Chapter 5

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As my week came closer to Friday I had achieved my mission, code Red, I managed to snab myself the perfect gift for Red, a cute phone case filled with glitter and pastel colours and to go with it the last shirt in stock of Red's favourite band, talk about luck. I sat with the girls mostly at lunch and break instead of the guys but I still chatted with them, the only person I ignored was Cartman. Friday finally came and Red was handing out her invitations in class, of course she gave one to Cartman, something about if she was to have a party then no one from her class were left behind, everyone had to be invited, but in her defence it was before me and Cartman faught.

Cartman's POV

Friday the day of the party, my mom already had bought a gift for the birthday bitch, I was just going for the food and the drama, there is always drama at the girls parties, andI wasn't going to miss it. I sat with the guys at lunch there were still butt hurt about what I said to Y/N secretly. I do feel guilty for what I said, I knew first hand how she was feeling but I wasn't going to show any signs of guilt to the guys. They will think I am soft.

"Well," Kenny asked.

"Well what?"

"You know, what" Stan added

"I don't think I do"I answer as I dig into my lunch full well knowing that I knew what they were talking about.

"Cut the crap Cartman, you know what we're talking about, what are you planning on doing? Apologise? Talk to her? Anything?" Kyle snapped. I growl.

"Get off my back about it, this is what happens when girls play, they throw a hissy fit, you guys rip on me all the time.I do it and I've got to apologise?!" I argue.

"There's a line fatass, and you crossed it" Stan added, growling and rolling my eyes.

"You're not the boss of me, I do what I want" I reply and take a drink to cool myself down from this heated argument. The guys soon got frustrated and left the table one by one starting with Kyle, just cause he's so close to her. What should I do?


Once after school I walked home with the girls, Stand and Kyle along with little Ike, we chatted and said out goodbye as more and more left the group to their home until it was just me and the boys.

"Are you sure it's okay with your parents for me to get ready there?" I asked Kyle as we both held Ike's hands and swung him gently hearing him giggle warmed my heart and we including Stand chuckled, his laughter infectious.

"Yeah, of course, you can use the bathroom and I'll get changed in my room, once we're ready my dad will drop us off and pick us back up and sleep in the guest bedroom" Kyle explained. Since my mum was working the night shift I was getting ready at Kyle's place and sleeping over.

"Yeah and if fat ass tries anything we'll have your back" Stan added. I pulled the boys into a hug.

"You guys are the best" We said bye for now to Stan and headed to Kyle's house. Only having a while until the party myself and Kyle ran upstairs, my party outfit was neatly bagged and hanging from the shower rail. I smiled, my mom helped me pick it out, since it was a house party and there were games involved I went for a casual look of skinny jeans, black with little rips around the knee area and a stylish yet comfortable top with my favourite band logo on the front. I schooshed some perfume that smelled like bubble gum. Now I just had to do my hair. I stepped out and found Mrs. Broflovski in the bedroom putting away fresh, clean clothes.

"Mrs. Broflovski?" I call. She turns around and smiles.

"You look beautiful dear,the bell of the ball.Now what can I help you with?" I blushed at her compliment.

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