Chapter 8- Night on the Town (PT 2)

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Mara took the dress; she didn’t really want to refuse anyway. She looked it over, taking in the beautiful simplicity of it. Sheer curiosity and a nagging desire pulled Mara into the dressing room. She wanted to feel the fabric against her skin; she wanted to see it on her.

When Mara stepped out of the changing room, Trixle’s jaw dropped. The red silk fit perfectly to Mara’s figure just as the black dress had. But where the mini dress had been edgy, the red dress was elegant. Mara turned, showing the low cut back that revealed everything down to the small of her back. The way the fabric moved against her skin, Mara couldn’t help but smile.

“You look like a princess,” Trixle finally said.

“So you do remember how to speak,” Mara joked. Though the comment really held weight with Mara coming from an actual princess.

She was once again directed to the stairs that led up to the platform. “Remember,” Trixle whispered. “Confidence.”

Mara had no problem with that. She felt stunning in the dress, and she had already seen the faces of the people inside. She knew she looked good in it. She stood up straight, checked her hair, and pushed the curtain aside stepping out on the runway.

The people looked at her differently this time. Instead of their eyes wandering from her to the person next to them, talking about her and her outfit their attention was only on her. They had similar looks to the men and women inside. Everyone stared up at her in awe, and the camera flashes were constant. Mara smiled slightly and smoothly glided across the stage working her way down to the end where she knew Marx would be.

This time when she caught his stare, he looked different as well. He was no longer holding back laughter. Instead, his face looked completely vacant as if he was trying to hide everything.

Mara’s stomach flipped again wondering if something was wrong. When Mara made it back behind the curtain Trixle ran straight up to her, hugging her tightly.

“You were so beautiful out there,” Trixle gushed. She looked down at her phone. “Oh no! We need to go, we’ll be late for the movie.”

Mara went back to the dressing room, reluctantly taking the dress off. She almost felt as if she were leaving a part of her behind. Mara knew how ridiculous that sounded, how could a dress possibly mean that much? She wasn’t sure, but somehow it did. She held the dress out to Trixle so she could take it back but Trixle just laughed. “That’s your dress now, Mara. The moment I saw you step in front of all those people, when I saw their faces, I went up and bought it.”

“You shouldn’t have done that,” Mara choked out. “How can I pay you back? This dress must have cost a fortune.” Mara looked frazzled, she didn’t want to be that person who took advantage of her friends.

“Don’t be silly, Mara. I know you love the dress. Just think of it as my ‘Welcome to Your New Life’ present to you.” With that, Trixle turned and skipped away, making her way to Marx waiting just outside the store. Mara followed suit, the dress neatly tucked away inside a garment bag.

The trio made their way to the theater. Trixle carried on a conversation, laughing with Mara as they walked along. Marx talking only when he was addressed directly, otherwise remaining silent. He didn’t seem like his usual snarky self and Mara started to worry that it was somehow because of her. They managed to make it to the theater just in time for the movie, they had decided on “The Lone Wolf”. Mara found it hard to pay attention to anything whereas Trixle was on the edge of her seat the entire time, cheering at every battle scene. Always rooting for the least likely character to win despite the predictability of movie endings.

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