Chapter 5- Introductions

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Stepping through the portal was not what Mara thought it would be like at all. She wasn’t really sure what she had been expecting, but that definitely wasn’t it. A tingling sensation ran through her body like a soft hum. The swirls of blues and purples rushed past her, as if leading her to her destination. Mara felt as if she were stationary yet moving thousands of miles at the same time, like without taking another step, she was crossing worlds.

Within the same step Mara had taken to enter the portal, she exited on the other side. She felt disoriented. The whole process had been rather quick, however it had seemed to take forever. As she looked around she could have sworn she was still back at home at the park near her house, at least until she looked up.

The giant structure pulled her right in and she stared up in awe. It almost resembled a castle, the stones and windows carefully laid out. In some areas vines had started to creep their way up the walls. The path they were standing on led straight up to the stone steps to the large wooden doors. Mara noticed the same crest above the doors as she had on her polo.

Mara jumped and whipped her head around as a hand gripped her shoulder. She turned to look into the eyes of her aunt standing right behind her.

“Come on, we don’t have all day,” Sasha said as she trotted up the steps and to the doors. “I might be able to talk like a human, but I still can’t open doors you know.”

Mara followed her cat up the steps and to the door, her mind racing and her aunt right beside her. Was this giant place really where she would be going to school? It hardly seemed possible. Natalie reached out to open the door, letting Sasha and Mara walk in first. As the door closed behind them Mara blinked, trying to make her eyes adjust to the dim lighting.

She opened her eyes, finding herself staring straight into the most dazzling green eyes she had ever seen. A tall, well-built young man had started walking their way when he noticed them enter. An energetic smile spread across his face, and Mara couldn’t help but smile back.

“Hi there,” he called out to them. “Can I help you?” His smile widened and Mara couldn’t think of one thing to say, let alone form a coherent sentence.

Natalie stared at her until she realized she wouldn’t be answering anytime soon. “Ah yes, she needs to go see Headmistress Varkov. I’m going to take her things up to her room, do you think you can get her there?”

“Yes ma’am,” the boy replied.

“Great. I’ll come back to make sure you’re all set before I take off,” Natalie said to Mara before turning back to the boy. “What was your name again?”

“Zander Delcole.”

“Alight. Zander will take you to meet the Headmistress.”

“Sounds good,” Mara said as she watched Natalie grab a cart and load up the boxes. When she turned around those dazzling emerald eyes that contrasted with his pale skin and striking black hair had once again sucked her in.

“Shall we go Miss-“

“Mara. Collins. Mara Collins,” she babbled blushing slightly.

“Right,” Zander said, his eyes shining with amusement. “Mara, shall we be on our way?”

Mara nodded unable to speak. She hadn’t been at the place ten minutes and already she was left speechless by a good-looking guy to pay her any attention. Zander led the way down a long hall, Mara keeping just a step behind, secretly looking him over as they walked. She took in his close cut hair, the muscles of his arms under the school polo as they moved with his stride, and the tight fit of his pants.

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