Taking it back

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Hello minna I'm back!! I would like your opinion if I should somehow make it nalu or have some kind if romance in there if so tell me who. Arigatō!!!! Please comment what you all think!!

Last time.......

"This time I'm not holding back Mavis-nee," Haruka said smirking at Mavis. Mavis had a determined look on her face.

Natsu's P.O.V

No she can't be....its impossible Luce can't be...I promised....I promised I would protect her and now she's gone just because Lisanna put a spell on me and made me believe Luce hurt her. Luce's gone....gone forever and it's all my fault. I ignored her for 3 months, never asked her to go on missions, never asked if she was okay, never talked to her, and to top it all off I kicked her off the team and best her up on her birthday. What kind of best friend am I? Lucy's a fragile girl and I was suppose to be there for her. I grabbed my chest, what's this pain in my chest? It hurts......

Normal P.O.V

Natsu was grabbing his chest. Noticing the dragon slayers pain Haruka looked at him curiously then smirked and then started laughing.

"Looks like the poor little dragon slayer noticed he lost his mate." Haruka said and continued, "To be honest if you would've marked Lucy she probably would've lived longer then usually. I guess being a dragon slayers mate would've made the cursed me live longer before I disappeared again and turned into a baby." Haruka finished looking at the crying dragon slayer.

"She can't be dead." Natsu said

"She's dead Dragneel-san. Get over it she's never coming back," Haruka said.

"No! she's not! She can't be I just figured out my feelings! Give Luce back to me!" Natsu said throwing a rampage. Haruka walked up to him kicked him over. Keeping one foot him.

"Seriously nothing can get threw that thick skull of yours." Haruka then lifted up her foot and looked at Mavis. " So then Mavis-nee should we get this over with." Haruka said smirking at Zeref and then at Mavis. Mavis just nodded, Haruka took one step forward and the next moment she was in front of Mavis smirking. Kicking Mavis in the stomach sending her flying toward Zeref who had his eyes closed smirking. He grabbed Mavis by her neck and ripped a necklace off her neck and threw her down.

"Huh that was easy." Zeref said looking at the necklace. Haruka jumped down with her hands in her pockets, with a bored expression on her face.

"I thought it would be at least a little fun. I didn't even use any of my magic. Zeref-nii we got the necklace can we go somewhere where I actually might have some fun?"

"As you wish Haruka." Zeref said smiling at his little sister. She walked up to him smirking when she reached him Zeref wrapped his arm around her. Haruka turned around and looked at Natsu.

"Till we meet again Dragneel-san" Haruka said smirking at him. Then a light surrounded them both of the siblings smirked at the guild. Natsu started running toward them.

"Wait!!" Natsu yelled but they were already gone.

Normal P.O.V (at the guild)

Natsu sat in the middle of the guid dumbfounded. Then everyone else in the guild was crying because what just happened to Lucy, they were all under a spell to ignored there once blonde friend, now she's gone. Then someone snapped out of it and ran to the first master, who was laying on the ground coughing out blood, weird for astral body.

"First master!" Erza yelled grabbing onto Maivs. Everyone then snapped out of it and ran to her.

"First master!" everyone else then yelled.

"I'm fine." Mavis said sitting up.

"First master, why didn't you stop them." Wendy asked. Mavis then frowned and her eye saddened.

"It's no use I'm not match for them and I know it. The only reason I sealed Haruka off was because she had her guard down something she probably won't do again." Marvis said sadly. "Long ago Haruka was actually how Lucy looked and acted. Beautiful, smart, caring, loving, but one day she changed the day the love of her life died because of an accident. It was my fault, I'm the one that released my magic onto him. It was an accident, but it's my fault. If I wasn't being careless she wouldn't have changed. Now she's cold, ruthless, powerful, and evil. After her love died she started to follow Zeref well more like Zeref started following her because she's stronger. She killed thousands maybe even millions of people." Mavis said tears in her eyes

" Who was her lover?" Juvia asked

"Naru Noragami. (Don't ask). Weridly Natsu-san you hold a very similar resemblance to Naru. Here I have a picture from when we were little," Marvis said handing Natsu a picture. And like she said there was a blonde girl next to a pink haired boy and the blonde also standing next to a black haired boy and next to him was another blonde all of them smiling making a peace sign.

"What? Me?" Natsu asked and Marvis nodded

"You have similar magic too. Naru wasn't really a fire dragon slayer, but he had fire magic which is why she was able handle so well. She and he used to train together when they were little and she grew immune to fire not being able to hurt her anymore. But losing Naru caused her to go to the dark side. And that necklace holds the rest of her magic I took some out of her when I locked her away."

"What happens when she gets all her magic?" Levy asked

"Disaster, that's what," Mavis said.

"Well we have to stop her." Natsu said

"If we can..." Mavis said

Finished please comment what you think. Arigatō minna!!!!

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