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As he paused to glance at her delectable silky-smooth brown petals, he was stunned. He was reminded of the Nymphaea nouchali, Nymphaea stellata, also known as the Purple Lotus Flower. The spiritual meaning of its purple color was ascension, enlightenment, and rebirth. His tongue and mouth were greedy to cherish this satin delicacy. As an artist and a man who understood the importance of signs and symbols, Jin-jae was convinced that Topaz was sent to him as a gift from the gods. Touching and tasting her made him feel like he was ascending into the ethereal plane. He knew being with her was a form of enlightenment. He felt the energy he had never felt before. Her essence would enlighten his spirit. The need to savior and worship her was all-encompassing. Jin-jae wasn't sure how rebirth played its part in his association with Topaz, but he knew she would facilitate a rebirth in him. He just had no idea what the rebirth would entail.

Jin-jae woke from his dream. The memory of the day he would claim Topaz as his woman lingered in his mind. The fact that he sent her to his room was as if destiny determined that his brother needed her more. How could Jin-jae have known that he would change his and his brother's lives forever by sending her to his room? If he had known this would be the outcome, he knew he would not have sent her. He would have taken her in her bed. He would be the person sharing the good news of the twin boys birth. Jin-jae knew he was a selfish individual who would have never given her up if he had seen this in the future.

Jae-hyun must have saved Topaz in their past lives. That would explain how she could save him in this life. He had fallen asleep after his brother came out to tell them that his wife had given birth to twins. As much as he wanted to hate his brother, he couldn't. He could not hate the man who always looked out for him. He could not hate his own flesh and blood. When he found out about the way Jae-hyun's ex-wife Se-ra, ripped out his heart, he could no longer hate him. Even though Topaz would have changed his world and his heart, Jin-jae could not deny his brother the redemption he found in her.

Topaz really was a Purple Lotus Flower. She was able to help him to ascend from the stigma of being a man who could not father children. Her beautiful soul allowed Jae-hyun to indulge in the enlightenment of her love for him. He was no longer the angry cold person he had become. Now, he was warm and loving. He cared more about others than he ever had. The rebirth that came from Topaz was truly the greatest gift which she bestowed on his brother. She gave birth to two boys who were the physical rebirth of their father. His confidence and manhood were reborn. Topaz gave Jae-hyun everything. Jin-jae realized they were perfect for one another, but he vowed that if his brother ever hurt her, he would deal with him one way or another.

He still wanted her. Jin-jae knew it would take time for him to get over her. If it were anyone else besides his brother, all hell would break loose.


Mr. Choi was sitting in the rocking chair holding one of his grandsons. He had just handed one baby to the nurse and was holding the other one. Every angry sentiment disappeared when his eyes beheld the twins. They were amazing. When he saw the babies, he saw his own father. They were perfect. One little angel had a head full of hair and the other precious angel had just a little tuft of hair at the top of his head. They didn't look like their mother at all. He chuckled to himself when he realized that they looked just like their father. It was as if his son cloned himself. He laughed again realizing just how strong his son was to have twins and to make them look just like him. Yes, his son had strong Choi genes. Mr. Choi chuckled once more. He was proud of his son. He found it hard to hide the joy and pride he felt.

If he had proceeded with his first mind, he would have missed out on the birth of his grandchildren. He knew his son went against their customs and traditions, but these precious babies were the outcome. There was no way he would deny his family these beautiful healthy baby boys. He knew there were members of the family clan who would cry injustice, but he could not allow his grandsons to be separated from their grandparents. He knew his wife would be overjoyed when she held these wonderful little babies.

As Mr. Choi thought about the issues at hand, his grandson yawned and snuggled next to his grandpa. He smiled, and tears formed in his eyes as he observed his little dragon. What a beautiful baby. His family was very blessed. They were more so blessed that he did not intervene in the relationship between Jae-hyun and Topaz. He beamed over his grandchild and looked over to his son as he held his other grandson. Lastly, he looked at their mother. She was sleeping soundly after giving his family the most perfect gifts. Mr. Choi owed her a debt of gratitude. She redeemed his son in the best possible way. He smiled at her. The young lady won his support the day she gave him these two precious grandsons.


Jae-hyun never in his life felt as much happiness and joy as he felt when his wife gave him the desire of his heart. When he saw her crying and begging him to help her, his masculinity diminished. There was nothing he could do but hold her hand and kiss her as she cried, pushed, and screamed through the pain of not one but two healthy little boys. As the doctor delivered his sons, everything became clear. He would walk away from his father, mother, brother and even his country if that was the price he had to pay for the sacrifice his wife made for him. She gave him everything that mattered most, and he knew he didn't need anything else but her and his children. Kissing her and thanking her was not enough. Praising her and continually thanking her did not come close to the what she did for him by allowing his children to come into the world.


She lay there sleeping. He walked over to her and kissed her on her forehead. He kissed her cheek. As he gently kissed her lips, a tear slid down his cheek onto her perfect lips. She amazed him today. His heart was so in awe of her after witnessing the birth of their sons. Topaz was an angel of mercy. She saved him. Every step of the way, she gave him everything. His two little boys, she gave them to him. His manhood, she redeemed it in him. His smile, she replenished every day. His pride as a man, she nourished in him. As he marveled over the beautiful bundle of joy in his arms, tears welled up in his eyes because God gave him Topaz. With the help of God, Topaz gave him everything. He would never ever let her go. Jae-hyun loved everything about her. He vowed against his own soul that he would never forget what she gave him, and he would lay down his life for her before he let her go.


As she lay there sound asleep, he did not want to allow the children or her out of his presence. He spoke with the hospital director and the doctors. He advised them that he would pay whatever he had to pay to have the children continuously in the room with him and his wife. He also requested two personal nurses for the duration of their stay. Jae-hyun called his friend and requested that security be arranged for his family.

Even if he were overreacting, he didn't care. Money was no object when it came to those he loved. For some reason, he could not get over the feeling that he needed to protect his wife and children. Soon everyone would know that he had a family and newly born twins in the US. Even in South Korea, people were speculating that he was hiding something. It was time to let everyone know and to exile himself to America if that's what he had to do to protect his family. He wasn't worried about anything, it was time to implement the plan he had been working on since he found out Topaz was caring his child.


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