seven years ago

124 6 0

Maybe it was because he didn't get any sleep last night or that Niall Horan announced he'd be doing a Twitcam later. Isaac really didn't want to go to Spanish class today.

Beginner's Spanish wasn't hard, thirty-one twelve year olds trying to recite their name and age in a different language probably wasn't hell whatsoever for their poor teacher. He was starting to wonder if she was married or not because she constantly looked stressed. It was probably because of the hours she spent with a group of dumbasses in front of her every day.

Still, he tried his best to remain respectful.

It was hard as hell not to doze off or pull out his Nokia for no reason other than to do something other than work. He wasn't the brightest kid, especially in a class where he was supposed to be learning a foreign language. But he managed to get work done despite the massive amount of laziness he obtained.

Today was different though, Isaac felt as if he shouldn't go to Spanish class. Yeah, it was pretty freaking weird. Not because he was lazy or didn't do the homework from the night before that was due today, which he still didn't do. He had a strange feeling in his gut that today was going to be bad, like something awful was going to happen and would scar him forever. It would give him yet another bad memory to dwell about at night before bed. God, being twelve was seriously hard.

Acting upon his negative feelings, Isaac walks right past the Spanish hallway after the bell rings. There were hundreds of middle schoolers walking in the same and opposite direction, which made it easy for him to kind of blend in and not show how scared shitless he actually was. He's never ditched a class before, which added to the nerves he was already experiencing on an exemplified level.

It doesn't take long for him to reach the boy's bathroom, which was where he was planning on hiding out for the next fifty-five minutes. Obviously it wasn't ideal, smelling straight shit for almost an hour was not going to be at all fun or relaxing. But his gut was telling him that this was right and that's why he wastes no time swinging the door open.

As soon as the door was wide enough for him to enter, another boy leaving the bathroom takes advantage of the open door. The two of them collide into each other quite brutally, their one-hundred pound bodies crashing into each other at full force. Isaac's nerves and this boy's determination to get to class on time did not go together very well. The two knock heads, well, knock cheeks with each other. It wasn't a pleasant feeling whatsoever in more than one way.

"Shit!" the other boy exclaims, stumbling backwards and away from Isaac after realizing what had happened. All of the other twelve year old boys were staring and already laughing at the incident, which in the moment seemed to upset the other boy quite a lot. Isaac just stands there, still in shock and struggling to comprehend what had just happened. Not only was he embarrassed, he was kind of angry at the fact he was just standing there. He was making the situation worse for himself. Ah, the beginning of his self-sabotaging tendencies.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt your make-out session guys. We'll leave you two alone." one of the other boys snickers, drying his hands with a paper towel before pushing past them with his group of friends. Isaac continues to stand there with the boy in the now empty bathroom, dumbfounded that this had all happened in result of him skipping class. If he would've went to class, he wouldn't be in this dreadful situation right now. He really did love his life

"Don't worry about it, they're idiots." the boy's voice halts his thoughts. Isaac glances over at him hesitantly, watching as he wipes his cheek with his hand. Surprisingly he looked just as stunned as Isaac was right now, his blonde hair that very similarly resembled Justin Bieber's was tousled and his bottom lip was trapped in between his teeth as he nervously chews it. Seeing the boy this way kind of made him feel bad and a lot more guilty than he should be feeling. It was just a simultaneous accident that happened to everybody, why the hell was he now overthinking this?

"Oh, no worries. I don't care about them. They don't know what they're talking about anyways." he finally replies and shrugs his shoulders as casually as possible. He then adjusts his backpack that was hanging from his elbow. The other boy laughs out.

"What? You mean we weren't just about to make-out?" he asks teasingly before playfully nudging him away from him. He then walks over to the sinks and starts to wash his hands. Isaac's first instinct is to laugh, which he does. What the boy said doesn't really sink in until he stands there for a few seconds and watches him wash up.

Who even was this kid? What guy jokes about making out with other guys? Literally no guy ever.

"I have to get to class." he ends up saying instead of answering the boy's lewd question. "Even though we're already late." he adds lightheartedly with a soft chuckle, not wanting it to seem too obvious that he was avoiding it. He was also amused about his big plans to ditch Spanish today.

"Cool, I was actually wondering if you could help me get to mine as well. Today's my first day here and I'm pretty freaking confused." the boy muses, grinning a bit as he dries his hands and then clumsily unzips his backpack to find his schedule. Isaac stands there for a moment before nodding. Could this guy get anymore unpredictable?  

"Yeah, of course. Let me see." he coos, taking the paper from the boy's hands. He instantly beams, feeling no ounce of shame whatsoever from how excited he now was. "We have Spanish together! Like, literally right now we have it together. This is so cool." he cracks up, eyes briefly looking over the rest of the schedule. He wasn't really even looking over it though, his mind was still stuck on the fact that he got to see this kid everyday.

"Oh shit, really? We better get going then, is the teacher mean?" the boy asks as he zips the schedule back into his backpack and leads him toward the door. Isaac follows him, shoving his hands into his pockets to prevent himself from getting too cold from the brisk morning. He laughs.

"No, Señora Thomann is pretty chill. I fall asleep in her class all the time." he snorts as they walk toward the building he was trying to avoid all of this time. How the hell did things come full circle so quickly? Was his gut right or wrong in the end? He was now walking into class late, but he also met a new friend.

"I'm Isaac, by the way." he ends up adding, turning his head to get a glimpse of the blonde boy again. The two instantly make eye contact, his blue eyes warming up Isaac's skin. He smiles.

"I'm Sam."

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