six years and nine months ago pt. 2

38 3 0

The morning was quiet and incredibly still, not one leaf on any of the tree branches lining the street rustles or moves. There were no birds chirping and no sounds of airplanes in the grey sky above, leaving it nearly dead silent outside. A car would occasionally pass, but the low grumble of the engine didn't last more than ten seconds.

Isaac didn't think he's ever been this cold in his life. He was wearing a cotton sweatshirt and some jeans but it just wasn't enough. He walks with his arms crossed securely around his chest, taking deep breaths to keep himself from full on shivering.

He wasn't sure if it was nerves or the fact that it was some ridiculous temperature outside. It was early in the morning in the middle of winter, it had to be the bleak weather.

But then again, he was nervous as hell to be meeting his friend in a cemetery. He wasn't sure if he's ever been to a cemetery before in his life.

He was still so confused about why Sam asked him to meet him here, but of course he was going to do whatever the boy wanted him to do. Isaac's been thinking about him for way too damn long to ditch his best friend.

The walk to the cemetery from his house wasn't a long one, again it was just cold as hell. Isaac was usually never up at this hour so he wasn't used to how cold it could possibly get here. It really opened his eyes and made the boy realize that he was never waking up this early ever again. Not in the winter at least.

Isaac approaches the gates to the memorial grounds, not finding the dark metal and gothic style crosses frightening whatsoever. Sure, it reminded him a lot of every horror movie there was, but Isaac forces himself to keep himself together.

The boy peers around as he slows down his walking, looking for any sign of his friend. The gates were slightly propped open, which meant he could literally be anywhere inside of the grounds. The cemetery was huge too, which really did make Isaac feel so much better about trying to scout him out.

He resumes his movements, hesitantly making his way directly toward the gates. The paved sidewalk eventually ends, turning into a dirt and gravel path that then turned into grass and weeds. Isaac bites down on his bottom lip as the grass becomes longer and longer as he jaunts toward the entrance. He was trying to take his time but he was also anxious about being in this mysterious and towering grass that came up to his knees. Isaac begins to think that this wasn't the actual entrance to the cemetery and was just a shortcut, but it was where Sam told him to meet him so it was the way he was going.

Isaac fastens his pace, practically jogging through the grass at this point.

That's when he trips over something burly but soft, and flies across the overgrown field. He grunts when he hits the ground, landing right on his face and crushing every rib in his chest.

"Shit, Isaac?" Sam's voice fills his ear and his mind right away. He didn't sound sad or remotely upset though. In fact, he was laughing. Laughing his ass off, at that. "Dude, are you alright? You kicked me so hard."

Isaac was still trying to comprehend what had happened, mind spinning and chest aching as he tries to catch his breath after his brutal fall. He ends up smiling a bit though, finding Sam's uncontrollable laughter pretty contagious.

"Well why the hell were you hiding in the grass then?! I didn't even see you! I was trying to run away from it because I was scared there might've been snakes or something living in it!" he tries to explain, rolling over so he was sitting on his bottom. He gazes over at Sam who was laying on his back, unable to breathe from laughing so hard. Wheezes and very inhuman noises come from his mouth as he gasps for breath himself.

Isaac felt warm all over, very different from what he was feeling before. He wasn't sure if it was because of the running, embarrassment, or the fact that he found it heart warming that Sam was laughing and smiling.

The blonde boy finally gets the chance to breathe, and when he does he takes a couple deep breaths to calm himself down.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to trip you." Sam says coolly but ends up laughing afterwards. "I didn't realize that I was hidden from plain sight. God, lets just go inside before I end up pissing my pants."

Sam manages to get up from where he had his laughing fit, dusting off his clothes before he holds a hand out to help Isaac up. Isaac does the same, brushing any gravel from his face and teeth before he follows his friend through the gates.

The two walk through the rows of gravestones and bouquets of flowers, traveling pretty far within the cemetery. This was such a new experience for him and it was eerie walking past so many people who have passed away. It definitely wasn't a pleasant feeling and he felt somewhat grateful for having most of his family members still with him today.

They walk for a while before Sam slows down and stops in front of a grave with gorgeous blue flowers surrounding it. Isaac steps to the side so he could read the stone, pressing his lips together when he reads Cindy's name.

"Blue hydrangea was her favorite kind of flower, so that's why they're there." Sam says, almost dryly. His mood had completely changed since they had arrived and seeing his mother's grave was definitely the reason why. Isaac stands there with his hands in his pockets and nods slowly.

"They're beautiful, just like your mom." he comments, keeping his eyes on the radiant blue that seemed to brighten up the dull grey stone they were hugging around. It was difficult for even Isaac to look at, he couldn't imagine what his friend was feeling right now.

The two stay standing there for a while, the wind starting to pick up from earlier in the morning. It was very cold and brisk wind but for some reason Isaac didn't really even feel it. He could hear it though, and in a way the low howling was comforting.

"Come on, let's go sit down." Sam ends up breaking the silence after a while, looking up at Isaac before gesturing over to a welcoming wood bench not far from Cindy's grave. Isaac of course follows him, quite nervous about what was to come.

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