Chapter 7

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Cartman's POV

Y/N. I couldn't get her out of my head, out of my dreams since I saved her a week ago. Any time I'm around her I get easily flustered, when her shoulder touches mine while we sit together at lunch, or on the bus my heart beats faster while my hands become sweaty. I pray the guys don't think I'm going soft. During class I steal glances at her and class goes smoothly because of this, with my head filled with her I don't interrupt the class as often as before. The bell rang for recess, Y/N headed over to the swings to talk with the girls as I headed the opposite way, to the jungle gym with the guys.

"Dude, Cartman are you okay?" Stan asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah, why?" I answered not taking my eyes off of Y/N. The guys looked confused.

"Cartman do you have a crush on one of the girls?" I broke my gaze feeling my cheeks heat up as I shake my head for no.

"It's okay to be bitten by the love bug Eric, it makes you feel all fuzzy and warm inside" Butters reassures, which turns the topic to girls. Great.

"Guys do you know if Y/N has a crush on anyone?" Clyde asked, why did this fuck boy care if Y/N had a crush on anyone?! Don't tell me!

"Don't think so, Wendy hasn't said anything '' Stan replies.

"I was thinking of asking her out, Kyle, you hang out with her alot, what does she like?" Clyde smirked. He wasn't seriously going to ask her out is he?!

"You can't ask Y/N out!" I blurted out without thinking, causing the boys to look to my sudden outburst.

"Why not? Do you like her or something?" Shit, if they find out I won't hear the end of it, I scoff as I come up with an excuse.

"You're the enemy, you'll try to get Y/N to join your team besides she wouldn't go for a fuck boy like you Clyde"

"Shut up fat ass,we'll let Y/N decide, you know the saying; all's fair in love and war" Clyde hissed. The bell rings before I can retaliate, thank goodness.


During class I felt a weird sensation, it felt like eyes were watching me but every time I looked up there was no one looking at me, it was hard to focus on class because of it, weird. Once the bell rings I pack my stuff and head out with Kyle. Since I had my lunch with me I grab a table while the guys go collect their lunches. While I unwrap my lunch I notice one of the boys I have only seen in school sit beside me. I give him a smile and introduce myself.

"I'm Clyde" he introduces.

"As in Clyde, the ruler of the skull kingdom?" I ask. He smirks and nods.

"That's right but relax, while in school we keep the peace. I haven't had the chance to get to know you." I nod and we start to chat about general stuff trying to find we have in common.

Cartman's POV

I'm forced to watch Y/N share laughs and give Clyde all her attention as I'm stuck in this line, my patience growing thin, why was I so frustrated about this? Why was my blood pressure growing with my temper? It hit me... was I in love? No! That's ridiculous, me Eric Cartman wasn't in love. I'm a bad boy, a lone wolf! But maybe I didn't want to be alone anymore... We finally make it back to the table, I take my usual space but find Clyde has taken my spot.

"Clyde move, that's my seat!"

"You snooze you lose turd" making Kenny laugh. I grumble and sit beside Stan and Kyle. I'm forced to watch as Clyde flirts with Y/N. I watch as they giggle.

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