Hidden World Pictures

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-Third Person-

As the screen lit up, the first image it revealed is Hiccup with his newly set armor made out of Toothless' shred scales making it fully fire proof unlike what he's wearing right now. Not only his suit changed but also his looks. His hair became a bit longer and his jaw is perfectly shape. He also had his piercing emerald eyes and had this small smirk while staring above him.

Almost everyone swoon while Hiccup blushes in embarrassment. Astrid, on the other hand, stared firmly on the screen but if you could look carefully, you could see a tint of red on her cheeks. Ruffnut started drooling beside Tuffnut.

"I present to you Hiccup Haddock!" Zia said with a wide smile.

"That's Hiccup?" Snotlout asked in disbelief with his jaw drop and wide eyes.

While Stoick and Valka, who hid herself in the dark stared wide eye at their son that now becomes a man he is. There is no parent who wouldn't be proud of what Hiccup is now.

"Yes." Diantha nodded her head. "And he's the new Chief of Berk."

At this, Stoick's head perked up while Hiccup stared wide eyes in disbelief. He can't be chief! He's still not ready!

"What?" Hiccup exclaimed in surprise and shock.

"It happened after your war with Drago," Zia frowned for a second before smiling at them.

"Nice armor," Fishlegs complimented with a smile. "And its made of dragon shred scales. You'd be fire proof!"

"Fishlegs is right. It is made out of dragon shred scales." Diantha smirked while looking at Hiccup.

"He's so hot!" Ruffnut cooed which made Hiccup look uncomfortable while Astrid glared.

"Okay, we've established that I indeed change after a few years. Can we please change the image?" Hiccup asked Zia with a red face which made the girl laugh.

"Okay," Zia pressed a button and it changes to Astrid.

Astrid has the same armor as Hiccup but it was made out of Stormfly's shred scales. Her hair was a bit loose but still wears her typical braid and is staring in front of her with a smirk. Beside her stood Stormfly.

Almost every boys started drooling at Astrid on the screen while the female Viking stared at herself in satisfaction while Hiccup stared wide eyes at the screen. Gustav and Snotlout stared with hearts in their eyes with Snotlout almost forgetting that he's after Ruffnut now.

"I present to you Astrid Hofferson!"

"Wow..." Hiccup whispered in awe which made Astrid blush.

"She has the same armor like Hiccup!" Fishlegs exclaimed.

"Wait, that's Astrid?" Tuffnut asked. "I thought it was someone else."

"I know, puberty hit the them hard." Zia nods her head with a chuckle.

"Next!" Zia pressed the button and the image changed to Snotlout.

Snotlout on the screen is staring in front of him with a smug look. He's not wearing his helmet which shows his black long hair, his thick eyebrows, slight mustache and wide jaw. He's also wearing a red armor with a cape made out of Hookfang's shred scales just like Hiccup and Astrid.

"I present to you Snotlout Jorgensen!" Zia shouted.

"Whoa! I look awesome!" Snotlout exclaimed while admiring his self on the screen. "And the cape is perfect."

"That's Snotlout?" The twins asked, incredulously.

"Why is he not wearing his helmet?" Tuffnut asked.

"And... He also has the same armor like Hiccup and Astrid." Fishlegs said, a bit confused.

"Hate to say it but Snotlout did change this time." Astrid said with a sigh while Hiccup nodded his head.

"I hope its for the better." Hiccup joked which made Astrid giggle.

"Next image!" Zia pressed the button and Fishlegs appeared on the screen.

Fishlegs wears an armor close to Meatlug's scale color. He had a mustache the same as Gobber and he seem to be smiling in front of him while carrying three baby Gronkles in his arms.

"I present to you Fishlegs Ingerman!"

Almost everyone tried to hide their laughs except for Snotlout and the twins who laughed out loud while staring at the screen in surprise and disbelief.

"No way!" Snotlout laugh.

"That's Fishlegs?" Astrid asked in amusement with her arms crossed.

"He looked like Gobber!" Hiccup chuckled. Valka giggled from behind while staring at the screen. Fishlegs blush in embarrassment.

"Oi, 'e das luk layk meh!" Gobber stared at the screen before bursting a full laughs with Stoick.

"And by the way, the armor suits all of you." Diantha compliments with a smile.

"And lastly, the twins!" Zia once again pressed the button and the image of the twins appeared.

The twins stood side by side while staring mischievously in front of them. They wore an armor the same like the others. Ruffnut had her hair into a side braid which made her look like a real woman while Tuffnut has his hair braided underneath his chin which made it look like he has a beard.

"Whoa! Is that you, Ruffnut?" Astrid asked with one brow raised upwards and a smirk on her lips.

"Shut it. I can change too." Ruffnut grumbled in annoyance while Snotlout and Hiccup stared at Tuffnut in half confuse and half uncomfortable.

"What's with your hair?" Hiccup asked, slightly disturb.

"I don't know but it looks awesome!" Tuffnut exclaimed with a wide smile. Hiccup shook his head.

"Do you know who made your armors?" Diantha suddenly asked the guests who shook their head.

"Let me guess, It's Hiccup. Isn't it?" Gobber deadpan before grinning at his apprentice who stared wide eye.

"How did you know?" Zia asked in a fake surprise. She already knew Gobber was the only one who could recognize Hiccup's works.

"I could always Hiccup's flare in a mile away." Gobber laughed, patting his knee before nudging Hiccup who groaned.

"Okay, now that you've seen what you're going to look into the future, why don't we watch your movie trailer?" Zia asked with a smile. If you wouldn't know her, you'd think she calm but on the inside, she's squealing in excitement.

Diantha rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"What's a movie?" Tuffnut asked.

"A movie is like telling a story of someone's life but with moving images so you could see what did really happened in the story." Zia explained with a wide smile.

"That would be cool to see!" Fishlegs smiled widely.

"So we're going to watch your future with a important clips being put together." Diantha added.

"Are you ready?" Almost everyone nodded their head eagerly.

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