Chapter 10- Legends

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  • Dedicated to WattpadClassofSummer2014

Mara was able to spot Trixle on the other side of the dining hall. She made her way through the tables full of people and over to her friends. As soon as Trixle caught sight of Mara near them she smiled mischievously. “So, are you two done with your ‘session’ finally?” Trixle asked, adding air quotes around the word.

Mara cringed at her friend's comment. She wanted to say ‘it wasn’t what it looked like,’ but honestly, it sort of was. She took her seat across from Marx, trying to ignore her friend’s question.

“’Session’? You mean their mentor session, right?” Marx asked slightly confused by Trixle’s expression.

“No, I mean their make out session,” she said. “There was glass all over the floor, and they were sitting on her bed super close together. Mara’s magic must have acted up again causing the light bulbs to explode during a moment of deep passion.”

Mara’s face began to heat up. “No! That’s not what happened. I was just- It was a spell- and it didn’t work right,” she trailed off.

Mara had never been good at lying; it didn’t take a detective to figure out when she wasn’t telling the whole truth. She could tell her friends didn’t believe a word she said, and rightly so.

“Fine,” Mara huffed. “He kissed me. Twice.”

Trixle jumped up from her seat. “I knew it!” She exclaimed, drawing the attention of those around. Noticing the stares, she quickly sat back down, lowering her voice. “How was it? Is he a good kisser? Come on tell me. I’ve been wondering about this for two years now,” Trixle pestered her.

“It was good, he was good. His lips were so soft, and it just felt right.” Mara smiled, remembering the kiss. Trixle made a little happy squeak as Mara talked and Marx sat there silently.

The three of them went up to the girls’ room when they were done eating. Sasha appeared a couple minutes after them, using the new cat door.

Trixle stared at the hole in the door intently. “Is that new? Or have I just never noticed it before?” She asked.

“It’s new,” Mara replied. “Sasha was complaining about how she had to wait around for someone to let her in and out all the time, so Zander made her a cat door.”

“Yes,” Sasha said. “I may be a cat, but I shouldn’t have to wait around for one of you humans to allow me to come or go. I should thank that nice young man for what he did.” Sasha lay on the bed, licking her paws.

“Oh, Zander did it, did he? It’s nice at least someone in our group can have a romance. I mean after you turned Tracey down earlier today,” Trixle said, gesturing toward Marx.

“I didn’t mean for it to go like that,” he said. “I just know she isn’t who I’m supposed to be with. She’s nice and all, but if we started something and I found my real mate, well I would feel guilty for doing that to her.” Marx looked at the ground the whole time.

“People were giving me strange looks this afternoon. I think it was because of the whole Tracey thing at lunch, I mean since she brought me into the whole thing by saying I was dating you and all,” Mara said.

“Oh hunny,” Sasha cut in. “From what I’ve heard the past couple days, that’s not the reason people have been looking at you and talking.”

“What do you mean? What have people been saying?” Mara asked, all three of them looking at her cat quizzically.

“It would seem that some have found out you’re a Crowland witch, and it’s been spreading around the school.”

“Oh,” Trixle gasped.

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