Chapter 20- Journey

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Hazy morning light filtered in through the cave’s opening as the sun rose above the trees. Mara could just make out the outline of Feray’s sleeping figure as she lay on the opposite side of the small enclosure when she saw two glowing orbs staring back at her.

Fear gripped her tightly as she kept her eyes fixed on the Nightshade. Mara stood from the ground, dusted herself off, and walked out of the cave, keeping her ears open for any sound that came from behind.

Do you really think a predator like her wouldn’t be able to sneak up on her prey?  Mara chastised herself as she stepped out on the rocky ledge of the mountain. As she paced the area her stomach rumbled angrily, hunger finally setting in.

Feray emerged from the mouth of the cave, squinting against the harsh morning sun. “You must be hungry,” she said eyeing Mara.

Mara nodded slightly, trying to avoid Feray’s piercing eyes. She watched the woman disappear behind the mound of rocks. She went to follow her, but when Mara poked her head around the corner, Feray was already out of sight. Mara sighed and sat near the edge of the cliff, looking down the long, rocky drop as she contemplated what her next move would be.


Marx, Emmett, and Trixle had traveled through the night, only stopping once morning was on its way. Trixle had fallen asleep a few hours before while riding on Emmett’s back as the two wolves had made their way through the dark forest.

Marx had slowed as they neared a small barren gap in the midst of trees and bushes. The two wolves exchanged glances as they made their decision to set up camp and rest for a while. Emmett crouched down, lying on his belly, as he gently lowered Trixle to the ground. She stirred only slightly, her eyes never opening.

Emmett nosed around in the bag, searching for clothes before carrying them in his mouth as he made his way behind the bushes. A few minutes later he walked back into camp carrying a stack of wood.

Smoke started to rise from the pile of wood he had been working with as Marx returned, snout bloody, dropping three squirrels beside Emmett before returning to the woods.

Trixle woke to the smell of the cooked meat just as Marx returned. She sat near the fire listening to the two boys bicker about the best way to continue their mission. Emmett wanted to stay and rest a few hours longer. Marx on the other hand, wanted to leave within two.

Trixle scooted closer to the flames, letting it suck away the cool autumn air and warm her body up. Not everyone was as weather adept as werewolves. She grabbed a stick with a hunk of meat on the end and started picking off small pieces, popping them in her mouth.

“Will the two of you stop fighting like an old married couple already? We all want Mara back safe, but honestly Marx, you can’t keep running on no sleep.” Trixle’s eyes moved between the two of them sternly. They both looked down at the ground embarrassed that they had been caught arguing. “We’ll stop here and rest. We can pack up again in four hours and continue from there.”

Marx and Emmett nodded in agreement. Compromise, that's the key to all of this working. She looked back to Marx, “how long until we get where we’re going?”

She could see the calculations in his head as he thought it over. “About two days,” he said, his voice grim. “Even at the rate we’re able to travel.”

Trixle nodded, her lips pursed. “Two days it is. You two need sleep, I’ll wake you up when it’s time to head out.”

Emmett and Marx made themselves as comfortable as they could on the hard dirt, curling up like sad little puppies. Trixle continued eating her meat as she watched the boys’ bodies relax and drift off to sleep. For the first time they looked unguarded, they looked completely vulnerable.

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