Brothers best friend (5SOS) PART 2

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LUKE: "What are you doing back down here?" My brother grumbled. "I wanted to get some water." I rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen.I opened the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water. "You and your brother don't get along very well huh?" I heard a deep voice ask. I turned around and saw Luke. "Nah,I guess we do but not all the time," I replied taking the cap off of my bottle of water,and taking a sip. " Well I like the both of you." He said with a smile. "You barely know me though." I laughed,he shook his head and smiled, "I don't need to know you to know that I like you."

CALUM: "Ready?" Calum asked,I nodded getting ready for him to kick the ball.I wasn't going to let Calum get the ball into the net.He stepped back and ran forward,and kicked. The ball was coming so fast,it was like a blur. Then the next thing I knew I was hit directly in the head. "Holy shit! Are you okay?" Calum was hovering over me with wide eyes, When did I get on the floor? "Yeah,I think so." I said trying to get up.Everything started to spin,making me even more dizzy. "No,stay i'll pick you up." Calum said lifting me up without any difficulty. "Nice leg you got there," I laughed,I looked up at Calum to see him shaking his head.But he was smiling. "You just got hit in the head so hard you fell,and you're making jokes."

MICHAEL: "He's gone!" My brother yelled from downstairs. "You can come back!" I switched my t.v off and walked downstairs to see my brother turning the game off. "I don't see why I can't be around when Michael's here." I mumbled. "You can,but you're annoying when he's here." My brother said turning a show on. "Whatever." I rolled my eyes and kicked my feet up onto the couch. "He likes you,ya know." He said with a smirk. "pfft,no he doesn't." I could feel my cheeks start to flame. "Yeah I do." I turned around to see Michael walking towards us. "What are you doing here I thought you were leaving." My brother said confused. "I left my controller here." Michael said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Give your sister my phone number,will you."

ASHTON: I raised my eyebrow at Ashton who just smiled. "What do you mean good to know?" I asked,He laughed and shook his head taking another piece of pizza. "What else could it mean?" He replied in a sarcastic tone. "I don't know," I said slowly,thinking. "Well take a guess." Ashton took a bite of his pizza,his eyes not leaving mine. "I don't have a guess,just tell me." I huffed, "Well,it's good to know because you'll be fine when I ask you on a date."

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