Chapter 19- Freak

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The next couple days had passed much the same, but as word spread about the desk incident, the stares had become more hostile. Whispers had floated around, and none of them were good.

Mara knew the silence and whispers wouldn’t last, but she hadn’t expected what was in store. After her second class, someone bumped into her going down the hall, Mara fell to the ground, and her books spilled out of her bag. It had seemed odd that someone would accidentally make contact with her when everyone had been making a point to avoid her. Even though she could feel the animosity radiating off every student at the school, she could also tell most were still scared of her.

That wasn’t the case with this person however. Mara looked up from the ground into a set of fiery purple eyes. A fae witch. The girl laughed at her before sauntering away. “Freak.”

Mara’s hands balled into fists and took a deep breath, but the longer she sat there the more frustrated she became. Mara swung her fist back, making contact with the brick wall. The window in front of her shattered, the glass tinkling to the ground.

She stared at the mess in horror. Mara had started to sweep up the glass, not wanting anyone to step in it, even if they were wearing shoes, but hoping she would get out before anyone saw her.

A shadow loomed over her, and Mara knew she had failed at being unseen. The professor from two doors down tapped his foot while staring down at Mara and the mess she had created, a clear frown on his face. He had sent her to Mrs. Varkov’s office for destruction of property.

Mara had been waiting in Varkov’s office, head in hands, for five minutes until the Headmistress had met with her. She had been met with a hard yet sympathetic stare from Mrs. Varkov. Cecilia was conflicted about punishing Mara for what was happening, but she knew something had to be done.

Mara’s powers were beyond the help of a wand, they were developed, she knew how to use them, they were just acting out. That fact alone worried Cecilia Varkov just as much as it frightened Mara. In the end, Mara had received service hours for the damage to the window, along with a couple extra hours for the desk earlier in the week.

By the time the whole deal was said and done, classes were over and she had missed her mentor session with Zander. Mara went up to his room to let him know why she hadn’t been there.

He answered the door and a look of relief washed over his face as he let her in. “I was worried when you never showed up today.”

“Yeah,” she sat on the edge of his bed and looked around the room, it almost appeared as if his roommate had completely left. “I was sent to Varkov’s office by one of the teachers. I just got out of her office.” Mara’s face contorted as she remembered the lecture Varkov had given her about taking extra precautions to control her magic.

“What happened?” Zander asked as he sat next to her.

Mara twirled her hair around her fingers. “I have seventy-two hours of service for the desk on Monday-”

“And the window today.”

“Window?” Zander asked brows raised. Apparently news of her misfortune earlier in the day hadn’t quite reached him yet.

Mara sighed and plopped backwards covering her face. “Yeah. I couldn’t control my anger again. I shattered a window this time.” She fiddled with her hair, doing anything to keep her hands and her mind occupied.

Zander laid back, propping himself up on his elbow as he looked at her.

“Zander, I feel like I’m losing myself. Like I’m drowning in my magic and becoming one of those things. Those Nightshades.

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