Chapter 16- Breakdown

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Mara was spit out on the other side of the crowd; she looked at the corner where the girl had disappeared to and noticed it empty save a small group. Mara looked at them suspiciously wondering how they could possibly have the whole area to themselves when the students seemed to be moving about everywhere else, covering almost every inch of space.

One girl stepped out from the small group, staring directly at Mara, plastering on a giant smile. Her shoulder length hair and piercing green eyes looked as if they held power, and not the witch type of power, the rest of these girls looked up to her. She was obviously the leader of this group, the Ladies of the Night.

“Mara,” the girl said, her voice powerful, and despite the fact that she wasn’t talking too loudly Mara could hear her over the loud music that was now thumping throughout the room. “My name is Rosemary Haiden, I’m the head of Ladies of the Night, and I would like to formally extend to you an invitation into the coven.”

Mara was shocked to say the least; an invitation into a coven was definitely not something she had been expecting. Her aunt had told her about the coven sure, and even that Natalie herself had been a part of it, but she never thought they would ever approach her, she thought she would have had to approach them. And yet, there they were, standing before her, inviting her to join their close circle of witches.

“You want me to join your coven?”

The girls all nodded in unison. “Yes we do. We believe if you chose to join us, it would be beneficial not only to the coven, but you as well,” Rosemary stated.


“We heard that you are unable to access your magic right now,” Rosemary started. “But we would like to help you with that as well, we may know a way to get your powers back to you.” The girls all nodded again.

Mara considered their proposition for a moment. “Can I have some time to think it over?”

“Of course you may have time,” Rosemary nodded. “Avaline will find you during lunch on Monday to get your answer. Thank you for your time, and we apologize once again for pulling you away from your date and the dance.”

Mara nodded without saying anything. She wasn’t entirely sure what to do next, but the conversation appeared to be done so she turned to leave. She wanted to get back to Zander and her friends, she wanted to have a night filled with carefree fun. She pushed her way back into the crowd, making her way back toward her friends. As Mara slid through the hot, sweaty bodies, pulsating in time with the music, she scanned the crowd. Her eyes fell on Natalie just a ways off leaning against a wall near one of the doors, always staying near an exit.

Natalie hadn’t seen her yet, and for that, Mara was grateful. The last thing Mara wanted to deal with was Natalie’s disapproval in her choice of date.

Mara looked around a bit more before spotting Zander. She started pushing through the bodies again, making her way towards him, finally breaking through into the outskirts of the mob. No longer suffocating in the hot, sweaty mess of teenage dancing.

When she finally reached Zander, Zeldra appeared carrying three small glasses of punch. She handed the single glass in her right hand to Mara, and one in her other hand to Zander.

Mara looked at the liquid in the cup, hypnotized by the way the dim candlelight reflected off the smooth surface. The contents of the glass almost appeared to shimmer in the light. Mara raised the glass to her lips and took a sip. As the punch slid down her throat she realized just how thirsty she actually was. She tipped the glass back, downing the rest of it.

Mara threw the plastic cup away and turned back to Zander and Zeldra. “Alright, so are we supposed to dance or something?” Zander shrugged and the three of them went to find Marx and Trixle.

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