different. Topaz felt like she was actually in labor.

"Baby, uhmmmm. Baby. Something is wrong. Jae-hyun please help me, baby!" Topaz screamed. The pain was so hard it took her breath away.

"Babbbbbyyyyyy, Jae-hyun please help me. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my God, it hurts so bad. Jay call my mom, please. Tell them I am going to the hospital. Please call them for me. Please." Topaz began to cry. It looked like she was going into labor. She was crying like a baby. Jin-jae came back inside to find everyone jumping around. Even though Mr. Choi attempted to seem disinterested, when she started begging for help and crying, he was touched by her suffering. Jae-hyun leads her, his father, and his brother to the car and he grabbed her hospital bag on the way out. He gave the staff instructions and headed out.

He never experienced a childbirth before. He was completely out of his element. Watching his wife scream and cry for help made him uneasy. They reached the Baylor Medical Center at Trophy Club. They and went in through the ER. At this point, Topaz was crying. She was screaming. Janiah tried to help her with her breathing and Jae-hyun tried to make sure they got her situated as soon as possible. He held her hand and kissed her head. Watching her in pain was too much for him to bear. There was nothing he could do.

Jae-hyun contacted his wife's OB-GYN and spoke to the hospital about putting her in a birthing suite. He handled everything to get her rushed into a comfortable room where they could get her ready for the newest member of the Choi family's arrival. Nurses came in and got her settled in the room. As soon as they got her in the bed, her water broke.

"Baby, please tell the nurse I think I peed on myself and that I am in so much pain. Tell her to come quickly oh oh ooh, please help me." Topaz started crying again. She was sitting straight up trying to do the breathing exercises. She was sweating and crying out from the pain.

"Somebody help me, please. Where are they? Why isn't anyone trying to help me oh God, please? Fucking help me please." She started crying in such a pitiful way. Everyone in the room started to feel so bad for her. Anyone could see she was in a terrible amount of pain. Jae-hyun was completely at a loss. He was holding her hand and trying to hold himself together. Mr. Choi and Jin-jae left as soon as she started screaming and cursing. No one was able to handle the look of agony and the cries for help.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee walked through the door with a rather tall gentleman.

"Mommy, daddy, bubba please help me. Oh God, this baby is trying to kill me." She cried out as she saw them walk in the room.

"Topaz don't say stuff like that. I know it hurts but you will be okay baby. Just breathe like this." Mrs. Lee took her hand and calmed her down. She stroked her hair and sung songs to make topaz feel better. When a contraction came, her mother helped her through it. Jae-hyun stayed by the bedside but he felt useless. No matter what he said to her, she looked at him like he was the devil.

"Son don't worry. Most women look at you that way when they are giving birth. They always blame the man for all the pain they are suffering. When it's all over, she will stop looking at you that way." The old man laughed and patted him on the back.

For the next five hours, it was constant movement in and out of the room. Topaz seemed to be exhausted and finally, the doctor came in and confirmed that she was fully dilated. They cleared out everyone except for her mom and husband.


Jae-hyun walked out of the birthing room. His face was bright red. He looked like he had received the shock of his life.

"Is everything okay?" The questions started flooding him as he stood there trying to wrap his head around today's events. Everyone was asking him the same question.

"We have two little dragons. Two healthy baby boys!" Jae-hyun screamed and fell down to his knees in tears. This amazing woman gave him two boys. Someone who was not supposed to have children had two healthy beautiful little boys. Jae-hyun was crying and thanking God for redeeming him. He almost sent her away when she was the answer to all his pain and suffering.

"I have two little boys. Two of them." Jae-hyun didn't even realize that his father and brother had come to join in his celebration. He opened his eyes and gave both his father and brother a hug.

"Father this is the reason I married her. She is special." Jae-hyun said as if to answer a question that was previously posed.


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