14장 (AMBW)

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"Breaking News!!! Today, it has been confirmed that one of the most influential Korean families celebrated an addition of two new members into their family. That's correct. The South Korean technologies conglomerate Choi Technologies International CTI welcomed twin baby boys into the Choi family this past Friday. The family is currently on hiatus in Texas, USA as they celebrate the arrival of the new bouncing baby boys. We will keep you posted as more details become available."

Jae-hyun received an email from his team five days after his children were born. He knew it wouldn't be long before the media picked up the information because his father, his brother, and himself were seen as they were leaving South Korea in the family's private jet and they were seen when they arrived at DFW International Airport. To see all three men together was a rarity.

Now that the public was involved, it would only be a matter of time before they figured out his wife was African American. Not only did he have to worry about the backlash from his extended family, he also had to be concerned with how his family's company would be impacted. Jae-hyun looked at his wife and his babies. He would not forget his promise no matter what. This was his family and he was prepared to protect them with his life.

Topaz was lucky to have her mother and her best friend as part of her support system. Her mother decided to stay with her until she was able to fully care for herself and the babies. Janiah came nearly every day to help out with the babies. She was so amazed that her friend had twins. No one, including Topaz, knew she was having twins. The doctor explained that it is rare to miss a twin during the ultrasound. He also stated that even though technology is more accurate today than it was 10 years ago, nothing is impossible.

Even though Jae-hyun was thankful for his mother-in-law and Janiah, he was still very possessive of Topaz and the babies. His main goal was to make sure everyone was okay. His father and brother returned to South Korea six days after the birth. The men resolved some issues and agreed to work together for a solution to what was sure to become a media circus very soon. They finally decided to schedule some interviews to get ahead of the story before it got out of control.


"How are you feeling?" A loving masculine voice swirled around her head. Topaz woke up to her husband sitting on her side of the bed. He crawled over her to lie down next to her. She enjoyed the feeling of his arm draped across her waist as he examined her. Every day she fell in love with him. The way he cared for her was amazing. There was nothing she could want or ask for. Anything her heart desired, he made sure it happened.

"I feel stronger every day," she looked at her husband and smiled. This man was so amazing. Jae-hyun was nothing like the pompous asshole she met by mistake. He took a two month leave to stay home with her and the babies. Loving caresses made her feel like a queen. The way he held and loved on his babies made her heart feel so full. One thing she had to acknowledge was that she was blessed with the man of her dreams.


When the babies were two months old, Jae-hyun, baby David, baby Michael, and Topaz flew to Seoul, South Korea to register the twins on the family registry. They were greeted at the Incheon International Airport by their family and the media. As they walked to an area designated to meet with the reporters, Jae-hyun answered questions as Topaz and the babies were finally present as his family.


Topaz tried to move back and get away from the man on top of her, but he pinned her down and started to kiss her lips violently. Oh, God. What was she going to do? He was stronger, and he was trying to touch her. She imagined anything like this would happen to her. Topaz started kicking and fighting trying to get away from the stranger. He used his legs to trap her legs and he used his hands to trap her hands. As the stranger continued to try and kiss her, she fought him with all of her strength. Her head dodged every move he made to prevent him from kissing her mouth or her neck.

"Stop moving before you make me hit you." The man's English was broken, and his accent was terribly rough. The way he spoke, she believed he was a low life or a thug. The tears started streaming down her face. She sobbed as the loss of control began to sink in. How could she possibly get out of this? There was no way this man or any man would make her betray her husband. Topaz waited for the opportune time and she kneed him in the dick. When he rolled over to grab his bruised balls, she broke free and ran for her life. When she found a door that looked like an exit, she ran through the door out onto the streets.

Topaz had no idea where she was. She saw some lights, so she ran to an area where there were a lot of people and a lot of traffic. After flagging down a taxi, she got in and asked the driver to take her to Choi Technologies International. The only reason she knew the address was because of the work she did with the Seoul office before taking her maternity leave. Once she made it to the office, she asked security to call Jae-hyun Choi. Within minutes, he was there to settle with the taxi driver and to collect his wife who had been missing for three days. Topaz saw Jae-hyun's face and she held on to him as if her life depended on it.

"Baby, please tell me what happened to you." The look of terror on his face was emphasized by his red puffy eyes.

"I stepped outside for some air and a woman came up to me. She introduced herself as Se-ra. She was congratulating me on our marriage and the babies. I thanked her and as I turned to walk away, several men surrounded me. The next thing I know they were trying to force me into a car."

"That stupid bitch." Topaz had never seen Jae-hyun as angry as he was at that moment. He wrapped his arms around Topaz and helped her get in his car. His face made her uncomfortable. Her husband instructed the driver to take them home, but she could not ignore the murderous look on his face.

"Baby what's wrong," Topaz asked him.

"The woman who kidnapped you was my ex-wife." Jae-Hyun's words left her breathless.

To be continued.....

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