Haruka Vermillion

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Haha I didn't notice it but I posted like 5 new stories of this stories oppssss. Lol but here's an update 😁 please comment!!!! Just saying Zerefs a little OC hehe and i don't know if it's going to be nalu I accidently put so it might but it might not be soooo don't get your hopes up

Last time....

"Long time no see Mavis-nee" Lucy said smirking at the first master.

Normal P.O.V

"Mavis..??" Wendy said

"Nee??" everyone else in the guild finished. The guild just stood there watching the first master and Lucy having a starring contest.

"Who are you?" Natsu asked breaking the silents. Lucy turned to look at the dragon slayer and smirked at him.

"AHHH you're the one that woke me up, Natsu Dragneel," Lucy said, still smirking. "I'm Haruka Vermillion, sister of Mavis and Zeref Vermillion." Said smirking at the fire dragon slayer then at Mavis.

"What?!" everyone gasped. Then they looked at first master. Lu- I mean Haruka spoke again.

"I'm the youngest, Marvis the oldest and Zeref obviously the middle child. Weirdly I'm the strongest, 400 years ago Mavis-nee over here sealed me away. Into a body that did not grow past a certain age. For example, Lucy Heartfilia would've lived to be the exact age of 35 then would disappear and reappear in a different town as a baby. Looking the same and same magic, Mavis-nee made it so Lucy Heartfilia had a weaker magic so I couldn't break through the curse with a stronger magic. Also each time I returned to that baby state the memories of the previously life would be erased, well I remember but the cursed me didn't. And the way Mavis-nee made it to break the curse was to say I was a replacement. Which is where I need to thank you Natsu Dragneel. That Lucy Heartfilia loved you with all her heart even believe you would talk to her today just because it was her birthday poor her....Ha! Actually I should be thanking you, Lisanna Strassus" Haruka said looking at the white haired girl standing by the railing. Haruka in the blink of an eye was next to Lisanna.

"What are you talking about?!" Lisanna yelled.

"You know what I'm talking about and it looks like that boy down there Natsu Dragneel finally noticed it too," Haruka finished sitting on the railing looking at Natsu who was wide eyes looking at Lisanna. "Let's look at little Lisanna's memories." Haruka said putting her hand out and a light appeared on the guild wall showing Lisanna before she went into the guild one day holding a bottle.

"This will make Natsu and everyone notice instead of that bitch!" Lisanna said laughing. Another picture showed up of what happened today. "Natsu's starting to remember Lucy! I need to do something!" Lisanna grabbed a knife and best herself up. Then went the guild saying it was Lucy.

The light faded and Haruka started laughing.

"That's too good! Lucy even told you it wasn't her fault and you didn't believe her! God out of all the past life's I've had this was surly the worse. Best for me, but worse for the cursed me! haha and you're suppose to be her best friend, haha!" Haruka finished still laughing grabbing her stomach. Natsu tighten his fist and his bangs covering his tear stained eyes.

"Where's Luce?" Natsu said

"What?" Haruka said

"I said where's Luce!!!" Natsu said flying after Haruka.

"Natsu dont!!" Mavis yelled.

"Fire dragon iron fist!" Natsu yelled about to hit Haruka who just sat there with her eyes closed smirking.

"I don't have time for you fire boy. You think I'll be that easy to beat?" Haruka said grabbing the dragon slayers fist and threw him across the guild. She jumped down from the railing and slowly walked to the fire dragon slayer wit her hands in her pockets with her eyes closed still smirking. "This "Luce" you asking about is dead. No longer here, once you said those words Lucy Heartfilia no longer exists." Haruka finished right when she got the the dragon slayer. Natsu was now crying yet again clenching his fists. "Just think Dragneel-san your precious "Lucy of Fairy Tail" is dead now because of you." Haruka said smirking down at Natsu.

"No she can't be I promised. I promised I would protect her." Natsu said, Haruka started laughing again

"Stupid promise at the least. Considering your the one that killed her" she said

"No I didn't! Give Luce back to me!" Natsu yelled.

"Yell all you want Dragneel-san, but Lucy Heartfilia will never come back." Haruka said. She then looked back at Mavis.

"Haruka." Mavis said with a stern face.

"Mavis-nee it was nice seeing you again, but I miss Zeref-nii and I bet he'll be really happy to see I'm awake. Why don't I bring him here?" Haruka then snapped her fingered and out of nowhere a man with black hair and red eyes was next to Haruka on the floor rubbing his butt with one eye open.

"Ow ow ow" Zeref said. He looked up to see a black haired and red eyed girl looking at him curiously. And his eyes started to water. And the young girl sweat dropped.

"Haruka!!!" Zeref said flinging himself at the girl. She hugged him. "I missed my baby sister soooo much!"

"I missed you too nii-san!!!" Haruka said. Both hugging each other(runnin their checks anime style together) everyone in the guild sweat dropped at the sight. When both were done with the reunion they looked sternly at Mavis then both smirked at the same time.

"Since Haruka is finally awake it's time we took back what is really ours", Zeref said smirking.

"Prepare yourself Mavis-nee I'm not holding back this time." Haruka said smirking at Mavis. Mavis just looked at them with a determined face.

There finished 😊 please comment what you think

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