Chapter 4

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Cartman's POV
After my personal defeat last night the rest of the night went off without a hitch, but now her Y/N a girl would be joining our kingdom. The sun soared in the sky, the snow sparkling underneath I clench my fists as I hear butters open the gates, a small figure dressed in battle armour- oh how silly, she think she's won that she would be joining us in adventures, oh no she's in my world now and had to play by my rules. I walk over and greet the young maiden with a knowing smirk.
"Well good morning my lady, please follow me and we can get to work" I greet and we both walk into my quarters.
"Alright your first mission is to open that chest and get changed that will be your new uniform that is a better fit for you. She raised her brow as I smirk and encourage her to open the chest. She pulls out a drab tattered gown, she turned to me not really sure where to start.
"Umm what is this?" she asked
"Well as I said that is your uniform, you see I rule this kingdom which means you need to do as I say. If you do and follow my orders to the detail then perhaps I will allow you to join us on adventures, we always need a servant to carry our stuff" I scoff.
"Cartman what the fu-"
"It's Grand Wizard to you! but if you don't have the balls to play then you can leave" I smirk as you backs down finally submission.
"*sighs* Alright, I'll change" she said leaving and five minutes later was back in her tattered, stained gown. The boys looked confused but didn't say anything knowing how things are ran around here. Y/N's POV
Great just great! my first day in Kupa Keep ready to fight some orcs but now was gonna be waiting hand and foot to fat ass all day, but if I wanna play and see some action I gotta follow the rues and work up the ranks, hopefully. Kyle walked beside me whispering his worry.
"Is fat ass making you do this? Damn I'll talk to him-" I stop him I appreciate that he has my back even here in Cartman's rule but I was playing, meaning I had to put up with his bullshit at least the others were around we could share a few laughs.
"It's okay Kyle I'm a big girl I can handle this, but thanks" we share a smile and he goes right to the training field.
"Alright, what's my first task grand master?" I ask a little uneasy when the grand wizard wore a wicked smile and my torture began, my first mission was to; clean the stables of kitty crap, then to sweep the snow from the paths and finally polish every weapon in the many chests scattered around the keep. I wiped my brow from the beads of sweat I worked up as I gave a small smile to my reflection in the sword before placing it back neatly in the chest. I heard some of the guys laughing in the training area. My curiosity gets the best of me and decided to check it out. Cartman's laughter thunders like the storms back home he must find some very amusing, I sneak closer behind him.
"I'm telling you guys you should of seen her face when she stepped in Mr. Kitty's shit it was hilarious HAHAH!" I growl and push that magical fat ass.
"Screw you Cartman!" I bark Cartman gets back up sending daggers my way.
"You disrespect my authority?! I knew girls shouldn't be apart of this kingdom!"
"Oh why don't you eat your own ass Cartman!" I snap back al l eyes on our little verbal battle
"Y/N this is your last chance, get on your knees and pleaded for me to forgive you" he ordered
"Shove your apology up your ass" The boys scoffed as I fold me arms in triumph. Cartman's face turned red his body shaking with rage, he was ready to explode.Cartman's POV
How dare she! My body reacted without my consent and burst like a volcano.
"YOU FUCKING BITCH FUCK YOU AND YOUR SLUT MOM, YOUR DAD MUST BE SO PROUD THAT YOU INHERITED YOUR MOM'S SUCKING TECHNIQUES!!" I blew my angry load upon Y/N but she countered attacked slapping my cheek leaving an after sting. I held my cheek catching a glimpse of her face behind her hair, she was crying she turned away before the others.
"Fuck you Cartman, you got your wish- I'm done" he voice cracked a little but she ran out before anyone couldn't question it.
"Good riddance" I smirk I knew she wasn't cut out for this adventure, but why did I feel bad, why did she tear up? Kyle stood in front of me a face of fizz as the others gathered round.
"Great job Cartman! Y/N's protective of her mom and you bring up her dad!"
"Hey if she can't handle the jokes she shouldn't be here, she needs to grow a thick skin you should be thanking me" Again another slap came across my cheek stumbling back.
"Y/N's dad cheated and abandoned Y/N and her mom to stay with his new family- he cheated on them!" He growled and then ran after Y/N to comfort her.
"Weak dude" I muttered guilt taking over my heart my chest growing tight, I had no idea that someone else had been wronged by their dad...
Grey clouds gather and growl over the kingdom before the weather spirits join in on the sad scene, rain pouring from the heavens the soldiers run off back home while I totter inside drenched.
"Oh sweetie, head upstairs and get changed before you catch a cold" my mom warns I simply nod and make my way upstairs my thoughts consumed of my father, thinking back to when I found out he had another family. So much pain, this must be what Y/N was feeling. Y/N's POV
I wipe my tears I had to leave before Cartman saw and made me into a bigger joke than he already had created.
"Y/N wait up!" A familiar voice called from behind I stop for Kyle and Stan to catch up.
"Hey don't listen to Cartman, he's the same with everyone" Kyle explained
"Are you alright?" Stand asked the boys awaited my answer, concerned. I sigh and nod.
"I'm alright, he didn't know I suppose I can't blame him for that just opens old scars you know" the boys nod understanding, we run for cover once the rain tramples us.
"Damn that's bad, do you want us to walk you home?" Kyle asked I smile and politely decline their offer, I'd feel terrible if they caught a cold from helping my moppy self. We said our goodbyes and headed back home. I peeled my costume off and threw it over my shower rail to dry, put my favourite pair of PJ's on and snuggled under the covers waiting to cry myself to sleep, but instead my phone buzzed after every message I mustered up the energy to pull my hand out from under the covers and unlocked it, the girls had been sending me messages to get my attention to join their group call over on skype I smirk and accept the invitation my picture joining the split screens.
"Hey Y/N Stan texted me saying you needed some cheering up" Wendy said, those guys I couldn't help but smile and started to explain what happened which lead to the girls deciding to go on their own mission to turn my frown upside down, which soon they achieved.
"I can't believe you bitch slapped Cartman, it must of felt good" Bebe giggled, I joined her and nodded.
"Well maybe a little, bet he didn't know I had a strong back hand" I chuckled the rest joining in, we talk about school and volleyball practice before Red's party became the agenda.
"It's gonna be so much fun, my parents has setted the party up in the basement, there will be pizza, party games and music so we can break it down hard" she smirked, everyone seemed really pumped for it including me, this would be my first birthday party I just had to find the perfect gift for her before Friday night. Mission accepted.
"What games you got planned Red?" Heidi asked excitedly
"I haven't planned them all yet but; musical chairs, truth or dare, spin the bottle and of course 7 minutes in heaven" the girls ooed and again the topic turned to boys gossiping about who had a crush on who, even talk of trying to rig the games to have Red kiss Clyde. Bring on Friday!

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