6 - Mason Hill

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The sun was sprawled beneath clear blue skies, turning azure in color and birds flying back to their homes. The streets looked beautiful with all the glowing streetlights. And just across the road, I saw a music bar; decorated with a beautiful board saying open twenty-four hours. I looked for the traffic light going red and quickly made my way to it. On the gate, there was a man: tall and muscular, who was asking for IDs.

"Your ID?" he asked looking me from top to toe.

"Actually, I forgot it at my home and my mind is so fucked up right now. So, can you please let me in?" I showcased a cute smile.

"Look I can't let you in without an ID, I can't go against my boss," he said coldly looking into my eyes. Trying to charm my way out of the situation might not be as easy as I thought.

"Boss? Forget what your boss says. Bosses suck. Screw that man and fuck the rules dude," I tried to intimidate him.

"I think you're not accepting 'no' for an answer, are you?" he crossed his arms and asked me with a little grin on his face.

"Nope," I answered with a subtle eye roll. He chuckled and stretched his hands swaying me in. I gave him a warm smile out of gratitude.

As I entered I saw people laughing and chatting in their own cliques, enjoying themselves over different drinks in their hands. The bar was dazzling with different disco lights which made it view more beautiful. I just wanted to drink but fuck, why this life can't be easy? I was just 17 and I knew they were never going to give me whiskey or vodka with a smiling face. Knowing the fact I started moving towards the counter hoping for a miracle and guess what they handed me a glass of lemonade. I was so pissed off.

Can someone buy me a drink?

I don't know how in every television drama a boy comes up and asks a girl if he can buy her a drink. But my life was no drama, I had to work things out with this stupid lemon juice. But I wouldn't let that happen. No way in a hell I was going to drink this after doing so much to enter this bar. I took the lemonade glass in my hand and started looking around for an empty table.

When I was gazing my eyes around the bar, I saw a boy, looked the same age as me. I just couldn't get my eyes off him, his eyes were totally telling that he was drunk. He hardly managed to balance himself. He looked dumbfounded.

How the fuck he's all fuddle up with a lemonade? That's totally something else.

I moved towards him. Hell, I am not letting him enjoy alone while I am fucked up with a glass of lemon juice. I need that thing more than him. I tried to talk to him, but he was totally out of the zone. His body was here but his mind was totally somewhere else.

"Hey, you!!" I called up slowly. And he was still dancing with his eyes closed.

"Hey, I am talking to you," I frowned a little, he brought his eyebrows together in irritation. He took a sip from his class and replied "What? Can you just leave me alone?"

"Just give me that thing you have mixed up in your drink and I will leave," I pointed towards his glass, from which he took another sip.

"Why should I give you?" he said in a shuddering voice. I could totally smell alcohol from his mouth.

"Oh, I thought you will sort it out in an easy way. Look, I know you are underage and you are not allowed to drink that thing." I pointed my finger at his glass, he gave me an incredulous look. "You think hiding and drinking alcohol in a corner gonna save you from being caught then you are wrong. Just share it with me and your secret is safe with me." I smug.

"Woah, ok don't take it seriously. I am already boozed up." he lifted his arms in a defensive manner and then he took his hands inside his jeans pocket. "Here you can have it," he handed me his metal flask bottle. I quickly sneaked it inside my clutch.

I don't know how I managed to say that. I am totally not like that; bossy or demanding. I can't believe that I just blackmailed a boy and did a backtalk with a man who was double my size. But I didn't care, I needed this. I have heard drink eases the inside pain, it helps you to forget all the stress for a moment. And I badly want some space from his hurtful memories. I found a seat placed in a corner and that was perfect for chugging alcohol alone with my broken heart. I threw the lemon juice slowly in a big flower pot which was placed some few steps ahead from my seat and filled up my glass with alcohol.

Well, this will be my first time. Actually, not really, because I have tried alcohol before. I and my friends used to see people enjoying it drinking at parties, events and we always wondered about how it would taste. Then after so many discussions, we decided to sip it up and check it out on our own. One of our friend: Alana managed to bring us one from his father's alcohol collections. She said he won't even notice if one went missing from it.

When I took a sip, it felt gross and then I barely touched it. But today I didn't care about the taste. I slurped it slowly whilst trying not to think about Zac. And then I clicked my tongue, it tasted like grapes. I don't know what they call it but it was so good. I filled my glass again, trying to drink my shit out. Suddenly a clamoring sound grabbed my attention, and I quickly lifted my eyes up to figure out the situation.

I saw a group of boys, they looked young and energetic. They were chanting a name "Mason... Mason... Mason," to motivate him to go up and present a song for all. One boy; tall and scrawny, took up the guitar and handed over to him whilst Mason walked up to the stage. I couldn't see his face. He was tall and had a lean body. I was waiting to face him this side so that I can see his face. Finally, he turns and pushes a strand of his fawn hair back and greets the audience with a wave of his hand. A huge smile stretches across his lips, illuminating his face. A white light shines over him. His eyes were deep green and he exudes an aura of freedom and passion. He was really beautiful. A charming mix between Chris Hemsworth and Zac Efron. Yet, I didn't care. I drown my eyes back on my glass and continued enjoying my alcohol in peace.

I was feeling a little dizzy, I blinked my eyelids to clear my view. Ah, I can still see. Mason strums his guitar and starts to sing "Well you only need the light when it's burning low... Only miss the sun when it starts to snow. Only know you love her when you let her go... Only know you've been high when you're feeling low"

It's Let Her Go by Passenger!!

I quickly looked up at his face, he was singing with his eyes closed.  It was definitely one of my favorite song but I don't want to listen to that. Not now. His voice was so deep like he was feeling the words which came out of his mouth. Those words provoked me to cry. I gazed his face, it looked so calm. But it was driving me crazy. All of Zac's memories seemed to sneak into my mind with shovels in their hand to dig up my heart. I cringed, winced and grimaced. I moved to tears. His words realized me how far Zac has gone from me. Why didn't the alcohol work? I started to have a rueful figure on my face. I felt nostalgic. Mason opened his eyes and passed a smile to his friends. Suddenly his eyes fell on me, and I didn't care if he will see my tears. I lifted my glass to take a sip but it was empty. I was out of alcohol.

Damn, why this world is getting cruel to me?

I pursed my lips to stop the tears from coming out of my eyes, but they didn't. It continued to slide from my eyes to my mouth, It tasted salty. If at this time my tears were like my pain in taste, then it would not be less than a poison. My cheeks soaked with tears. He finished his song and everyone gave him a huge applaud and I was feeling my heart cutting down into pieces. I saw him walking back to his friends and giving them a chaste hug. They all patted his back, obviously praising his song. He smiled and placed his guitar on his char. He turned back and looked at me, trying to figure out something. I quickly retreated my eyes to my table. I still tried to look him beneath my lashes.

Fuck, he's coming this way!!


A/N: I enjoyed writing this chapter so much. What about you? Give me your feedbacks and tap that start button, please :)

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