1) Phan: First Encounter

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A/N: All the aesthetics that I will be using above are mine, unless stated otherwise! Please let me know if you'll be using it, and give me credit if you do! Thanks!

Dan groaned as he sat down in the first chair of the first row in his Spanish class. He definitely did not want to be in this class, especially in the front. He had heard rumors about the "most hated" teacher, but he had yet to meet her. From what he had heard, her class seemed to be a handful, and one of the most stressful classes out there. Dan was certain he was going to regret signing up for this class later on.

A minute before the bell rang, Phil walked in. He searched for his seat, and realized he sat next to a very cute, but also emo, boy. He was already looking forward to this class, or rather staring at the boy sitting beside him. He figured it was now or never, and he tapped on the cute boy's shoulder. The boy looked up and gave Phil an awkward, forced look. "Hi, I'm Phil!" Phil beamed.

"Uh hi, I'm Dan." Dan realized how cute Phil was, but right now, this could not have been more awkward. There was a long silence between the two before Dan finally managed to think of something to say. As he opened his mouth, their Spanish teacher walked in. She glared at Dan and Phil, as if she already knew that they were going to be talkative, therefore being a nuisance in her class. She cleared her throat.

"Hola, clase. Me llamo Señora Jensen." She continued to talk in Spanish, and the class cluelessly stared at the teacher. Dan and Phil glanced at each other in a desperate attempt to confirm that they weren't crazy in thinking that this teacher was already going to be the worst. Their glance was one that you give to your best friend, the "all-knowing" look, and thinking about that made Dan blush.

20 minutes in and both Dan and Phil were regretting signing up for this class. Not only that, but Dan knew that the rumors he had heard were true; this class definitely was going to require a lot of work and participation. Meaning he was going to hate this class, and the teacher, the most and was already looking forward to the end of the year.

"Alright class. We're going to practice carrying out a logical and fluent conversation in Spanish. Find a partner and look at your purple worksheet for examples."

Both fearing people and partner work, Dan and Phil quickly paired up. They both shared a look of misery and despair. Neither wanted to do this, but it at least meant getting to talk to each other. However, after a while, they ran out of things to say in Spanish, and realizing the teacher wasn't paying attention, they began to talk in English. They talked about their friends, their lives, and it was weird how natural their conversation seemed to be to the both of them.

The bell rang, thus signifying the anticipated end of Spanish, and the start of lunch. Dan panicked as he realized that he didn't know any friends in this lunch, and he looked at Phil. Dan began to freak out even more at the thought of eating lunch with someone as cute as Phil, his potential crush. But, he knew it had to be done, because in highschool, there seems to be nothing worse than eating by yourself at lunch, especially when you're "that one emo kid."

"Hey, Phil?" Phil quizzically looked at Dan, turning his head and raising his eyebrows simultaneously. "I know we just met and this is kind of weird, but would it be alright if I sat with you at lunch?" Dan gulped, mentally kicking himself for speaking so fast and clumsily.

Phil grinned at him, chuckling softly to himself as they walked toward his lunch table. "Dan, of course you can sit with me." He winked at Dan. "You know, you're really cute when you get nervous." Dan stopped dead in his tracks, afraid that his heart might burst out of his ribcage. His face turned a bright, strawberry red, the color filling his face. He couldn't believe his ears. He did not just hear Phil say that. Phil looked back at Dan. "Are you coming or not?" Dan shook his head and ran after Phil. Phil was not holding back, and was clearly upfront and flirtatious. Dan liked that.

A few months later, Phil had managed to not only talk to Dan more, but also get his number. Today was their last day of school before their first semester finals, meaning it was the last day to ask out Dan. Phil knew that it was now or never, so he walked into Spanish class never feeling this anxious but confident at the same time. When Dan walked in shortly afterward, Phil truly realized how hard he fell for Dan in such a short period of time. The way he ran his fingers through his hair, or the way he genuinely laughed at Phil's jokes or smiled brightly at him, or the twinkle in his eyes when he talked about something he really cared about drove Phil crazy. Dan really would be the death of Phil. Now it was finally time to tell Dan all of that and act on his feelings.

It was time. The bell rang again, and Phil waited for Dan to pack up his things so they could walk together to lunch. Phil was afraid he was going to throw up, noticing his hands suddenly got really shaky, and his whole body felt tingly. Phil wrung his hands, vigorously wiping his sweaty palms on his black skinny jeans. "Dan, I-I..." Phil stammered, certain he was going to throw up any minute now. He took a slow, steady breath, and said, "I really like you, so would you like to go iceskating with me this Saturday?" Phil sighed, being thankful he could finally confess his repressed feelings to Dan.

Dan chuckled softly as he said, "Philip Lester, I would love to go iceskating with you." Phil's eyes lit up and he breathed a sigh of relief. Dan then winked at Phil. "'You know, you're really cute when you get nervous.'" The two of them laughed, and Phil tenderly grabbed Dan's hand as they walked down the hallway together.

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