chapter 11

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My favorite number! Also Master hand isn't a gigantic hand here but a person. And is anyone in the mood to chat with me? No? Ok...
Zelda pov
Ganondorf and left me a note this morning saying that he knew something about the missing Link. I was happy, very happy, but also confused why would he know something and tell us without having any real benefits from it?

So as soon as we finished breakfast me, Ganondorf and most of Links other friends, which were a lot, met in the big library. We started the "meeting", but another person came into the room. It was Master hand, which surprised us a lot. What would they want here, they were mostly in their office handling the smash tournament and stuff like that.

Many states were on them as they walked to the table, took a chair and sat down. There was a long silence until Pit spoke up:" Master hand what are you doing here?" That was the question everyone had on their mind. Master hand chuckled as if Pit had just told a great joke. "I want to make sure Ganondorf doesn't make any false assumption and maybe even tell or show you the truth." They nodded at Ganondorf as if allowing him to start.

Ganondorf took in a deep breath as if to gather his thoughts. "As some of you may know" He looked at me "I had help with most of my evil plans. What I thought was that, after being defeated by Link and Zelda, those 'smaller' villains died. But when I took a look at Links room I felt the presence of a particular magic, magic used by one of thoses... Helpers. What I think is, that they kidnapped him."

He fell silent for a short while, eyes focused on the wall behind me. "Now before anyone accuses me of being the 'mastermind' behind that plan, as I said before, I didn't even know that they were still alive."

Silence fell upon us but it was soon disturbed by Pit. The angel had jumped up, slaming his hands onto the table and spread his wings in, what I guessed was, irritation, hitting Marth and Samus, who were sitting on his sides, in the progress. "DOES THAT MEAN LINK IS IN THE CLAWS OF SOME VILLAINOUS BEINGS?"

I looked from him to Ganondorf to Master hand who had their arms crossed over their chest, I couldn't understand why but they were smiling at the scene unfolding before them.

"Master Hand? Would you mind enlightening us with what you know? It might be very helpful." All eyes turned from the angry Angel to the snickering Master Hand. "Very well. Yes it is true that those 'villainous beings', as you just called them, have our dear Link. But, other from what you may think, they didn't, and probably still don't, plan to hurt him."

Even with him saying that I couldn't help but worry for Links wellbeing. "But I think the time is right for you to see him again, at least through a screen." They stood up. "If you all would follow me to the cinema."

Dark pov

I was awoken by knocking on my door. I sat up and ruffled through my hair. "Hm? Yes?" Someone opened the door and peaked their head through it, it was Cia.

It seemed like she wanted to say something but her eyes fell on something on my neck or shoulder. I tried to look at what she saw, oh right the bitemark Link had left yesterday.

I turned to look at my boyfriend, hell did that sound great,who stirred awake next to me and propped himself up on his arms, I could see some of the hickeys I had left on his shoulders.

I turned back to cia who gave me a knowing look. "Master hand is calling, he wants to talk with you two." I gave her a thumbs up and she left, I turned back to Link "Did you hear what she said?" He noded slowly.

I got up and went to dig through my closet to find something comfortable and presentable, but was disturbed by a hoarse voice behind me. "Could you help me up?" I turned to see Link smiling at me. "Oh fuck right. You must hurt from yesterday! Oh man, I should've been more careful, I honestly am so sorry." But Link just laughed at me. "Don't worry, it's not like I can't handle it but my legs are a little stiff."

I could feel a light blush spread on my cheeks as I grabbed his hand and pulled him up "Thanks"

He gave me a soft smile before kissing my left cheek just as soft as his smile. I returned his smile. "Well if you need anything else, a pain killer for example, just tell me, ok?"

I turned around when he answered with a "Yes, thanks." and went to grab some clothes for me.

We got dressed in silence. "Ready" Link asked me when both of us were finished. I noticed that one of the hickeys i had left this night were good visible, but I didn't say anything. "I'm ready if you are." I held my arm out for him and he took it.

W went down like this together into the living room. I could already hear Shadow and Master Hand talking. And really the younger boy sat on the couch, talking to Master Hand through the Tv. I could see some other faces but I didn't recognize all of them.

"Guys!" The blond boy next to me exclaimed with excitement and set next to Shadow. "Link! You really are alright." Zelda smiled at us, or more at Link.

"We really thought that something had happened to you! I am so glad to see that you are fine" I had stepped behind Link and watched the people in the tv, I didn't know all of them.

"Zelda, no all of you, I'm sorry that I didn't contract you earlier, I didn't know I could." I laughed making Link look up at me with surprise, guess he didn't know that I had been behind him, I looked down at him and smiled at him "we kinda forgot to tell you, sorry."He returned my smile "It's alright Dark."

Both of us looked back at the tv, Zelda was looking at me this time but there was no hatred in her eyes, jusr a knowing look. Were Link and I that obvious?

"So, why exactly is Link with you?" A blue haired... person questioned. I couldn't really tell if they were a male with a tiara or a female with short hair. But before I answered I let my gaze wander. Ganondorf was with them. I was scared of him to be honest... or more scared of the look he gave me. But I couldn't let them see that.

"We wanted to show that we aren't completely bad." And that Ganondorf is a dirty lier who needs to be punished! I couldn't say that part of course. "But can Link come back to us?"  A brown haired boy with wings asked now. "Yes he can." Master hand was fast to answer "But only if he wants to." A reliefed sigh went through most of them.

What happened afterwards is not that important, some of them left and the others talked. Some of us came too to talk. At some point me, Link, Cia, Zelda and Shiek were the only ones left.

"So" Zelda started after a pause. "Link, you and Dark are together?" I turned to Link who was looking back at me " Yes, yes we are." He smiled at Zelda and Shiek while answering her question and put his arm around me. I leand onto his side.

Zeldas smile widened, I couldn't see what Shiek thought about it, he didn't really show his emotions. "Oh that is great I am so happy for the both of you." She clapped her hands together.

"Well Zelda darling, are you by any change single?" Cia leaned forward on the chair she was sitting on and smiled at Zelda. "I-I uhm...yes, why are you asking" Cia closed her eyes. "Oh I was just wondering if such a good looking young lady was still single." Zelda blushed at that a bright shade of red.

"Well anyways, it was nice talking to all of you, bye." Both persons on the other side of the screen waved and the screen went blank.

"I didn't know you liked pussy too Cia." I turned to face the wich. "I just can't resist the cute ones..." She sighted. "So you thought that every hero is and was cute?" I leanded more to her. "I can tell you that all of them were and are." I turned back to Link. "You are probably right that all of them were cute, the ones I know are definitely cute." I laughed when Link hit me."So what will we do today?" Cia asked no one in particular to which I shrugged.

We didn't do much the rest of the day and went to bed early. But we were awoken by a crying Vaati breaking our door down "Some of the others are missing!"

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