Chapter 6

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I woke up to Kyle nudging me awake while calling my name, I moved my messy hair out of my face and stretched as I yawned, the cold floor made me shiver as my bare feet made contact, I brushed my teeth, get dressed and then met Kyle and his family downstairs for breakfast.

"Y/N, Kyle, we are taking Ike to the park if you want to join us" Kyle's mom offered.

"Can't mom, me and Y/N are going to Kupa Keep" Kyle explained, yes I would be returning to the kingdom of Kupa Keep after being invited by the Wizard, Kyle knew this because I told him as soon as we left Red's party, he was happy to hear that Cartman did listen and apologised for a change. We decided to keep it a surprise from the others, their faces will be a picture! After breakfast I race over to my house after I thank the family once more, I hear mum snoring softly in her room, making a mental note to lock the door again and take the spare key. Thankfully I kept my fantasy outfit just in case,I slipped it on and grabbed a hair tie justincase I wish to tie it up later. I wished sweet dreams to mum before leaving,locking the door behind me, the elf king waiting at the box of mail. I skip to his side and set off for the kingdom, the elven king telling me of their previous journeys. After a short walk we arrive at the gates of the kingdom.

"Hult, who wishes to enter the kingdom of Kupa? State your names, be you friend and foe" Paladin Butters calls out.

"It is I ruler of the race of elves, King Kyle, accompanying me is Lady Y/N, she has been invited by the Grand Wizard" Soon the gate is raised and we are allowed into the kingdom. I greet the sweet Paladin who then takes me to the Wizards chambers.

"You wait here my lady, I'll let the wizard know of your arrival" Butters says but not before hugging whisper that he was glad I was back, funny enough I was kinda glad myself, sure hanging with the girls was fun but there was only so much boy talk I could take. While I waited I decided to start cleaning around the chamber since I had to work my way up like the others I suppose. I hum gently to myself as I dust the relics of mystic powers, until a familiar voice asking me what I was doing caught me off guard, making me jump with the sudden figure standing behind me.

"Oh Grand Wizard, I thought I would get a head start on my cleaning duties." I answer by turning around.

"There is no need for that, come, I wish to make an announcement" the wizard spoke. I raised a brow, curious I followed him out of the chamber, around me were many respectful warriors training and socialising while they sharpened their tools of battle.

"Warriors, come forth" Cartman the grand spoke, the boys followed the command and crowded around, Kyle smiled, he seemed to be aware of what was going to happen, along with Butters.

"I have heard your travelled whispers in the wind, yes it is true Lady Y/N is back after the conflict the happened a few days past but after learning that this fair maiden has the spit fire of a warrior, Y/N will not returning as a wench again..." Cartman took a breath and turned to me.

"Please kneel lady Y/N" I nod and kneel in front of him as Kyle steps forward beside Cartman.

"Lady Y/N myself and the elven king have came to the conclusion that for those who have the blood of a fighter is not suited to be a wench but instead, you will be further known as Lady Y/N Ravencrest, knight of the oval table" King Kyle said as he knighted me along with grand wizard. I smile standing as the guys smile and clap. I hug them.

"Thank you" I whisper.

Cartman's POV

I paced from left to right, hitting my staff off the ground as I awaited the news of Y/N had arrived. There was a part of me that wondered if she would show up? Could she still be mad?

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