Can I talk to you?

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She really despises those two, doesn't she?

Alyssa: yep

Amber: *rubs her arm* guess that means Paige is gonna have a few fits in her sleep

June: *looks at her* sis, that doesn't make any sense

Rainbow: *looks at him* June, you couldn't actually think that Paige would start having nightmares, would she?

Pope: doesn't she always have nightmares?

No I don't

Nightmare Freddy: well you sometimes do

*flattens my ears* ....mmffm....

Demetrius: what?

I said... I said... *shakes my head* nevermind *looks at Amber and her dragonets* Amber, can you tell Predaking about what happened? Last thing I need is him getting on my case

Ein: *opens his mouth but Marley places her hand over his mouth*

Natalia: sry, Paige

I just wanna talk to Amarys. Is that so hard to understand?

Kaitlyn: *flattens her wolf ears and sits down*

Andre: ..... *walks outside*

Eric: *sighs deeply*

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