Chapter 23- Decisions

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Despite the hour, Headmistress Varkov had still been in her office. When she had opened the door, she looked at the five students with surprise, and anger. Six students had been truant; one had caused another large disturbance yet again before running off.

“Ma’am, could we come in?” Marx asked. Varkov stepped to the side, allowing the students to enter her office.

Cecilia Varkov walked around the students, taking her seat behind the desk while the group tried to decide who would speak first.

Zeldra stepped forward, her eyes on the ground. “Headmistress, everything that happened was my fault. Mara and the others really had nothing to do with it.”

Varkov’s eyes narrowed at Zeldra. To say she was surprised by the young witch’s words would be an understatement. “And just what do you mean by that Miss Trekon?”

“When Zander heard Mara was a descendent of Urissa Crowland, he began to get nervous. He was sure she was going to waltz in and take the very spot he believed belonged to him on the High Council. After the portal he created for Mara to go home, everything changed. He seemed darker somehow, and his anger grew. When he had been caught for the portal and put on probation he was sure there was no way the Council would consider him anymore. And it was all because of her,” she paused, giving Mara a sideways glance.

“He wanted to make her pay for that, so he made me create a potion for him. I couldn’t refuse him-” She broke off clearing her throat as tears threatened to betray her. “The potion he had me make dampened Mara’s control of her magic. Anything she would attempt to do in order to get her powers in check would just have the opposite affect on her. He had hoped that prolonged exposure would ensure a permanent loss of control, and possibly even convert Mara into a Nightshade.”

Marx’s jaw clenched tightly at her words. It took every ounce of strength he had to keep silent and not rip the witch’s throat out.

Zeldra reached into her pocket and pulled out a small vial. It was filled with a red substance that shimmered in the light. She set the vial on the desk, giving Varkov the last of the potion she had made.

“He came to me knowing my skills in potions. I thought he had come to me as a friend, but he was only using me.”

Cecilia Varkov sat silently, letting Zeldra speak. When she had finished, the Headmistress leaned forward and reached out to grab the vial. She moved it around between her long fingers. “And when was the first dose administered?”

“The night of the dance,” Zeldra said.

“The night of your first mishap,” the Headmistress said, looking at Mara.

Mara nodded and Cecilia Varkov looked between the other students.

“And where is Mr. Delcole?” She asked, noticing his absence.

This time, Emmett stepped forward looking straight into the Headmistress’ eyes. “He’s dead Ma’am. I-I killed him.”

She had been taken aback by his confession. None of the students had ceased to amaze her; it was as if she didn’t even know them at all.

“There was really no other choice, Ma’am. He was attacking me with his magic. I had no other way to protect myself. It was in self-defense.

“It’s true, Mrs. Varkov, I was there when it happened. Zander was going to kill Emmett if he hadn’t stopped him. He saved Mara and myself. Who know what he may have done if Emmett hadn’t stopped him when he did.”

Zeldra paused for a moment. “I fear he was losing himself to his thirst for power. I believe he was becoming a Nightshade himself.”

“Is that how you attained your injury?” Varkov asked, motioning toward the scratch going down Emmett’s face. It had gone through and finished the healing process, but marks left behind by Nightshades, especially vampires, never fully healed.

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