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-Third Person-

"Okay, everyone!" Zia called out through the loud conversations from all the Vikings. Once everyone got quiet, she continues. "I just found the second trailer, so I suggest you all get comfortable."

"And may I remind you that you should probably prepare yourselves. Someone you know and love dearly would have a quick reappearance." Diantha stated knowingly while giving Valka a look, who still hides through the shadows with Cloudjumper.

"Oh, and have some popcorns." With a flick of Zia's fingers, a bowl of popcorns appeared on each of everyone's laps.

"Popcorns. . ." Tuffnut trailed off. "Sounds familiar."

And Diantha giggled knowingly.

(The camera to a map, with Berk drawn in the center.)

Stoick: This is Berk, son.

Almost everyone jumped on their seats after hearing Stoick's voice.

"Oh, there you are." Gobber chuckled, referring to Stoick's question earlier about where he was after watching the first trailer.

"This sounds familiar." Stoick hummed before eating his popcorn.

(A pan in of the warrior statues that greeted all those that came to Berk. This Berk is a smaller one, before all dragons. Stoick is standing before the village of Berk, holding a toddler Hiccup in his arms, who looks up at his father.)

"Aw, you look so cute, I could just squeeze you to death." Diantha said, her voice almost sounding like baby talk.

"Which is we don't want you to do." Zia chimed in with a half glare. "So behave, Diantha."

Hiccup snorted in annoyance while Astrid laughed. Valka, on the other hand, put a hand on her mouth upon seeing little Hiccup. How could she miss so much of him? Would it ever be too late to come back and mend all her mistakes?

Meanwhile, Snotlout and the twins snickers upon seeing Hiccup so small and skinny, that it was like yesterday when they bully him and regrets everything.

Stoick: This is the home of your grandparents, and their grandparents before them.

(The camera cuts to a massive hole in the middle of the ocean.)

Stoick: But out there, beyond the edge of the world, lies the home of the dragons.

(The screen changes to a brightly lit cave, full of bright colorful dragons flying everywhere, to many to count. It looks like a utopia for dragons of all kinds.)

Stoick: But I believe, that it is your destiny, to one day find this hidden world.

"He knows. . ." Hiccup concluded before facing his father. "You know, and you never told me."

That made Valka gave her husband a look, although secretly, as she herself didn't know of this information except her husband. Which made her confuse. How could Stoick know such a sacred information?

"This is in the past, when you were little." Stoick started. "And everything happened so fast with a raids and dragons living in our village, that information had slipped in my mind until now. I would've thought you still remember it."

"No," Hiccup smiled sheepishly. "I just thought it was just a dream."

And the sound of hands slapping through their foreheads could be heard everywhere.

(A fade out to little Hiccup looking at his father to now chief Hiccup looking upon a growing, lively Berk from the same place his father once stood. Toothless comes up behind him and nuzzle his rider.)

Watching The Hidden World trailerWhere stories live. Discover now