Trust and Care

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Rising Dawn walked around but stopped when he heard crying. He walked around and his optics widened when he saw Elisa hunched over and shaking. The second oldest dragon walked over to his youngest sister, "Elisa?" She glanced at him and looked away. Rising Dawn wrapped his wing around her and nuzzled her, purring in comfort. "I want Carrier..." she whimpered. "I know. I want to see her too." Rising Dawn sighed. Elisa nuzzled her face against her brother's arm. Demetrius walked around, looking for Rising Dawn and Elisa. Apparently the two had went off a few minutes ago and with Griffin on a patrol with Owen, Barry and Callum, he decided to leave Paige with the other sparklings and went to look for them. He stopped in mid-step when he heard purring and sniffling. He saw Rising Dawn and Elisa nuzzling against each other. He had to smile as Rising Dawn was giving his little sister comforting words. "Do you think he would care?" Elisa mumbled softly. Both Demetrius and Rising Dawn blinked in confusion at the question. Demetrius walked over to them. Rising Dawn looked up at him as Demetrius knelt down. "Do you think he would care if I died?" Elisa mumbled to herself. Demetrius knew she was talking about his mate and he sighed softly. "Sometimes we have to think for ourselves and for what others choose." He said, gently rubbing Elisa's back. She looked at him before she flung herself into him. He wrapped his arms around her.

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