Chapter 2

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I wake up as result of the alarm turning on at 7 am with the morning announcements I roll out of bed and into the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face and finally brush my hair since I let it air dry over night having a shower before I went to sleep, while I brushed my hair I thought about what I was going to say to the class since most teachers have new students introduce themselves and people are always saying how important it is to make a good first impression I will be joining the class of kids until college so it's probably best to get on with a few I wonder what the teacher will be like hopefully like Miss Honey from that old movie mom loves to watch from time to time. Next I got dressed picking out my favourite t-shirt and pain of denim skinny jeans to hug my hips along with slipping on a pair of sneakers like my favourite hedgehog says 'gotta go fast!' can you can't if your wearing heels I'm like Bambi learning how to walk in those things. I slide down the banister and land at the bottom.

"Nice form sweetie and you polished the banister to" I laugh and kiss my mom on the cheek before sitting down to breakfast the radio playing in the background, mom was nearly done unpacking all ready just a few boxes left but there would be for two people I guess I tighten my fists thinking about what's happened over the last few months until I fell my mom squeezes my hands and smiles to me I unclench and go back to eating.

"You excited for your first day of school?"

"Yeah, I'm kind of glad that Kyle says he will show me around I just hope everyone is nice"

"I'm sure you'll have so many friends you won't know what to do, just be yourself maybe I should come with you to everyone will just think I'm your hip older sister" mom said throwing ships milk nearly came out my nose when she dabbed.

"Please don't besides you start work today at the hospital, right?" I ask quickly changing the subject as I finish up taking both our plates in the sink.

"Yeah, I'll be leaving once you do sweetie and I'll be home when you get back from chilling with Kyle and Ike" mom replies just as the doorbell rings speak of the devil I grab my lunch money and bag the kiss my mom goodbye as I open the door to see Kyle and another familiar boy I think he was the knight.

"Hey Y/N this is Stan, you ready to head?" Kyle asked making a quick introduction I smile and nod putting my jacket on and step on to the porch.

"Bye my bumblebee" she cries I immediately blush and pull Kyle and Stan off hearing my mom laugh in the distance, great first Ike now me. Thanks to mum the topic walking to the bus stop was the guys trying to figure out the origins of my nickname. They soon drop it once they both let their own nicknames slip it must be a field on the birth certificate parents need to fill in.


We reach the school and I was glad to be off the bus I felt like eyes were watching me but when I looked around everyone was looking the other way, as promised Kyle took me to the offices to collect my code for my locker, gym uniform, class timetable and to be added to the register the school counsellor Mr. Mackey he was nice enough but geez did his M'kay's annoy the hell out of me. Myself and Kyle walked through the crowded halls looking to the numbers of the lockers until I found mine sandwiched between two girls that I hadn't seen before one with raven black hair accompanied with a purple hat and on the other a Blonde locks girl with a scarlet jacket, I thank Kyle and tell him I'll meet him class before I go and introduce myself to the girls I almost can't control my excitement when I noticed they were members of a volleyball team.

"Hey I'm Y/N sorry but I couldn't help but noticed your volleyball pictures, is there a team here?" the girls turn around and smiled.

"Hi I'm Wendy and this is Bebe, yeah there is a team here do you play?" Wendy asked. I nod in reply and show them pictures of my old team I was a right wing striker, we managed to win the state nationals before I left which was pretty cool. They girls seemed impressed and even asked me if I wanted to join.

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