Stitched Up Hearts and Bleeding Moons

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I laid on my bed, curled up. Antony and Val were asleep on either side of me. Primrose, my predacon wolf, slept on the floor. She had apparently kept a vigil over the house with my other siblings' predacons. A small blue and white tear rolled down my face and I slowly sat up as my eyes glowed a light cyan singed with blue and white. Antony was asleep beside me while he had his arms wrapped around Val who slept beside him, almost curled up into a ball. I had to smile before I walk out the house. "Paigey, what time are we gonna go to Cybertron's Crystal Gardens?" Elisa asked curiously. "Oh... that. We're not going this time." "Again? That's the third time we've missed." I silently nod to myself, mentally scolding inside my head as I knew Elisa loved crystals. Like Smaug does. "It's fine." I say. "Is it?" Elisa says and I look at her, wondering as to what she's implying. "You know we're worried about you right?" She asked. "Yes." "You can tell us anything... right?" "I know I can tell you anything, Elisa. I just don't want to go to the Crystal Gardens because it's too soon." I say, trying my best not to hiss at her. "Okay." Elisa sighs before she flies back to the house after hearing Griffin call her. I start walking to a huge lake. I stop and stare. It almost looks familiar and with Amarys on my mind... I can't think. I slowly walk forward as the wind starts to blow gently. My left eye turns light blue while my right eye glows rainbow colored. I step into the lake and it's lukewarm. It feels lukewarm. I start walking more until I'm fully submerged into the water.

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