Chapter 9

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I didn't recognise the boy in front of me, Clyde brings me into the throne room, the doors closing behind us. I kept my guard up, trusting my gut that something was going on.

"It's so nice to finally meet you, Y/N was it?" The red head smirked.

"Who are you?" I ask, this seemed to make him laugh.

"I see you like to get straight to business, I like it. Very well I will cut to the chase. My name is Scott, Scott Tenorman." He stood up from the throne and walked around me and Clyde as he continued to explain.

"You see Cartman, he and I have a troubled and dark past, connected to each other through family matters,we are half brothers" Like it was queued lightning strikes and flashes through the window. Cartman never talked about having a half brother, but I expected they are related through Cartman's father, this must have been the son from his other family.

"He wronged me on a personal level! I know I want my revenge, and you're going to help me get that revenge." My gut twists like it's trying to order me to run as my adrenaline kicks in as his hand reaches out for me, lucky for my Clyde stands in front.

"You're scaring her, besides it's not just you that had business with Cartman" This tickles Scott as he retracts his arm.

"Ah yes my trusty sidekick, you did everything I asked, without you I wouldn't be as close as I am now to acting out my revenge, and for that I am grateful, that is why I'm letting you walk away unharmed, if there is anything left of Cartman when I'm done you may have but I doubt it." His smirk sends shivers down my spine, Clyde's hand tightening around mine.

"I thought we had a deal" Clyde mutters as the tables turn, I spotted in the darkness shadows, waiting to pounce. Scott chuckled, his laugh unnerving.

"So naive, I lied. I knew that I couldn't attend the school or Cartman would know I was up to something, so I used you to get close to Cartman, learn of his weakness and use it against him to draw him near." I nudged Clyde showing the others around us, appearing from the shadows as Scott explained this castle was under a new ruler. The words sinking in Clyde pulled out his sword and threw it towards him and pulled me along with him.

"Don't let them leave!" Scott ordered. We ran through the halls as more and more 6th graders appeared; he must have enlisted the whole year! We made it out of the dark kingdom but our victory was short lived when we heard a song of bike bells.

"Come on, we need to hide" I say as my turn pulling Clyde by the hand as an ocean of 6th graders follow close behind, I pick to move through the forest hoping that the landscape is too dangerous for them to follow through on their bikes.

"Where is your house?" Clyde's house is the closest, we make a plan to hide out at his house and warn the guys once we're safe.

"Next time you have a grudge with Cartman don't team up with a revenge powered psycho"

"Yeah I'll make a note of it" We pant the exit of the forest in sight, just a few more feet and we would be back in the neighbourhood. As we met the exit 6th graders blocked our exit, we tried turning but we were surrounded. I pull my sword out, if we're going out, I'm going out fighting. I swing my sword giving Clyde time to find a weapon on the forest floor.

The 6th graders came closer, one blocked Clyde's attack yanking the stick out of the previous dark lord's clutches. I feel a hand wrap around my arm and yank me backwards away from Clyde. I try to fight back but they are too strong, forced to watch as Clyde is taken away for punishment, not to draw a sword on their king.

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