Chapter 11

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I struggle to get free pushing through the pain of the rope rubbing against my skin leaving red stinging marks but too desperate to get away from this cage and onto the battle field to wage war with the 6th graders a their leader-

"Ah looks like my little warrior is awake" Speak of the devil he walks closer to me his face shielded by the shadows of the bridge above. I can't believe I lost to this brute I don't dare answer not sure if I'd be able to stop myself once I start he takes pleasure in seeing this.

"Now what's the matter cat got your tongue love" he teased I couldn't take it and try to move closer to beat the living shit out of him.

"Don't call me love! Don't think you've won just yet my friends will come, if they can't stop you I'm sure as hell sure he will" I growl but he just wears a sly smirk he places his rough hand on my face and force me to look up to him.

"Oh I plan on it and when they fail you'll be there to watch it all maybe then that will show you, show everyone not to mess with me" he hissed inching closer to my face able to feel his breath on my lips.

"Sir, they're here" a 6th grader warned as she broke skidding a few feet away on his bike. Save by the bell as he smirked and let go watching him walk away.

"Don't worry this won't take long" he said standing on the back support of the bike and cycled off to war I whispered prayer under my breath. How could this happened, this was just suppose to be a game, but now it's turned into a kidnapping and war. I waited and listened carefully, the meeting place was only a few feet away, Scott told me that he would release me once he had finished Cartman off, I hope the boys thought of a plan to safe me and Cartman from Scott.

Scott's POV

Finally I was going to get my revenge! I was going to make Eric regret that he ever payed for my pubes. He ruined my life now it was his turn to have his world crumble around him. I smirked as from the distance I could see him, he came alone, just as planned. Good, this girl must be very important to him. I stepped off the bike and smirked to my half brother.

"Well, well, well, Eric. I'm glad you could keep your promise and joined me for a family chat"

"Cut the crap, where is Y/N you said you would release her if I came. Here I am" I chuckled.

"She's just fine, safe away from our little fight. I didn't want her to be scared with what I'm about to do to you" I noticed Cartman shake was it anger? Fear? Perhaps I should play with my food a little more before the main event.

"You really do love her, I understand why she is a beauty, my if she was a little older we would be fighting for a different reason. She has that passion, no fear. I like that in a woman" Cartman gritted his teeth as he let out a low growl.

"Y/N wouldn't go for a guy like you, your a whiny bitch that got his ass kicked too many times by a 10 year old. I came here true, but your plan isn't going to end the way you thought it would"

"Eric, looked around. I have an army, what do you have fat ass?" I smirked. I raised a brow when I noticed him smirk and he let out a battle cry.

"I'm not fat I'm big boned. Now give me back my knight!" I chuckled until from above water balloons rained down on my men, the ground almost shook as the large pipes echoes cries of war and a choir of feet running towards us. My men were dodging the balloons to even noticed I growled understanding that the fat ass had surrounded us with his forthy friends. Damn it! I ran for cover as the ground filled with warriors of old. I still had leverage, I still had the high ground! I just needed Cartman to follow me and then I would finish him in peace. I raced back to the girl giving Cartman a knowing smirk, pushing passed those that stood in my way.

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