17 - Brave New World.

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The darkening sky was filled with lavender clouds, hiding all the stars of the night. The raindrops were getting heavier every second as the people were running to find a shelter and some were finding a moment of joy. Some looked patient, others irritated because nature messed up their hurried day. I laughed when I saw Mason running like a kid for a shelter. He was screaming like the rain will drive us away.

"What are you laughing at? Come here or you will catch a cold," he pointed out redundantly from the small bus stand which was enough to provide him a good shelter. Memories of running, splashing so carefree as a child came pouring in as a welcome reprieve from the worries of my day. When the drops touched my body I just felt a new energy, like it was accompanying me in my pain. The cold wind which splashed chilled drizzles on my face brought all the good memories I spent with him. I wanted to feel it a little longer but I just couldn't hold on to it.

Just right at that moment, I wanted to live this, I wanted to feel the happiness I felt when a raindrop fell over my body. So, I just opened my arms and let it soak me wet. I twirled and twisted my hair in the rain while most people were worried about getting home safely. I saw Mason and asked him to join me but he decided to stay back. 

"Are you afraid of getting wet in rain?" I asked him in a joking way. 

"WHAT? NO!" I laughed at his facial expressions. He was acting as I asked him to marry me. I decided to feel the rain for a few more minutes when suddenly a loud thunder growled in like an explosion. It was so loud and sudden that I ran like hell and stood behind Mason like a chicken. 

"ohmygod-ohmygod." I mumbled grabbing his shirt tightly in my hand.

"Now who's afraid?" Mason twisted his head behind and chuckled. I quickly took my step back and adjusted my clothes so it doesn't show my body through the clothes. I was happy that I had Mason's jacket or I would be looking like a slut. "Hey don't make a face like that. Actually, I was a little scared too." he looked at me with a childish face and my embarrassment turned into a smile. "Let's go to my house. It's not that far from here." he looked out for a cab and raked his wet hair to pat them dry.

"I know you weren't scared" I whispered from behind. He didn't say anything but I saw his wide smile in the corner of his lips. He managed to stop a cab and we quickly ran towards it. In the whole ride, I didn't speak much because I was still figuring out about which house he was talking about. I thought to ask him but maybe it can be his other house. Rich people have many houses, it's normal for them.

He asked the cab driver to stop near a small house. It was small but it looked beautiful. What was happening? Was I living a dream or it was again just a lie?

I hope Mason is a real person and not a ghost who invites everybody inside his home and then they never come out of it.

I was thinking like a crazy person because witnessing this all was just so good to be real. I slowly steeped my foot outside the cab when Mason screamed softly "Why are you coming out in a slow motion? It's a Storm, Veronica! Let's run inside."

Gosh! And he thinks I am the one who screams.

We put the jacket on our head and ran together under it through the strong wind. I never saw a strong storm like this. It was like it could blow me away if I wouldn't hold Mason's arm. With some particles of dust in our eyes, we managed to get inside the house. It was just like a boy's room could have been. Messy, Messy and Messy.

"Umm... Sorry. I was getting late today so... Uh... The other room is clean." he showed me the way to his other room and I followed him jumping upon his stuff which was lying around. When we entered the room Mason quickly ran over to his bed and grabbed his man items and hid behind his back. But he was too late, I just couldn't hold my laugh and I ended up with a huge guffaw. It was his underwear which was lying on his bed under the fan to get dry.

"I swear, it was the last one." Mason managed to speak with his embarrassed red face. "I will grab some towels for us." He sputtered and jumped out of the room trying to hide his underwear behind him. I just stood there and laughed again. 'He came back with two towels and gave one to me. We started patting us dry and lots of question whirled inside my head. And I couldn't resist to ask him now. "Do you hate rain?"

He looked at me with a little surprise. "How come?" He asked. "You just reacted like that. Umm... So I just"

"I don't hate rain," he answered making me stop saying more. "I just don't like it much. Rains brought along sadness and gloom! All those dogs running for shelter and the poor on the streets had no place to hide." I was stunned by his answer. I didn't know what to say more on that. He was right, rain was not a happiness for everyone. I just admired his deep thoughts and remained quiet.

"Hey, it's pouring so hard outside. I think you should stay the night. I will sleep on the couch." he said while watching outside the window. The thud of thunder was all that could be heard. I decided to inform my mom but the signal was too bad to make a call. So, I just sent her a message. I knew that she would be stuck too. I never understood why did she use to work so hard when dad was running a good business in Dubai. I asked her once but she said she don't want to depend on dad.

"Umm... No why would you sleep on the couch? It is your bed, I will take the couch." I insisted. It was already weird for me to share a room with some guy and I didn't want to give him any more troubles.

"Don't embarrass me. I would never let a girl sleep on the couch when there's a bed."

"Oh, do you think a girl can't sleep on a couch?" I raised my brow.

"Oh uh... Don't get started with the feminism speech. You can definitely sleep on the couch but not in my house. Ok? Ok. Now discussion over I am gonna make some coffee for us." And he disappeared before I could say anything more.

What is it with this boy? Ugh.

He gave me some clothes to change and brew us two cups of coffee. Ah, I missed his coffee. He was so good with this. He never let me feel like I was in some random house. He was very good with conversations.

"I think you are getting a habit of wearing my clothes." he chuckled. The coffee stuck between my neck and my cheeks became red. I almost choked myself to death. "Oh, how dare you! I don't need your clothes." I scowled.

"What? So, are you going to remove them? Please no, spare my eyes." he said feigning displeasure. "You are unbelievable!" I frowned and grabbed a pillow from his bed and hit it on his head. "OH YOU ARE DEAD!" he glared his eyes on me and stretched his hand for a pillow. I ran like hell and he ran behind me. We ended up doing a pillow fight and enjoyed every moment of it.

When we were tired and almost catching our breaths I asked him the question which was bugging me from the start. "Why don't you live in your house?"

"I do. This is my house." he grinned.

"No, I mean that house where you took me at first."

"Oh, that's not my house."

"What?? Don't say you break into some random house!" My eyes were popping out of the socket.

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