Chapter 17- Apologies

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She was drowning. The waves took her under, the salty water stung her open eyes, and forced its way into her mouth. There was time for no more than a gasping breath before she was taken under once more.

“Carol!” Her panicked voice rang out. Another shallow breath before being ripped away from the air once more. Something dark darted past, could it be her aunt or uncle searching for her?

Her head bobbed above the rolling wave, no, no one was in sight, there was only water. Water everywhere she looked. She took in another ragged breath, managing to stay afloat a little longer. She thought she could hear her name in the distance, but she’s pulled under with no chance to reply, taken by the current that’s dragger her further away from safety.

This time from under the waves, she thought someone said her name. It was closer this time. She tried to yell out for help, bubbles spewed from her mouth as she pushes the air from her lungs. The water forces it’s way down her throat, choking her as she begins to lose consciousness.

A sharp tug pulls her from the water, leaving her lying on her back. The hot sand burning her skin, and a sharp pain on her chest as if something is violently beating on it. The water gurgles up, spilling from her mouth and running down the side of her face.

“Mara!” A woman’s shrill voice calls to her, but it sounds far away. “Mara, are you okay? Say something!” The woman’s voice demands.


Mara sat upright in her bed, gasping for air. “I’m okay!”

They were the same words she had said that day she had nearly drowned at the beach when she was just seven. The feeling now had been so similar to that day, she felt like she was barely able to keep her head above the water. She was doing all she could to stay afloat, but maybe it wasn’t enough.

Mara heard a squeal from the other side of the room. She had very little time to respond before she felt Trixle pounce.

“Oh my goodness Mara, you’re awake! Are you okay? What in the world happened?” Trixle was choking on tears again, but this time they were tears of joy. Her friend was awake and Marx had been right; everything was going to be okay.

Mara stretched an arm out to find the lamp next to her bed and flipped the switch. When she looked down past the blob of magenta that had attacked her she saw that she was still in her dress.

She looked at Trixle, about to ask her what was going on, but she froze at the sight of her friend. Trixle’s eyes were all puffy, red and dark circles were starting to form under them, her face splotchy, and tear stains lined her cheeks.

For some reason, her friend had been crying and she hadn’t gotten much sleep. Mara couldn’t help but feel that she was the reason why.

What happened?” A dull ache start to spread through Mara’s head. She brought her hand up, rubbing her temple to try easing it away.

“That’s what I just asked you!” Trixle’s accusatory voice shrieked at her. So much for trying to ease the headache away.

A sharp stabbing pain shot through Mara’s temples, and the memory of the dance flashed in her mind. It had been so similar to the dream a few nights before that it was eerie.

“Oh. My. God. Please tell me that was just a dream.” Mara’s eyes pleaded with Trixle, hoping her friend had no idea what she was even going on about. Hoping for the sake of her own sanity that she hadn’t been the one to cause the destruction at the dance. If she had to live with her magic blocked for the rest of her life, it would be better than the knowledge that she possibly hurt someone.

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