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A/N: So, I've been writing on for awhile, so I decided to repost my multi-chapter fic from to Wattpad! Hope you like it, this was the first fic I ever wrote, so be easy on me ;)

"We should get a camera guy," Scott said as he struggled with the tripod.

He twisted the second knob, finally making it stay secure. He leaned back on the couch to see Mitch smiling at him happily.

"What?" Scott questioned. He was sure that getting a camera guy would be much easier.

"No, it's just... It's nothing." Mitch smiled, shaking it off and preparing himself for the episode to start.

"Nice try, but tell me. Oh god, did I set it up wrong? I did didn't I? Oh, is your coffee cold? Because I can make some more, that's not a problem. You don't want to vlog anymore do you? Goddamn it, I knew it was a bad idea-" Scott spoke fast, freaking out. Mitch put his hand on Scott's thigh and turned towards him, rubbing soothing circles into Scotts bicep with his other hand.

"No, no, no, calm down, Scott. It's fine, I just... I just find it really cute when you worry. You'll be great, trust me. You always are." Mitch leaned away from Scott, suddenly realizing how close he was to the blonde. He smiled reassuringly, hoping he hadn't creeped him out. Scott sighed happily, mumbling "one, two, three" to himself. Mitch was confused, until- "ONE, TWO, THREE, HEEEY!"

Scott had slapped a peppy personality on for the camera, but Mitch caught along quickly. Mitch smiled, and went through the motions of being an entertainer. He worried if he was funny enough, if he was acting too gay (Scott and Mitch had a conversation about it the previous night. "Just be a gorgeous Queen, as always," Scott had joked.) but all of Mitch's worries had washed away once Scott started speaking about how they were "best friends". Mitch growled at the term inwardly. It was true, of course, they've been best friends since the age of ten, (as they mentioned) but Mitch can't help but want something more. It's been eleven goddamn years, he tells himself everyday. And you haven't done a single thing.

Scott lifted the heavy Beyoncé coffee table book so it was in the frame. "-A really obscure artist, Beyon-say," Scott joked, smiling. Mitch laughed freely. Scott turned to look at him and smiled. Wow, he's gorgeous, he thought but quickly shook it off as he put the book down. Mitch started joking to the camera about something as Scott scolded himself. You've been friends for eleven years, he reminded himself. Don't screw this up now. Scott zoned out for a minute, thinking about what a relationship with Mitch would be like. We'd probably be the cutest couple since Beyonce and Jay-Z, he thought happily.

"-Okay, really? Scott? Oh my god. SCOTT!" Mitch exclaimed, slapping Scotts shoulder. Scott shook himself out of his daze and turned to Mitch.

"Um, yeah? What?" he said, hoping Mitch couldn't detect his blush.

"You've been smiling stupidly at nothing for like, a minute now." Mitch cocked his eyebrow.

"Something wrong?" He smiled condescendingly. Scott faked a smile and laughed.

"Nah, nothing's wrong. I'm just... Tired." He nodded.

"Tired, is all" He grinned at Mitch and turned back at the camera to say the outro they had planned together.

"We'll just cut that part out" Mitch mumbled. Scott hadn't realized Mitch's hand had been on his thigh the couple last minutes of the episode, but when Mitch raised his hands to sing "Goodbye", he missed the warmth. Once he turned off the camera, he looked at Mitch. They smiled at each other for awhile, until Scott broke the silence. "Did I talk too fast?"

Mitch laughed. "Are you kidding me?!" he exclaimed, surprised. Scott winced.

"I did, didn't I? I was probably shaking, mumbling, and passing out... Oh god, we'll have to film the whole thing again, no one's going to understand me! God, I suck at this, I'm so sorry, it's just that-" Mitch hugged the blonde tightly to get him to shut up. Or maybe just because he really likes hugging him. Or both.

"You were great" Mitch smiled, hands fit snuggly on Scott's torso. Scott sighed happily and switched the TV on. "How is it that I'm the most stressed out person in the world but you can calm me down in less than ten seconds?" Scott wondered aloud, cuddling into Mitch's side on the couch. He was just laughing at a Spongebob joke when he realized what he was doing. It had only been a minute but a minute of cuddling with your friend is still highly inappropriate. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize, Mitch, seriously, I-" Scott started, but Mitch quickly cut him off by grabbing his waist and pulling him close to his side so he was in his previous position. "it's alright" Mitch smiled "I like you here"

"Uh, Mitch?" Scott said. "Yeah?" Mitch sighed.

"We need to edit that video."

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