Chapter 8- Night on the Town (PT 1)

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Mara and Trixle were in their room after classes, laughing and messing around as they got ready for their secret night out. Trixle was excited to finally wear something besides the uniform for the first time in nearly three weeks. She was rummaging around in her drawers and closet looking for just the right outfit.

Mara couldn’t figure out why she wanted to find something special. Weren’t they just going to town? But Trixle had already pulled out the outfit she wanted Mara to wear before looking for her own. Mara was sitting on the side of her bed waiting for her roommate. She was wearing dark wash skinny jeans, a shimmering gold top, and short black boots. She had curled her hair into perfect ringlets, leaving it down.

Trixle shouted in victory as she claimed her perfect outfit. Mara chuckled and rolled her eyes as Trixle pulled out white shorts and a bright yellow tank top.

Mara was excited, it was only her second day in this world, and already she had two friends. She was going to see more of this world, granted it was against the rules, but Mara didn’t care. Surprisingly, she enjoyed the thrill it was giving to her, and they hadn’t even done it yet.

Even through her excitement, there was a feeling Mara couldn’t quite shake. Zander had told her he caused the dream the night before. He said he hadn’t made her fall, and that everything she had done was of her own accord. Still, something in her mind refused to let it go. She liked Zander and she had to be around him, he was her mentor after all. But it seemed the more she learned about him, the more she felt nervous.

Mara tried to shake off the feeling as she applied a sweep of eyeliner and mascara, making her eyes pop against their dark outline. In the side of the mirror she could see Trixle staring at her oddly. “What?” Mara asked looking down at her outfit thinking something must be wrong with it.

“Nothing. There’s just something about you that seems different from yesterday. You seem more relaxed, like you’re at home. I like it!” Trixle turned to her desk with a happy hop, gathering her wallet, some makeup, and various things she may need as she shoved them into her purse.

Mara did the same, checking her wallet where she found color coins and pieces of paper. She assumed they were the currency for the Magical Realm. Before that moment Mara hadn’t thought about them using different money. It was a bit of a culture shock. It appeared her aunt had already covered everything, sliding in what looked like a debit card next to an ID.

Just as Mara slid her phone and wallet into a purse, there was a knock on the door. Trixle crossed the room, opening the door to let Marx in as well as a frustrated cat.

“Well, well ladies. Did you get all dressed up just for me?" Marx asked as he stepped in with a lazy smile.

Trixle rolled her eyes and picked up her purse. “You wish big guy. What’s the situation like out there?”

“I managed to get a distraction. We should have enough time to make it to the tree line without being seen.” Marx leaned against Trixle’s desk as she double-checked her purse, making sure she had everything she wanted.

“What are you kids talking about?” Sasha asked as they were about to walk out the door.

Marx and Trixle looked between each other before turning to Mara. Mara stared blankly at her cat. How was she going to explain to her cat that they were sneaking out of the school for a night on the town?

“We’re going to Dorinyaka and we’re taking Mara with us,” Marx said.

Apparently that was how.

Sasha just nodded looking at the three kids standing in front of her. “Well, don’t get into any trouble. And bring her back in one piece. I would hate to have to explain to Natalie that I let you run off with Mara and broke her.”

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