Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning to the regular introduction of the radio station I rub my eyes before swinging my legs over the side of the bed and slide down my feet hitting the cold wood flooring. I brush my teeth and wash my face then tame my bed head with a brush and hair product I manage to style my H/C locks into something presentable I give a nod of approval before slugging off to get dressed and pack my bag for school I whistle one of my favourite songs while walking down stairs dumping my back near the door then retreat into the kitchen to have breakfast with the best mom in the world but I made the wrong move I nearly lost my hearing thanks to my mom's excited squeal when i told her I was going to a slumber party at Bebe's house.

"Mom, no need to be that excited I went to sleep overs back in Y/T (your town)" I start while I pasionatly wait for the buzzing in my ear to go away.

"I now but I'm just so pleased you've made so many friends already" she smiled before pulling up the boyfriend card I roll my eyes feeling my cheeks heat up a little thinking about what happened when she picked me up last night meeting Kenny and Cartman to the whole walk home she wouldn't stop asking which one I would be inviting over to the house soon, ugh another thing mom was best at was embarrassing me.

"Trust me mom I won't be inviting any boys over any time soon" I say biting into my toast hoping the conversation topic would change but she was having too much fun apparently.

"Hmmm you never know sweetie maybe one of those boys is mister right, that Eric Cartman boy seemed to be a smitten kitten with what you told me about him" I sigh that boy doesn't get my heart pounding but blood boiling. I prayed for her to stop until my prays were answered until I heard a knock at the door, finally.

"Okay mom gotta go bye!" I say while grabbing another slice of toast and dash to the door for freedom. I open the door to the familiar faces of Kyle and Stan I grab their hands and run off to the bus stop.


Cartman's POV

I sit at my desk along with the others written on the board was Project, great I'll just pair up with the guys and let them do the project shit sure they bitch that I don't do anything but after a while they just give in.

"Alright class lets all quiet down unless you're blind or are now a dumb shit, but what would be new there anyway you can see the word 'project' behind me, you can pick the project and present it anyway you wish but this time I will assign you a partner so when your name is picked go sit with your buddy. Clyde will be with Token, Tweek and Craig, Wendy and Bebe.." Ugh great well I suppose if I'm with one of the guys I'll still be able to get them to do all the work by making myself team captain, as long as I'm not paired with-"

"Eric will be paired with Ji-oh my mistake, Eric you're with Y/N"



Shit! It had to be him out of the whole class? What the fucking odds! knowing he won't move his fat ass I bump my chair beside his desk I look over to the girls who are sending me supporting looks back I smile so not to worry them as Mr.Garrison tells us to take the rest of class time to start brain storming ideas.

"Well as team captain I say we do the history of Terran and Phillps-" Cartman started before I but in.

"Who said you would be team captain? there is no captain we are both working on this equally so we should pick an idea we both like-"

"Okay you're new here so you don't know how this works, I tell you what to do and you do it. Simple." I growl he's already getting on my nerves. I growl as we both continue to bicker over the topic at least the class seemed to be getting a kick out of it laughing their asses off every time we got told off for disrupting the class until the bell rang, ugh he was lucky the bell went off when it did or he would have had a fat lip to match his ass! We go our separate ways heading to meet the girls for break while Cartman followed the guys. The girls greet me with cheery smiles and hugs before asking how it went like they didn't know we were very vocal about our project after all.

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