Chapter 18- Control

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Mara woke up irritated to the shrill beeping of her alarm clock. She rolled over and angrily pressed the button. Sparks flew from the speakers, and all the lights on the clock died out.

She stared at the dead clock wide-eyed. She looked down at her hand that had pressed the button like she had never seen it before, like it had betrayed her. What in the world is going on?

Mara sat up, her eyes lingering on the radio, as she got dressed. She pulled on her uniform and pulled her hair back, the whole time preoccupied with trying to figure out what was going on with her magic.

She glanced at her phone for the time. She had fifteen minutes until class started. That wouldn’t be enough time for breakfast. Mara sighed and picked up her back, slinging it over her shoulder as she headed out the door for her potions class.

The spot that Mara usually sat in was empty; in fact the entire table was empty. There were normally at least one or two other people next to her, but as she looked around, she noticed everyone else had decided against that table. They had instead shoved themselves in every other spot that was open, including some that actually weren’t.

No one looked at her. Everyone was either looking straight forward, or they had their eyes glued to their desks. The only person who spared her a glance was her teacher who looked at her nervously, eyes bouncing from Mara to scanning the room, never resting in one place too long.

Mara held her head high. She refused to hide herself; there was no reason for her to. The accident hadn’t been her fault; it had just been her powers coming back. These people were afraid of her because of what she had done, even her teacher was afraid. And to Mara, that was simply ridiculous.

But is it really? If that much power comes out without even trying, what would happen when I focus it? She wondered. That was a question she wasn’t quite ready to hear the answer for. She didn’t want to be some all-powerful witch, she just wanted to be normal, to fit in.

Mara tried to pay attention to the lecture, but Bendt’s actions kept distracting her from the actual words. Irritated, she tapped her fingers on her desk. The clicking of her nails on the top carried through the room. She could tell her classmates wanted to turn, but no one dared a peek. Even her teacher worked harder to keep her eyes away from Mara.

At the bell, Mara darted out the door. After she was free from the room, she slowly made her way up to the lunchroom.

By the time she made her way up, the room was already packed with students. Her friends were across the room at their usual spot, but today that distance seemed much larger. She looked closer, noticing four unusual additions to their table, Emmett and Raysol had decided to join them today and so did Zander and Zeldra.

Marx spotted her and flagged her down, as if she weren’t already going to sit with them. Mara picked her way through the crowded tables. As she passed, groups quieted down and avoided her entirely. No one dared a glance, and everyone went out of his or her way to make sure they didn’t make contact with her. She could tell everyone was afraid of her.

Mara flipped her hair over her shoulder, and with her head held high she strode across the room. She flashed her friends a large grin before lowering herself into her spot.

“I got your lunch for you,” Zeldra said as she pushed a tray towards her.

Mara nodded and started picking at the meatloaf and nibbled on one of the carrots as she glanced around the table.

Her eyes shifted to Marx who was staring at her intently. “How are you doing today?” He leaned across the table as if he were trying to get a better look at her.

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