Chapter 8

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After finding out that Cartman felt the same way as me, we decided to date. It was a little awkward, especially on our first date but soon it started to feel natural, with the amount of times I was heading over to Cartman's my mom decided to make friends with Ms Cartman, having been in familiar circumstances they became fast friends. It was nice to see my mom moving on, making friends too. I was proud of her. Whenever we were in school we would end up partnering up willingly with each other and sneaking off together to the swings, it was the same at the kingdom of Kupa Keep Cartman became more protective of me while doing dangerous missions. It was cute watching him blush or pout whenever I spoke to another boy, or how he would get flustered when I kissed his cheek or held his hand in secret. Being Cartman's girl did have a lot of thrills. Having gym today I tied my hair up into a ponytail to keep my H/L, H/C lock out of my face as the teacher explained we would be playing dodge-ball. This was going to be fun! Funnily enough Buttes and Wendy were the chosen captains, nearly picked the same exact teams, getting a case of Deja-Vu I stood with the girls, it was known I was competitive, the boys were going down. We line up at either side of the walls and stare at Cartman while we wait for the whistle. FRRRTTT!! The whistle blew and I ran as fast as my legs could carry me launching forward to grab a ball while I wink at Cartman making him flustered and secure the ball running back to the girl side with a giggle. The group of balls slapped across bodies and the floor, one after another those that were out cheered for the team they wanted to win and those still playing.

"Come on Y/N kick their ass, just like last time"

"Woo Wendy, you can do it, you got this girl!!" The girls cheered in a positive manner while the guys booed Catman for hogging the ball, I sent a ball slamming off the wall as a warning making Cartman laugh.

"Ha! Hahaha! Look at your face, Token!" I took the shot and hit Cartman on the back with the ball.

"Should have kept your head in the game babe" I gasped covering my mouth as the last word echoed around the room, the girls looked at me confused. Kenny ended the game once he hit me and Wendy who was the first to ask me why I called Cartman a pet name. We hadn't told our friends that we were dating yet. Guess the cat was out of the bag now. I send an apologetic face toward Cartman who sends a smile my way, we better clue them in. Me and my big mouth! I decided to sit with the girls at recess since I promised to explain myself. I whisper good luck to Cartman, the girls would probably come around to the idea of me and Cartman and respect our relationship but, boys will be boys. I clear my throat as the girls wait patiently. I started to explain since being surprised by Cartman's apology in the closet he had started to be a really good friend, not long after that he had saved my life and connected on a personal level with our family matters, we supported each other. He accepted me and I accepted him.

"After one of our missions Cartman confessed his feelings to me and I did the same, I was kinda glad they were mutual. We have been dating for four days now" I wait for the shocks but they never came, instead the girls gushed.

"It's like something out of a fairy tale" Bebe squealed. This left me in a state of shock, I didn't expect them to take it that well.

"I thought you guys would be mad or shocked" Wendy nodded.

"Y/N talk to anyone and they will tell you how much I despise Cartman, but the thing is we have had our suspicions, you seem to have a positive impact on Cartman, I mean he hasn't taken the piss in class or even outside in the yard." the girls nod.

"I agree with Wendy, you seem to be a good match for Cartman, you didn't try to change him or force actions upon him like I did, our relationship was a toxic spill. I wish you and Cartman happiness." Hiedi blessed. I smile and hug the girls, already working on a ship name. That went over better than I thought, I heard the guys laugh, I turned my head to Cartman hoping he was having a similar experience.

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