three days ago

26 1 0

"I don't get why you're so depressed about a dick who embarrassed and humiliated you in front of the whole school. If I were you, I would've been over him the next day."

Usually this kind of advice would blow right over Isaac's head because he's heard it all before. He knew that he deserved better and that there were seven billion people in the world and he needed to move on, but he fucking couldn't. But at this point, many years and years later, Isaac really lets what his sister says to him sink in.

And he really lets it sink in alright.

Who knew his younger sister would be able to affect him like this.

Ever since a young age, Isaac and Alexis were always the closest out of the three siblings. They all got along with Kennedy of course, but their age difference did seem to get in the way a lot of the time. She was always out of the house and doing her own thing while he and Alex were at home and forced to interact with each other so they wouldn't die of boredom while their mom was out working.

Her being three years younger than him meant that they were pretty much brought up around the same culture and trends. It definitely made them a lot closer because they experienced Nyan Cat and the Harlem Shake at the same time.

Isaac wasn't sure where he'd be without his siblings; being an only child must fucking suck. Yeah, he often used to be jealous about how spoiled only-childs were growing up but he would take having two sisters to play with and rant to over video games any day of the year.

Isaac lays there and stares up at the ceiling as he muses, toying with a small stress-ball he found himself playing with more than what was probably healthy.

Alexis was right though, why was he still holding onto something that obviously shouldn't still be a part of his life? Why wasn't he able to think without the thought of Sam? Why was he letting this kid control his feelings and ultimately his entire life? It wasn't okay.

There comes a time in everyone's life where they have to let things go. Some things are obviously bigger and more serious than others, but it always happens no matter what. It had to happen. Maybe this was Isaac's time.

"You alright, Is? Can't tell if you're about to cry and in your feelings or you're just about to fall asleep. Rude if you are." Alexis rolls her eyes playfully, setting her phone down on her thigh to look over at her brother.

Isaac grunts with a small smile and lifts his head up from his bed so he was facing the girl, who was sat on the floor across the room with her back against the wall.

"Nah, I'm fine. I don't think I'm going to cry even though I want to." he snorts and shakes his head. "I really need to grow the fuck up and get over Sam though. I think you're right, Alex. I think what he did to me proved he does not care about me in that way at all."

Isaac couldn't believe he was saying this out loud because he never talked about these feelings with anyone. He knew how bored he personally got when his friends talked about their love lives and he didn't want to put that same burden on anyone else. But it felt amazing and Alexis was truly the only person he could trust with this all at this point.

Alexis pauses, slowly pursing her lips out and grinning way too wide for Isaac's liking after. It was the worst seeing his siblings end up being right about things, especially when it involved him and his stupid love life.

"Kennedy and I have been telling you this for years! Hell, Ken doesn't even know half the details you tell me and she's been nagging you about that weirdo for months. You have to get over him." Alexis tells him with the same smug smile and a firm nod. "I mean it, Is. You gotta distract yourself from him and that part of your life."

Hearing this all being said to him, especially after what's been happening these past couple of days with Sam, really did feel refreshing. He felt motivated and genuinely inspired, which was something he rarely felt. Usually it was the complete opposite because Sam was always there occupying his mind. But maybe now things were finally going to be different. Hopefully.

"Alright, yeah. I have to do this, I need to get over him." Isaac repeats, confirming it to not only his sister but to himself. He was fucking getting over Sam and nothing was going to stop him this time.

Alexis smiles even wider and tilts her head to the side contently.

"Good. Now look at the video I just texted you since your lame self doesn't use Instagram anymore. Niall looks so cute there!"

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