one day ago

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Isaac decided if he was going to get over Sam, he needed to get over the conflict and stupid drama he caused.

Tomorrow was Sandra's birthday party and he knew it was going to be huge. Everybody was going to be there and although Isaac wasn't a massive fan of crowds and being around locals, he knew it'd be fun to go to. He and Sandra had been talking about this day since they were twelve years old, so he knew he had to be a part of the celebration.

He knew it was kind of low for him to contact her just one day before the big party, but he knew it was best to be late than not do it at all. He knew this would mean a lot to Sandra either way. She definitely was a Sagittarius, but she was also very forgiving and she genuinely loved Isaac so much. They were still best friends, despite Isaac being pretty fucking petty. He knew he was really going to have to explain himself and that was more than fine.

The weather was extremely cold yet so damn dry when Isaac walks into school that Friday. Of course he didn't look for Sam like he usually did, he knew it was a step that had to be taken in order to get over him. And so far it seemed to be working.

Isaac makes his way through the courtyard, carefully bearing through groups of people to get to where he wanted to go. He even arrived to school extra early so he made sure he wouldn't miss the person he wanted to talk to.

Of course it'd be easier to just send Sandra a long paragraph text apology about the entire incident with Sam and ignoring her, but he knew this had to be done in person.

At this point, Isaac wasn't scared of anything anymore. All of these confrontations and this humiliation truly did make him stronger in some strange way.

Isaac approaches the social studies hallway where the two almost always hung out before school. There was no way they could stay outside in the cold, so this was their next option. Luckily it seemed to work just fine.

And luckily Sandra was standing exactly where they usually stood, which was right at the bottom of the interior staircase.

Isaac takes a deep breath before approaching her, smiling weakly as soon as she notices him and slowly takes out her headphones.

"Hey Is." she says softly and hesitantly, which instantly made Isaac feel like the biggest asshole in the world. It was incredibly rare hearing his best friend so quiet. Yeah, he definitely was an asshole.

"Hi." Isaac responds and exhales heavily. "I know I should've said this much earlier, but I'm sorry. I'm really fucking sorry."

Sandra looks up at him and blinks her big green eyes once, mouth ajar as she listens to her friend attentively.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you and your texts and for letting a stupid guy cause this kind of drama between us. I out of all people should know how shitty it feels to be ignored and humiliated. I guess I was just so set on something I thought was true and have been wanting for years, but in the end, it's a fucking dude. Like, who am I?" Isaac snorts and luckily it makes Sandra chuckle softly as well.

He shakes his head, gazing down at the floor.

"You don't have to forgive me because I know I was super shitty to you. But I'd like you to consider it because I really do feel like the biggest dick on the planet right now. No more guys separating us." He then looks up to get a glimpse of her face. Although he said she didn't have to forgive him, he still needed some kind of answer. An emotion. Anything.

Sandra stands there quietly for a few seconds to soak everything in, eyes averting to the floor, then to the wall as she begins to smile.

"Of course I fucking forgive you, Izzy Iz. How could I not? I have no other friends besides you so I'm kind of forced to." she grins and spreads her arms out wide for a hug.

Not only did Isaac feel relieved, but he also felt genuinely so damn happy. Things were finally going to be back to how they normally were and he was so alleviated because of it. He could also see a weight lift from Sandra's shoulders as well, which did make him feel a lot less douchey.

"I'm so glad, it's been hard having nobody liking my tweets for the past couple of days. We both know you're the only one who cares about what I have to say nowadays." Isaac snorts sarcastically and practically throws himself into the girl's arms. They hug tightly for a few seconds and the closeness felt so good. Not just because he was still so cold, but because he felt like he had nobody this past week. He finally had his best friend back.

"Oh shut the fuck up, I don't even know why I like your tweets. They're boring and not even funny." Sandra responds just as wittily as they pull apart. Isaac just rolls his eyes as he leans against the wall beside them.

"Hey, well at least I won't be tweeting dumb song lyrics about love and wanting someone anymore. Like I said, I'm officially over Sam. I'm done with the idea of him and I really haven't thought about him in a few days. That's honestly progress for me." Isaac laughs and glances down at his phone to check the time. "Come on, we better start heading to class."

Sandra raises her eyebrows when she hears that he was moving on from Sam. She purses her lips, standing up straight and begins to trudge away from the staircase with Isaac.

"Listen.." she breathes out slowly, keeping her eyes on the ground as they walk. "I think it's great that you're trying to move on, but those screenshots I sent you weren't fake. I have the actual conversations on my Twitter account and in my text messages, despite what Sam said. They're real, Isaac. I never lied to you." she says and pauses her movements, pulling out her phone instead. Isaac pauses as well, blinking with furrowed brows as he cautiously looks over her shoulder.

"Look, they're right here. You can see that I'm on the Twitter app and now I'm going to my DMs." Sandra walks him through exactly what she was doing. At this point, she felt like it had to be done. She'd been accused of doing something she didn't actually do and she was showing Isaac the proof right now. "See, @samnelson7. Here's all of my messages to him asking what the fuck his problem was for lying to you. And if I scroll up, here are the messages I sent you." she finishes, looking up to eye her best friend's face. And oh, it felt great to see how confused and lowkey stupid he looked.

Isaac stares down at the messages and reads through the entire conversation he already did a million times. These messages were real. These messages were beyond real.

Sam lied, he did say that stuff about him.

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