Chapter 13- Home

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For the first time since arriving at Shadow’s Edge, Mara checked her email. She scrolled through the thousands of messages, most of them junk mail, but there were sixty-seven that weren’t. Those sixty-seven made Mara cringe, spiraling into a self-loathing state.

Every single one of those emails was from her friends, she had gone a couple months without contacting them once, and they had tried to reach her sixty-seven times. Mara smacked her palm against her forehead and frowned. There was no excuse for leaving them like that, she had promised to keep in touch, but she hadn’t even sent them one email back.

Trixle walked into the room just then, looking at Mara quizzically. “What’s wrong?”

“Sarah! Matt! How could I just forget about them like that? I’m a horrible person. That’s just it, there’s nothing else to it, who forgets about their friends like that?” Mara groaned, mumbling incoherently.

“Well, you have been really busy. I mean you’ve had to adjust to a whole new life, I’m sure they’ll understand if you explain it to them.”

“I can’t explain it to them!” Mara shouted. “It’s against the rules for ordinary humans to know about this stuff.”

“Oh, right.” The way Trixle said it, made Mara believe she truly had forgotten or hadn’t known that humans weren’t allowed to know about their world.

“And that doesn’t really excuse forgetting the two people who have always been there for you, well, at least the past two years.” Mara got up and paced the room. “I have to go back. I have to go back home and to see Matt and Sarah, there’s no way an email or even a phone call will be good enough after all this time. I need to talk to them and Natalie.”

“Could Zander help you get there and back through a portal?” Trixle asked.

“A portal. Yeah, Natalie has one in the basement. Zander should be able to help me get through I would think, thanks Trix.” Mara left the room, Trixle just staring after her, shocked that Mara had used the nickname Marx had given her.

“No problem,” she said to the empty room and shrugged, going back to what she had been doing.

Mara ran to Zander’s room, stopping just short of the door about to knock. His roommate opened the door, jumping as he saw another person on the other side.

“Is Zander here?” She asked, slightly out of breath.

The boy looked over his shoulder into the room as Zander’s dark hair came into view.

“Mara? What are you doing here?” Zander asked.

“I have a favor to ask you-” Mara glanced over Zander’s shoulder at his roommate still hovering near the door. Zander stepped into the hallway, the door closing behind him.

“What is it?”

“This is going to sound really stupid, but I completely forgot to talk to my friends back home. I know, I’m horrible, but they don’t know anything about all this magic stuff, and I can’t talk to them about it. But I was wondering if you would help me get back there so I can talk to them in person. Do you think you could help me go back through the portal? Natalie has one in the basement.” Mara pleaded with her eyes.

She could see Zander working it out in his head; he had already been trying to figure out a way to get her back before she had even finished asking. “We could create a temporary portal, one that I can keep open until you cross over, and recreate it when you want to come back. You can’t use the school’s portal, it’s heavily guarded, and you need a pin to get you where you want to go.”

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